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Illuminati Writings

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posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 07:12 PM
As a handful of those who are educated in that of the illuminati, you will understand that Comte de St. Germaine was once identified as being part of the Order - a well known Rosicrucian scholar, known for philosophical writings on Alchemy.

One of Comte's most famous writings is believed to have been titled - La Tres Sainte Trinosophie. The book is believed to have been the rarest of occult manuscripts and the title attests to a deeper significance and a larger breadth. The word "Trinosophie" quite properly infers a triple meaning to the contents of the book, in other words that its meaning should be interpreted with the aid of three keys. From the symbolism it seems that one of these keys is alchemy; another Essenian Cabbalism; and the third Alexandrian Hermetism, the mysticism of the later Egyptians.

In addition to its significance as an alchemical fable, the manuscript is also seemingly an esoteric manual for the disciples of St. Germain. Throughout the book text is embellished with numerous figures, well drawn and brilliantly colored; in addition to the full-page drawings there are small symbols at the beginning and end of each of the sections. Through the text there are scattered letters, words and phrases in several ancient languages. There are also magical symbols, figures resembling Egyptian Hieroglyphics, and a few words in character resembling Cuneiform. At the end of the manuscript are a number of leaves written in arbitary ciphers, possibly the code used by St. Germain's secret society. The work was probably executed in the latter part of the eighteenth century, though most of the material belongs to a considerably earlier period.

I have been fortunate to come across an English translation of some of the text from the manuscript, the cipher used is quite a simple substitution cipher. The texts are now in posession of the Getty Centre in Los Angeles, which purchased part of the Manly Palmer Hall collection a few years ago. This manuscript, bought from Frank Hollings, a London antiquary, after 1933 (he apparently was unaware of the Hauser St. Germain manuscript [MS 210 - below]) came from the occult library of Mme. Barbe, who had it from the bibiographer Stanislaus de Guaita, who in turn bought it at the auction of the library of Jules Favre. It is a copy made from one of the magical texts in the possession of St. Germain by the owner's permission. A number of such copies were executed for the members of his Masonic lodge in Paris, and the following manuscript, as different in style as it is, may be one of the copies too. It is unclear in both cases whether the Comte St. Germain wrote these magical formulae or owned a copy of an ancient text. This manuscript was made for Antoine Louis Moret, a French
emigre to America active in Masonry and in politics.

Manly Palmer Hall [P.R.S.] MS. 209.

31 folios. Parchment. Triangular. 210 x 244 x 244mm. [Comte St. Germain] 'No. Soixante & Seize'. De la collection maconnique du F : illustre F : Antoine Louis Moret fondateur, et V�n� honoraire de la R : ... La Sincerite No. 122. Ex president du Souv : Chap : la Triple union Or : maitre, Elu, chevalier commandeur, patriarch, Prince & Govr : Prince des tous les ordres macon : et des tous les Rites : Francais, Ecossais, Anglais,
irelandais, Prussiens, &c. &c. &c. Govr : G : insp : Gene : du 33e degre S : P : D : E : Or : de : New York Etats unis L'am : du Nord 5810. Ex Dono Sapientissimi Comitis St. Germain Qui Orbem Terrarum Per Cucurrit. [Blue and gold ink on various leaves of ruled parchment. Text in cypher with three magical illustrations in gilt and several other colours of ink.]

Manly Palmer Hall [P.R.S.] MS. 210. 24 folios. Parchment. Triangular 237 x 237 x 235mm. [Comte St. Germain.] Ex Dono Sapientissimi Comitis St. Germain Qui Orbem Terrarum Per Cucurrit.

The Getty Centre have an online Library, the entry point can be located here :

The litany of St. Germain's miracles - his eternal youthfulness, his incomparable painting of pigments made from the colors magically pulled out of gemstones, his endless wealth, his invisibility, his brilliant sonatas and inspired performances, the flaws removed from the King's diamonds, metals transmuted, languages spoken, friends among the long-dead these and many more tales, and a few unflattering references in the shards of eighteenth century diplomancy constitute his whole legend, the story of a man who whispered words of un-heeded advice in the ear of Marie Antoinette and whose image remains the centerpiece of newly fabricated mythologies. There remains a number of remarkable contemporary testimonies and unsolved puzzles. As for hard evidence, there is none.

St. Germain has been described as the greatest of the European adepts. His prodigious knowledge of history and philosophy was often commented upon in his day. In a letter to Frederick II, Voltaire described St. Germain as "the man who does not die."

Below contained is the English Translated text of the manuscript, I encourage you all to study carefully. Could this ancient text be linked to that of the Illuminati?

The Holy Magic revealed to Moses discovered within an Egyptian monument and preciously preserved in Asia under the emblem of a winged dragon.

1. To find things lost in the seas since the flooding of the globe. 2. To discover mines and diamonds, gold and silver within the bowels of the earth. 3. To preserve one's health and prolong one's life for a century, and that with the freshness of fifty years, and the strength of that age. You should do your operations for the first two objects only when the sun, earth, and moon are found in conjunction in the same line, and within the same plane. As for the third marvel, you may perform the operation at any time, but it is necessary to carry on your person a figure like that which you see here.

You shall take an appropriate vase (made of any material) and fill it with fire which you shall exorcise in the following manner:

O Creature of Fire, I excorcise you by Him by whom all things were made
in order that you shall remove from yourself all phantoms.

Bless it, O eternal Father, for the glory of thy holy and immortel Name. Thou who lives and reigns through all the centuries of the centures.

A Levite which you shall have with you shall respond: AMEN. Next, you shall bless the incense and four lamps in the following manner: O eternal God, sovereign Being, bless this incense and these lamps in order that their strength and their virtue shall augment the fear of their enemies, that they may not enter herein. Thou who lives and reigns through all the centuries of the centuries. Your Levite responds: AMEN.

You shall pour this incense so blessed upon the fire and light the lamps
before your operations. The small concentric circle is the place which
you shall take during these operations. The other circle which is below
is the place to be occupied by your Levite; you shall be clad as in the
days of the sacrificial ceremonies. Upon entering your circle you shall
have in your left hand the following figure. Your Levite shall follow
you in carrying the characters of revelation.

When you shall have arrived at the destined place, you shall give back
to you Levite the figure with which you entered; then the Levite having
occupied his, you shall bless his circle in pronouncing these sacred

NOTAMARGATET, -- bless that circle -- bless it YANODA -- bless it MIOLE
-- bless it ALAG -- bless it AOTHIO -- bless it SORIDIS -- blesws it APHAL -- bless it AGEMO, bless it THOBASSA -- bless it ARIF -- bless it BADORA, Thou who lives and reigns through all the centuries of the
centuries. Your Levite shall respond AMEN.

Next you shall invoke the spirits to whom I have given the power to
preside over the hours of the night in commencing from the side where

From the side where the sun sets: ELANA, LEPAB, USTAEL, THAERRUB,

From the highest side of the circle: ELIA, ELINA, AMIGABIREL.

From the lowest side of the circle: PEDINBAD, FIALECHAM, CHARSIEL.

You shall then make the following invocation on the side where the sun
rises, prostrated upon the ground:

ARNAVIO, TRABA and ARIOT, ANIEL and LEDIMAT, YANAEL and CALMAS, LEASO and VIANOEL; we command you by Him by whom all things were made and by all the other names of the ETERNAL, and by these:

IANODA, EL MIHOLES, HOLAE MEBOTH, NOLICSAZ, and NOTAMMARGATEL who is the Lord God exalted before you and represented invisibly near this circle; let me know by a just inspiration if you judge me to be dignified by the purity of my soul -- the places where there are mines of diamonds, gold, and silver, those who find precious things lost in the seas -- to prolong my life in health and that for a century -- I request these favors to be granted without incurring danger, risk, or peril, by Y and V which Adam understood, by the name AGLA for the preservation of Lot and his family from the fire of Sodom and Gemorrha. By the name Joth, for the deliverance of Jacob from the persecution of his brother. By those of SOIGAD, YANADA, THEOS or NOTAMMARGATET, and by the other names of the ALL-POWERFUL who truly lives and reigns. Such is the WILL of Him who created all, and Whose empire endures through all the centuries of the centuries.

Your Levite shall respond: AMEN.

You shall place upon your head with your left hand the figure which you
gave to your Levite; then if your soul is pure, it shall be exalted. You shall feel yourself to be inspired; you shall lend an attentive ear to all that which the aerial spirits shall whisper, having care to trace from right to left on a brass plate the inspired characters which; you shall bless with these words:

Blessed Be PAO.

THEOS. You may communicate these things to no person because you would render unworthy my divine bounty and you would not have the success for
which you have obtained hope.

You shall then take the figure which was upon your head with the same
hand; then holding it in both hands and prostrating in adoration you
shall pronounce these characters:

In the name of the Eternal my God, true master of my body, my soul, and
my spirit, go, go in peace; retire that you may accompany me always, and
be ever ready to come when I shall call you.



posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 08:36 PM
I thought the Illuminati was Satanic, or atleast highly materialistic, why do they pray to God?


posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 08:44 PM
Who is your God faddinglight?

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 03:50 AM
You must be VERY Careful when Invoking Entities such as these! I would not Invoke an Entity unless I was Absolutely Sure of its Nature! Demons are nasty things - dealing with them well definitely bring about your Downfall eventually!

P.S. Interesting side note TETAGRAMMATON is spell BACKWARDS here!

[edit on 29-12-2004 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 04:02 AM

P.S. Interesting side note TETAGRAMMATON is spell BACKWARDS here!

So is Adonay and Omega, personally I'd being keeping away from this
stuff, not that I pay a lot of credence to it or anything.......still, don't
know if Iwould want to find out the hard way

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by faddinglight
I thought the Illuminati was Satanic, or atleast highly materialistic, why do they pray to God?

None of the members of the Illuminati were "satanic". Most of them were Deists. Deists believed in God, but not in miracles or sectarian religion.

The remaining members of the Illuminati who were not Deists were mostly Lutherans.

Further, I agree with Seraphim on the above. Comte de St. Germaine was an initiated Rosicrucian, and knew how to practice Magism safely. Being bound by his vows, he was unable to write openly of the full matter.

No magickal ceremony should ever be performed without proper banishings; indeed, in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Student was required to banish twice per day regardless if any Magickal work was to be done.

Anyone interested in pursuing the Science of the Magi should enter a curriculum, and it is highly recommended that they do not jump into ceremonies as posted above until they are ready.

Those wishing to learn more concerning Magick and its techniques would profit by reading "The Golden Dawn" by Dr. Israel Regardie.

[edit on 29-12-2004 by Masonic Light]

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Seraphim_Serpente
You must be VERY Careful when Invoking Entities such as these! I would not Invoke an Entity unless I was Absolutely Sure of its Nature! Demons are nasty things - dealing with them well definitely bring about your Downfall eventually!

P.S. Interesting side note TETAGRAMMATON is spell BACKWARDS here!

[edit on 29-12-2004 by Seraphim_Serpente]

Agreed. To those who think the verbage of the initial post is Christian, remember the Bible's references to practicing sorcery. Invocation is an ugly thing. Don't do this.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by saint4God

Agreed. To those who think the verbage of the initial post is Christian, remember the Bible's references to practicing sorcery. Invocation is an ugly thing. Don't do this.

The above is not "sorcery", it is Magick, i.e., the Science of the Magi. The Gospel of Matthew hints that the Magi, who were the first Gentiles to acknowledge Christ, possessed superior esoteric knowledge.

Secondly, "invocation" simply means prayer, and there's certainly nothing ugly about it.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Seraphim_Serpente
You must be VERY Careful when Invoking Entities such as these! I would not Invoke an Entity unless I was Absolutely Sure of its Nature! Demons are nasty things - dealing with them well definitely bring about your Downfall eventually!

P.S. Interesting side note TETAGRAMMATON is spell BACKWARDS here!

[edit on 29-12-2004 by Seraphim_Serpente]

More interesting is that Adonay and Elohim (misspelled ) is backwards also

"bless it YANODA -- bless it MIOLE "

But it is curious that "the name of God" is backwards (though misspelled also)

[edit on 29-12-2004 by NetStorm]

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by NetStorm
More interesting is that Adonay and Elohim (misspelled ) is backwards also

"bless it YANODA -- bless it MIOLE "

But it is curious that "the name of God" is backwards (though misspelled also)

This is perhaps an error concerning transliterating from the Hebrew. Hebrew is written from right to left; when transliterating, the letters must be reversed when written in English. It is possible that the translator here neglected this.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 01:35 PM
Quote: "So is Adonai and Omega."

Hmm... Well look at that - looks like your are right!

Masonic Light is also correct! Banishing Rituals must always be done! If you are doing to do this stuff - it ABSOLUTLEY must be done Correctly & Precisely! Doing it in a Sloppy Manner is NOT RECOMENDED!

Can you even Imagine Un-Leashing a Demon into your Dimension/Reality & not being able to Control it? Having it escape & run wild in the World? That is just plain UNRESPONSIBLE! Leave the Sorcery to the Professionals kids!

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
The above is not "sorcery", it is Magick, i.e., the Science of the Magi. The Gospel of Matthew hints that the Magi, who were the first Gentiles to acknowledge Christ, possessed superior esoteric knowledge.

Secondly, "invocation" simply means prayer, and there's certainly nothing ugly about it.

Let's see what the dictionary says:

Main Entry: sor�cery
Pronunciation: -rE
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sorcerie, from Middle French, from sorcier sorcerer, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin sortiarius, from Latin sort-, sors chance, lot -- more at SERIES
1 : the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining : NECROMANCY
2 : MAGIC 2a

Hey, would you look at that? It do say Magic. Oh, and then there's:

Main Entry: in�vo�ca�tion
Pronunciation: "in-v&-'kA-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English invocacioun, from Middle French invocation, from Latin invocation-, invocatio, from invocare

2 : a formula for conjuring : INCANTATION

Hm, odd...well, just in case one is not familiar with Incantation:

Main Entry: in�can�ta�tion
Pronunciation: "in-"kan-'tA-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English incantacioun, from Middle French incantation, from Late Latin incantation-, incantatio, from Latin incantare to enchant -- more at ENCHANT
: a use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic; also : a written or recited formula of words designed to produce a particular effect
- in�can�ta�tion�al /-shn&l, -sh&-n&l/ adjective
- in�can�ta�to�ry /in-'kan-t&-"tOr-E, -"tor-/ adjective

I believe I've used my words correctly. To trivialize these acts is dangerous.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 02:48 PM

Such dictionaries are in general not written by people who understand, or even know anything about, Magick. In most cases, dictionary entries concerning such things are irrelevant, as they are based on popular superstitions concerning Magick, instead of the real thing.


posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 03:38 PM
Fantastic Response, and yes Masonic Light you were right - there has been some error in the translation of the text. A brilliant observation on the fact that this isn't "Praying to God" as previously stated by Faddinglight.

I would be interested in conversing with you further on the subject Masonic Light, please U2U me.


posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 07:37 PM
Interesting thread.

Here's some info on St. Germaine, from the Glossary of Gnostic Terminology:

St. Germain: "The Count of St. Germain, Master of Cagliostro, rejuvenated himself at will and appeared and disappeared instantaneously when it was least expected. The Count of St. Germain even gave himself the luxury of passing as dead and, after entering into the sepulchre, was able to escape from it by placing his body into �Jinn� state. There exists the belief that he was born in Jerusalem and that he had an age of more than 2000 or 3000 years. We know that the Count of St. Germain lives with the same physical body. This great Master worked with the Arcanum A.Z.F., that is to say, he practised sexual magic intensely. Thus, this is the reason for his power. This is why he received the Elixir of Longevity." - The Aquarian Message

And one of his disciples:

Cagliostro: "Cagliostro was a disciple of Count Saint Germain. Cagliostro was an alchemist; he transmuted the lead into gold and made genuine diamonds. This Master was known in the distinct places of the world, under different names in different countries. He was known with the following names: Tis-chio, Milissa, Belonte, D�anna, Fenix, Pellegrini, Balsamo, Mesmer, Harut and Cagliostro. This famous historical lineage was recorded by Alexandre Dumas in his work entitled, The Queens Necklace. Cagliostro had many Alchemist disciples in Strasbourg. He was judged and persecuted by the Inquisition, sent into the bastille and later into the fortress of Leone. The Inquisition condemned him to death, but the enigmatic and powerful Count Cagliostro mysteriously disappeared from the prison. Death could not do anything to Cagliostro." - The Aquarian Message

And from what I understand; the likes of Israel Regardie, Franz Bardon, and Aleister Crowley recommended things like masturbation(and homosexuality in Crowley's case) in their writings and/or philosophy; and even utilized bodily fluids such as excrement and semen in their magic"k"al operations; which, would show and prove them to be black magicians.

As far as Western magic is concerned, I would say that it would be safer to go with Samael Aun Weor, Dion Fortune, "M", and Manly P. Hall for info.

Here are some tips on clearing the atmosphere, as to be able to perform esoteric practices safely: The Gnostic Home (Though I wonder what he means by "Afro-Cuban music"?)

An excerpt:

Magical Seals

Those who tread the Path are usually attacked by the Tenebrous ones when they go to sleep. Temples of Black Magic exist in the Internal Worlds and, of course, their tenebrous members send certain very beautiful and seductive Black Sorceresses, to where the student is, with the only purpose of making him fall sexually. They know that if the student spills the Seminal Liquid, the Kundalini descends and the weak and unwary student loses his power.
� Logos Mantram Theurgy

It is highly recommended that you seal your house every night, or every time you intend to meditate or sleep. There are several methods to conjure and seal your home or room, and they all work. The simplest is presented here.

Any magic circle or seal is broken when the threshold is crossed. If you seal your home and then someone goes in or out, the seal is broken. It will be necessary to seal it again.

It is also understood that a seal is made stronger with closed doors and windows. However, it is not required: one can seal a space that has no doors or windows, but it is not as secure. For a space without a door or window, or in which one must remain open, place a pentagram there as described below. Your seal will be made stronger if there are pentagrams at doors and windows, whether they are open or closed. (See below).

It is very important that this practice be done with full awareness and presence. It is only effective when the consciousness is implementing it. If we are distracted, it will have no force.

When you trace around yourself a Magic Circle, whether it is with your sword, with your willpower and imagination united in vibrating harmony, or with both at the same time, you must pronounce the following Mantras: Helion, Melion, Tetragrammaton.

The Magician defends himself against attacks from the demons with the Magic Circle and the Esoteric Pentagram.- Occult Medicine and Practical Magic

Stand in the most used doorway or entrance to your room or home. Cross your arms over your chest in the Egyptian manner (right arm over left). Pray to your inner Father and Mother for help, asking them to cleanse your home and to protect you.

Turn 45 degrees to the right. Place your left hand on your solar plexus and your right hand aloft, with the thumb, index and middle fingers raised, and the two remaining fingers down.

Close your eyes and visualize your Elemental Advocate coming out of you with a flaming sword and passing throughout your residence ejecting any and all unwanted entities: astral parasites, harmful elementals, witches, warlocks, vampires, dead personalities, etc etc. Speak aloud the following conjuration:

In the name of Jupiter, Father of the Gods, I conjure thee, Te Vigos Co Slim!

Turn 45 degrees to the right. Continue the visualization and repeat the conjuration again.

Turn 45 degrees to the right. Continue the visualization and repeat the conjuration again.

Turn 45 degrees to the right. You should now be facing the doorway. Continue the visualization and repeat the conjuration again.

Cross your arms again, and visualize your Elemental Intercessor creating a flaming barrier all around the room or house. Thank you divine parents, and retire to your practices in safety.

If you are undergoing intense attacks of any kind or believe your home is still being invaded in spite of the practice given here, it is recommended that you then utilize the Conjuration of the Four, the Conjuration of the Seven and the Invocation of Solomon, finishing with the Magic Circle.

Once sealed, persons in the astral plane can only enter if invited (thus the ancient tradition regarding vampires: it is true that they can only enter if we allow them to). However, the black magicians utilize many tools in order to be invited into our homes. They may appear to us as loved ones, as our spouse, as our lustful ideal, as a trusted friend, etc.

Our space is only as secure as our psyche. If we are vulnerable psychologically through particular egos, those egos can be utilized by black magicians in order to enter into our homes within the astral plane. As Dion Fortune notes in her excellect Psychic Self-defense, the most commonly used egos for psychic attacks are fear and lust. If we are feeding egos of lust daily, the black magicians can easily be aware of it and may approach our homes in the astral plane and use those egos in order to enter into our homes and cause great damage to our Work. They may also cause us to be afraid of them, and we will open our homes because of fear.

There is no need to be afraid of black magicians, for they are truly weak souls who prey upon the weak. With the tools given in the Gnostic tradition and the power of the Being, no black magician can stand against us. Our ego is the only real problem, and that should be the focus of our attention. If we reduce the ego to dust, there is nothing the black magicians can do to us. So long as the ego is alive, we remain vulnerable.

We need to learn to rely on our Being, to be prudent, and to discriminate all phenomenon. Do not take anything at face value; always question what you perceive. In all cases, before all appearances, pray and remember Him, with full awareness that nothing is as it seems. Developing this point of view strengthens our defenses and makes us less vulnerable. However, it is also important to avoid entering into paranoia. Be attentive, pray and do not worry.

It is very important that we remain highly attentive to our psychological vulnerabilities in order to develop a well-defended psychological and physical home.


posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

And from what I understand; the likes of Israel Regardie, Franz Bardon, and Aleister Crowley recommended things like masturbation(and homosexuality in Crowley's case) in their writings and/or philosophy; and even utilized bodily fluids such as excrement and semen in their magic"k"al operations; which, would show and prove them to be black magicians.

Regardie did none of the above; his techniques were orthodox Golden Dawn.

As for Bardon and Regardie, it is true that they reinforced the magickal force inherent in sexual fluids, but not excrement. This latter charge was an invention of the yellow press, who did not understand exactly why the sex magicians considered sperm and ovum to be magickal, and therefore imagined that the adoration consisted of blasphemy.

Also, it should be noted Crowley's method of sex magick was not original with him: his teachings were little more than what can be found in the Kama Sutra and other writings of Kundalini Yoga. The primary symbol of Kundalini Yoga is the god Shiva sitting in the full lotus position, copulating with the goddess Shakti, who strides him. Kundalini Yoga is one of the world's oldest forms of mysticism, and is not black magic.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 09:14 PM
Peace Masonic Light

Originally posted by Masonic Light
Regardie did none of the above; his techniques were orthodox Golden Dawn.

I digress here, as what I said may only be hearsay(hence the: "from what I understand").

As for Bardon and Regardie, it is true that they reinforced the magickal force inherent in sexual fluids, but not excrement. This latter charge was an invention of the yellow press, who did not understand exactly why the sex magicians considered sperm and ovum to be magickal, and therefore imagined that the adoration consisted of blasphemy.

Adoration itself isn't necessarily the problem; but what type of "adoration" are we talking about.....?

Also, it should be noted Crowley's method of sex magick was not original with him

True indeed.

Black Magic(or any other form of Magic) pre-dates Western/European occultism for sure.

his teachings were little more than what can be found in the Kama Sutra and other writings of Kundalini Yoga. The primary symbol of Kundalini Yoga is the god Shiva sitting in the full lotus position, copulating with the goddess Shakti, who strides him. Kundalini Yoga is one of the world's oldest forms of mysticism, and is not black magic.

You're preaching to the choir here.

I know that Kundalini Yoga and Sexual Tantric practices themselves aren't black magic.

But Aleister Crowley's sex-rituals are indeed black-magic. Similiar to the practices of the Dag or Dad Dugpas(A.K.A. Brugpas) and certain Bon sects of Tibet; and also, the many Schools of black magic that exist throughout India.

Dag Dugpa: A large sect which broke from the Kagyug-pa "the Ones of the Oral Tradition." They considered themselves as the heirs of the indian Gurus: their Teaching, which goes back to Vajradhara, was conveyed through Dakini, from Naropa to Marpa and then to the ascetic and mystic poet Milarepa. Later on, Milarepa's disciples founded new monasteries, and new threads appeared, among which are the Karmapa and the Brugpa (also called Dugpa or Dad Dugpa). All those schools form the Kagyug-pa order, in spite of episodic internal quarrels and extreme differences in practice. The Dag Dugpa sect is recognized by their ceremonial large red hats.They have established a particular worship of the Dorje (Vajra, or thunderbolt, a symbol of the phallus), which descended from heaven and fell upon the earth at S�ra in Eastern Tibet. Samael Aun Weor wrote repeatedly in many books that the Dag Dugpas practice and teach Black Tantrism.

...However, the Black Yogis(My Notes: as in "Black-Magic") from the Klan of Dagdugpa never perform the contact of the Solar and Lunar Atoms inside the organism; they always do it outside the organism.

These Black Yogis (Asura Samphata) commit the crime of ejaculating the Semen (Shuhra) during the Maithuna. They do this in order to mix their semen with feminine Raja. Thus, this is how they achieve the contact of the Solar and Lunar Atoms within the same woman�s Yoni.

Undoubtedly, the most difficult thing for these Red Hat Bons and Dugpas is the reabsorbing of the Seminal Liquid after having ejaculated it.

A certain terribly malignant psychic type of force exists in this reabsorbing process.

Incorrectly applied, the Vajroli Mudra (in combination with their Mental Force) allows these Red Hat Bons and Dugppas to absorb their spilled Seminal Liquor through their urethra.

During the ordinary sexual contact the Intellectual Animal spills millions of Solar Atoms of very high voltage. These are immediately replaced by billions of Satanic Atoms from the Secret Enemy, and these are collected from within the Atomic Infernos of the human being by means of the process of contraction (orgasm) of the sexual organs after the coitus.

The authentic Tantric practices of White Magic that have been preserved in almost all cultures of the world, are void of the following things: Spillage of the semen, extra-vaginal unions, masturbation, and homosexuality. It looks like Crowley strikes out on all of them.

The authentic Kundalini Yoga/Tantra Yoga of Shiva/Shakti, Ausar/Auset, Avalokitesvara/Tara, etc. is Pure White Magic and teaches Man how to reclaim his divinity.

Degenerate people like Crowley and Osho are black magicians and only teach people how to feed the ego of lust and awaken negatively as demons. Such people end up in The Abyss.

On the other hand; the likes of Samael Aun Weor and the Dalai Lamas teach us how to liberate ourselves from Samsara.
How could one do so if they are not eliminating Lust?

"By relying upon an external consort... who has matured through Tantric Initiation, the yogi on the highest levels of the completion stage is led to Great Bliss... For this practice one must understand the oral instructions well and have complete control of the vital energies..."
- The Second Dalai Lama

"Never have I slept without a sweetheart
Nor have I spent a single drop of sperm."
- The Sixth Dalai Lama

"The sexual act performed normally may give a slight notion of the nature of this higher consciousness, but more than that it cannot do, since the energy, instead of being trapped and put to use, is expended� creating a new physical body instead of spiritual consciousness."
- Thubten Jigme Norbu

I highly recommend the following lectures:

The Forms of Tantrism

Alchemy and Tantra

(Note that Padmasambhava(Guru Rinpoche, said founder of Tibetan Buddhism) himself is wearing a red hat.
Not all "Red Hats" are black-magicians.)


posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 12:12 AM

As for Bardon and Regardie, it is true that they reinforced the magickal force inherent in sexual fluids, but not excrement. This latter charge was an invention of the yellow press, who did not understand exactly why the sex magicians considered sperm and ovum to be magickal, and therefore imagined that the adoration consisted of blasphemy.

Please note that in the first sentence above, I meant to say "As for Bardon and Crowley", lol.

Tamahu wrote:

Adoration itself isn't necessarily the problem; but what type of "adoration" are we talking about.....?

That's sort of a mystery. The so-called "Caliphate Ordo Templi Orientis" has interpreted this to mean consumption of sexual fluids by performing cunnilingus on the female partner following intercourse. It does seem that Crowley implied this in his writings; but there a few other things to consider.

The sex magicians view the combination of sperm and ovum as being holy because this union produces the miracle of human life; therefore, it is the ultimate form of Magick, in the practical sense. The Caliphate OTO, who agrees with this, considers the consumption the "true" Eucharist, which the Christian Eucharist only symbolizes.

Although it sounds sort of gross, it makes logical sense. It's certainly understandable why they call this union the "Elixir of Life" in that regard.

The problem is that there is a good chance that Crowley was just joking. He is notorious for lacing his writings with "hidden traps" which are just waiting for some buffoon to fall into. And, although he hints around that the sexual fluids are the Eucharist, he also hints in other places that they are only symbolic of the Eucharist, i.e., that he and his followers practiced something much different and much less weird, while playing a prank on us about it.

Indeed, in his "The Book of Thoth", Crowley relates that the most admirable quality of the French occult author Eliphas Levi was his ability to make fools of his readers posthumously. Later in the book, he jokingly mentions that he was called by God to continue Levi's work, and embrace his qualities.

Unfortunately, we may never know what Crowley and his immediate students were up to. The Caliphate OTO claims succession through Karl Germer, but this claim is false. They list Germer as Crowley's successor in OTO, and after him, Grady McMurtry. The problem with that claim is that there exists a letter from Germer to Phyllis Sickler where he states that he was never the head of the OTO, and had no interest in OTO. Crowley left the A.'.A.'. in Germer's hands, but the OTO went defunct.

Therefore, the current OTO seems to be almost entirely the creation of McMurtry, and it is very possible that he misunderstood the whole thing.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:39 AM
Wow you seem to know alot about the history of these things.

I've heard that the O.T.O. used to be very similiar to the authentic ancient Gnostic Schools, but then it degenerated into a school of black-magic, after a certain black-magician(Aleister Crowley I assume) ruined the teachings.

As you can clearly see the contrast between "White Tantra"(Samael Aun Weor and the Dalai Lama's practices) and "Black Tantra"(such as Crowley and the Dugpa's practices) as posted above.

Whether he was as bad as people claim or not; Crowley would have to have been doing a hell of alot of 'joking', if he wasn't really a black-magician.

And speaking of Eliphas Levi; have you ever heard or read anything about this?:

Levi, Eliphas: "The teachings of Eliphas Levi are mixed with something impure. Rudolf Steiner asseverates that Eliphas Levi was twice reincarnated as a priest in a Mexican tribe. This tribe, after having culminated in splendours of wisdom and glory, finally came to enter into decay and witchcraft. So, this soul who later in time was born with the name of Eliphas Levi, nourished himself in that Mexican epoch with that impure knowledge. Thus, this is the only way for us to have a logical explanation of the great errors in which the Abbe Alphonse Louis Constant (Eliphas Levi) falls into. We clarify: We do not want to say that Eliphas Levi is a Black Magician, he is not, he is a Master, but what we affirm is that his books, in spite of having that seal of grandiosity, are mingled with a lot of impure knowledge. This is all." - The Aquarian Message

Egregore: From The Aquarian Message: "Eliphas Levi commits the mistake of commenting about an apocryphal document of Enoch, and falsely judging the twenty Egregores who descended upon Ardis, which is the top of the Mount Armon and dogmatically condemning them by qualifying them as demons... Azasel is an Egregore who gave great assistance to humanity. Azasel was the king Solomon. Actually, the Bodhisattva of Azasel is fallen, but it is logical that, in the close future, this Bodhisattva will rise from the clay of the earth again. All the angels of families, angels of countries, angels of tribes, etc. are Egregores. We find written in the Theosophical Glossary of H.P.B the following: �Egregores� from the Greek Egregori, �watcher.� Eliphas Levi calls them �the chiefs of the souls who are the spirits of energy and action�; whatever that may or may not mean. The Oriental Occultists describe the Egregores as �Beings whose bodies and essence is a tissue of the so-called Astral Light. They are the shadows (Bodhisattvas) of the higher Planetary Spirits whose bodies are of the essence of the higher divine light.� The Book of Enoch gives the name Egregores to the angels who married the daughters of Seth and who begot with them giants as children."

Four Rivers of Eden: "And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. The land of Havilah is our own physical body, and the gold of this land is the solar atoms from our seminal system, that is to say, the semen�s potable gold. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. This second river is the Cephalo-Rachis liquid, which is the other pole of our seminal system. With it we encompass the whole land of Ethiopia, that is to say, the whole of our head and throat, since we form the brain and throat with the Cephalo-Rachis liquid. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates. (Genesis 2:10-14) The river which goes toward the east of Assyria and the river Euphrates are the two poles of the woman�s seminal system. Therefore, the woman is towards the east of us, because she is the door of Paradise and this door is always towards the east. Eden is sex itself. Thus, the Tree of Life is within Eden itself. The great Hierophant Eliphas Levi said that the Great Magical Arcanum is the Tree of Life and that �at the foot of this Tree is the source of the four mysterious rivers of Eden.� Yet, he fearfully says in a moment of consternation: �Here I must pause, and I fear that already I have said too much.� This is the formidable, unutterable secret which no Initiate has ever dared to reveal. This is the formidable secret of the �Great Arcanum.� The four rivers of Eden are the sexual forces of man and woman. The Tree of Life is in the midst of these four rivers of Eden." - The Revolution of Beelzebub

Man, that website is chock full of esoteric knowledge.

Just thought I'd drop some of it here, as it applies to the discussion.


posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:42 AM

[edit on 30-12-2004 by Tamahu]

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