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G.O.D. is What Is Wrong With This Planet...

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posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

Greed and arrogance are the real problems. If gold, oil, and diamonds never existed, it would be something else.

You are right about that

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

Typically people that decide to focus on a dot instead of the big picture do so out of guilt.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: stolencar18

Why am I hypocrite because I tell people certain people place more value on material things rather than life? I just wanted to simplify things for you? Sadly, it did not help, oh well.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: justQ

And how does that point change the OP?

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: IlluminatiTechnician

originally posted by: Char-Lee
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

I do not think you do either, do you?

I am a vegetarian, I recycle and reuse and never waste. I value non material things and refuse to build up a pile of nice crap...I live outside the world mostly but I would never leave myself off the "list' unless I got rid of my TV, my computer, my vehicle stopped using any can or product or fuel that means industry had to make it or that damaged the planet in any way...we are all responsible everyone together but a few very special people out there.

You poop, it gets flushed, and ends up in a river or the ocean somewhere....that's waste.

Only just got your joke

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: soulpowertothendegree
a reply to: Realtruth

Typically people that decide to focus on a dot instead of the big picture do so out of guilt.

So release yourself from the guilt and enjoy life.

Stop hating the haters, and having disdain for people that choose a certain lifestyle.

Trying to shame a particular group, or belief is like trying to shame a religious cult into believing their dogmas are incorrect.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

If it's love then show it, live it and be it. So far your responses/actions don't seem to emanate love, but a disdain for people that don't agree with you.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 04:05 PM
the earth is not fragile, human life is......if we continue to pollute, kill each other in wars, use nuclear weapons against one another, humans will die off. the earth will recycle all of our devastation in a few thousand or tens of thousands of years, and it will once again be this abundant, thriving, living planet without us.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

Many people say I'm not in my right mind. So I'll take you up on this
Gold, oil, and diamonds haven't caused us problems. Human greed & lust for power is the cause of our problems.

1. Gold. Gold doesn't do anything. It just sits in the Earth like a good little metal. It doesn't poison things & it doesn't wage wars. Even if we were to eat it (like gold flakes in fancy foods), the gold would simply pass through our bodies without reacting to anything (though rich people & superstitious types believe it adds qualities to foods which science hasn't confirmed yet).

However, it has many qualities which make it valuable to humans. It conducts electricity very well, it's incredibly malleable, and ladies love it. Because of its perceived rarity & many uses (like trinkets & jewelry), it's commonly used to store value for humans. The human desire to accumulate value & have bragging rights to that stored value is the problem, not the gold itself.

2. Oil. Oil is the same. Oil (in the form of petroleum) is usually a thick, tar-like substance that does nothing. It just sits in the ground like a good little blob. Sometimes it oozes to the surface on its own. But it's usually avoided by all lifeforms when it does this because it's toxic & it stinks. Who wants to stay around toxic stink blobs if they don't have to?

However, humans realized something special about this stinky toxic goop. When petroleum is cooked, it gives off different flammable gases which can be cooled into flammable liquids. These different flammable liquids could be used in different conditions with our newly created combustion engines. And the remaining goop can be turned into a malleable & durable substance we now call "plastic". The need for human civilizations to have durable & malleable goods & liquid energy sources is the cause of our problems, not the oil itself. Processed oil has many other uses too, which only makes humans desire it even more.

3. Diamonds. Diamonds are just rocks. Period. In nature, they just sit there. Too hard be of use to most creatures. Diamonds in their raw forms can be nearly any color, shape, or size. It was only in the last 100 years or so that humans became fascinated with diamonds, and that's mostly because of DeBeers' clever marketing. And because of the specific designs humans use when cutting them. Most people who are entranced by diamonds wouldn't even recognize diamonds in their real form. (Do a google image search for "raw diamonds Zimbabwe", since Zimbabwe's one of the biggest diamond producers.)

However, the designed ("cut") diamonds are a magnificent way to store value to humans. Mostly because humans are petty & we love shiny trinkets. Most humans can't tell diamonds apart from expertly cut glass (high level "cubic zirconia") but will fight or kill over the perceived value of these finely cut rocks. How can you blame the ills of humanity on diamonds when it's clearly human greed that is the problem?

Also, gold, oil, and diamonds aren't even involved in rape, child abuse, drunk driving, racism, or most other crimes or atrocities. And if they instantly disappeared, people would continue hurting others & hurting the planet. So how can you say they're the problem? That would be like blaming bananas for the Banana Wars instead of blaming the greedy humans who waged those wars.
edit on 30-7-2015 by enlightenedservant because: my link to raw diamonds didn't seem to work :'(

edit on 30-7-2015 by enlightenedservant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 09:19 AM
OP, I think you do like many others, and simplify what is not a simple matter. It's not a simple black and white conundrum, it's very much grey.

By and large, people do not judge others or treat others with disgust, disdain, hate, or anything else.. based on their income, color of their skin, etc. Too many people are fooled into thinking the world is imploding because media instantly brings any hate crime to your screen within hours of it happening.

Let's say for a moment that there were a couple things that were never invented. Internet and TV. The only news you get is what your local paper carries, based on events in your general area.. your city and surrounding areas. If that was the only source of your news, how evil would you think the world really was? Are your neighbors crazed and racially hateful? Do your coworkers treat you with disdain because of your job?

Everywhere I have lived, for the most part, most folks are decent. They care about others, they don't hate others for their race or job or anything along those lines. Most folks are "normal" in that regards. As a whole, in general, I think most of humanities moral compasses point in roughly the same direction.

But then someone hatefully murders another person.. and suddenly the posts start.. what is wrong with the world.. it's horribly wrong! Out of billions of humans on this planet, it's amazing how emotionally invested people get over a single event in another state or even country.

I am more worried by far, about what we do to the planet, than what we do to each other, to be honest.

Finally, I get tired of the "You are not allowed fun or money or self gratification," etc. While I don't agree with the super rich.. they are a very tiny % of the worlds population. I don't look at someone in disdain because they chose to do something with their own money, that makes them happy. As living creatures, we just want to survive and be happy. Don't be so judgmental of others.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: fleabit

No it is not grey. It is very simple. It comes down to making a conscious choice. Boils down to one very simple thing. Too bad people think material wealth equals human worth.

If humans could love each other as easily as they hate, the world would be vastly different.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 09:44 PM
Any higher power is surely horrified at what is being done (and what has been done) in His name by humans claiming do be doing His work.

Religion is the real culprit throughout most of human history.

But yes, access to natural resources has always been at the heart of many, many conflicts.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: fleabit

You must be living on another planet. It does not take a rocket scientist to recognize hatred and bigotry and the over commercialization of the planet I live on . Holidays drive this economy and wealth controls it. That 1% you say do not matter only own and control 90% of everything you use.

How much would they control if G.O.D did not exist? Nothing. I heard an argument that it was arrogance and greed and if it wasn't for G.O.D. it would be something else...well if, if and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a merry christmas.

Even that saying exist only because of some fictitious celebration.

The very essence of this problem lies in the fact humans created the society we live in and only humans can change it.

To survive in this world you need basics; clothes, food and shelter. Everyone is equal and all the wealth in the world does not change that fact.

My worth is not material, it is human and life and love and hugs have more value to me than presents under a tree.

The lessons my higher power wants me to learn while in this human condition are for me to evolve spiritually.

I do not need to judge others. They do that just fine without my help.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: babybunnies

Yes natural resources that are to be shared equally. What drives me crazy is how every country and the land and water and even the air rights are supposedly owned. How can you own something that is not yours to possess?

Just for fun though, I want people to get a hold of the deeds to their property they think they own, you know the ones where they paid a mortgage for 30 years and actually read the fine print. Somebody besides them owns it.

And I have made this point in the past in other OPS, if religion is so great how come just down the street from just about every single church or synagogue or mosque there are people starving and homeless?

Because it is all driven by donations and if you do not have money you are not worthy of help? Oh sure a soup kitchen and a shelter, but you are treated like crap.

Humans need to learn how to love as much as they hate. I just don't get it. I have people coming in to this thread that actually want to argue with me...I do not even think they actually read the OP.

posted on Jul, 31 2015 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: Realtruth

You only see what you want to see. I guess I struck a nerve. You want to quote me Ghandi? Awesome. Go look in the mirror first.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

In amongst all of the negativity we do have the capacity for higher emotions, altruism, compassion and so forth. It does seem a bit rich for the "source of all", not being so encumbered with such human flaws and knowing how we got here, to look down his/her/it's nose at us. In fact many of us who have pondered such things have found quite some disappointment with the "source of all".

When you next talk to the source, could you ask it something? It seems most were not consulted about whether they wanted to even exist in the first place (as they would have necessarily had to exist for this to take place, obviously). It therefore also seems the human inhabitants of our planet have simply been thrust into this system of nature by this source without any choice, quite often in dreadful circumstances, with the full range of human flaws and imperfections. So given this, why wouldn't this source be more about compassion and love towards us or possibly even helping us, perhaps even feeling sorrow for it's part?

edit on 1-8-2015 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: soulpowertothendegree
I dare you to argue this point with me. Who in their right mind could?




Our value system is completely screwed up when we place more emphasis on an accumulation of fake monetary constructs that are supposed to define our worth.

My higher power, the source of all, is sadly disappointed in the choices humans have made.

The only thing of value is the one thing taken for granted; life.

Yet we as a civilization continue down the path of degradation and plunder a beautiful Earth while killing anything of value that gets in the way.

Shame on all of you. I am downright disgusted. Daily by the events.

Why is more value placed on crap than life? You are rich and I am poor. Do you have more value than me? You are young and I am old. Do you have more value than me? You are religious and I am atheist. Do you have more value than me? You are white and I am black. Do you have more value than me? You are American and I am illegal. Do you have more value than me?

The answer to all of the above, better be NO. Sadly, for many the answer is shown by actions. This planet is full of hatred and disdain for life.

What you are asking is if all human are created equally.

No, all humans are not created equally. That is what is so great about us. The diversity is what makes us strong (which you also answered).

Money, wealth, power, age....these are all things that we think make us better or worse.

If humans spent more time caring for each other and advancing the RACE rather than the individual, we would be in a much better place, however, the diversity of the human race creates a very complex maze to walk through in order to make sure we all enjoy life.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: wdkirk

Says the spider who thinks saving the weak and sick is useless. Go read the OP again because you clearly do not get it.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 04:17 PM

Satan is LEGAL RULER OF THIS PLANET, by commands of God! Satan can do what he wishes. There IS a divine order to this madness. Let me TRY TO BRIEFLY EXPLAIN.

Father - Son - Holy Spirit - Angels - Man (Do you understand that order?)

Satan is still an "Angel", though he's fallen. He still has legal authority in the order of things. This is why God wrapped Himself up in flesh, and came to Earth. Jesus came to switch the CHAIN OF COMMAND. To give back to man, what man lost in the garden: AUTHORITY TO RULE!

When a person "accepts" Jesus as their "Lord" and "Savior", what the believer is actually doing is changing the chain of command. Instead of being at the bottom of the totem pole, the believer now sits with the Son of God because the believer accepts the Son. The believer reaps in the Son's rewards, also.

When a person becomes "born again" the new chain of command is as follows:

Father - Son (w/new Man, believer) - Holy Spirit - Angels - Man (w/o the Son, sinner)

When the chain of command occurs, SATAN NO LONGER HAS DOMINION OVER THE BELIEVER. Satan must NOW ask God's permission to do anything to you or your family.

Being "born again" isn't about "religion", it's about ranking because God works decent and IN ORDER. He's not going to break His CHAIN OF COMMAND, for you or anyone else. Remember, He was at the bottom of that totem pole. God knows what Earth is like. He's felt our pain. He's experienced everything we experience, AND THEN SOME.

So, next time you ask: "Why doesn't God do something?" HE DID! He gave us back the authority we lost, in the garden. Now, God is asking: "When will my children do something?"

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: JuJuBee

Satan is LEGAL RULER OF THIS PLANET, by commands of God! Satan can do what he wishes. There IS a divine order to this madness. Let me TRY TO BRIEFLY EXPLAIN.

Father - Son - Holy Spirit - Angels - Man (Do you understand that order?)

Satan is still an "Angel", though he's fallen. He still has legal authority in the order of things. This is why God wrapped Himself up in flesh, and came to Earth. Jesus came to switch the CHAIN OF COMMAND. To give back to man, what man lost in the garden: AUTHORITY TO RULE!

When a person "accepts" Jesus as their "Lord" and "Savior", what the believer is actually doing is changing the chain of command. Instead of being at the bottom of the totem pole, the believer now sits with the Son of God because the believer accepts the Son. The believer reaps in the Son's rewards, also.

When a person becomes "born again" the new chain of command is as follows:

Father - Son (w/new Man, believer) - Holy Spirit - Angels - Man (w/o the Son, sinner)

When the chain of command occurs, SATAN NO LONGER HAS DOMINION OVER THE BELIEVER. Satan must NOW ask God's permission to do anything to you or your family.

Being "born again" isn't about "religion", it's about ranking because God works decent and IN ORDER. He's not going to break His CHAIN OF COMMAND, for you or anyone else. Remember, He was at the bottom of that totem pole. God knows what Earth is like. He's felt our pain. He's experienced everything we experience, AND THEN SOME.

So, next time you ask: "Why doesn't God do something?" HE DID! He gave us back the authority we lost, in the garden. Now, God is asking: "When will my children do something?"

Quite a lot of doublespeak and special pleading on behalf of god there...God doesn't "do something" for the same reason Santa doesn't really fit down the chimney.

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 07:17 AM

H - hypocrite
U - unreasonable
M - magalomaniac
A - abusive (to everything on earth)
N - narcissist
S - sadistic

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