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Amazing interview heralds the beginning of disclosure? Whistleblower reveals.... + updates

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posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 09:54 AM
EDIT - I just noticed that the video in the OP can no longer be played, which is strange because it is from the Gaia TV (used to be called Gaiam TV) YouTube channel, and they produced it so there are no copyright issues. Anyway, if you would like to watch episodes 1, 2 and 5 for free here is the link:

Cosmic Disclosure Episodes One, Two and Five

Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 9: Colonizing Mars - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

As always, this is the transcript with analysis (free), you can get just the transcript (free) on Sphere Being Alliance or, it is 99 cents to join Gaia TV, watch all episodes and cancel and be out 99 cents, or if you like it stay a member for a subsequent $10 per month. I am in no way promoting people to sign up for Gaia TV, just pointing out that posters who claim this is all about the money aren't making a valid point.

There have been various whistleblowers that have come forward over the years stating there are colonies on Mars populated by thousands if not millions of people from Earth. In this episode, Corey Goode brings forward a backdrop of history revealing how some of these earlier bases were settled and what types of techniques were used to recruit willing participants.

After the German group and the military-industrial complex of the United States merged during the early 1950's, the manufacturing might of the US was leveraged to build out fledgling projects of the earlier German explorers.

The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate is the term used by Goode to refer to this merged entity, which employed weapons of a nuclear design to destroy indigenous settlements on Mars, much like what the Americans did during the westward expansion of the Americas. Thousands if not millions of sentient beings were eradicated to pave the way for human based settlements.

After this foothold was firmly entrenched, a program of recruitment took place back on Earth. Some of the brightest minds from all walks of life were deceived into bringing themselves and their families to Mars, under the guise of saving the human race by continuing life on another world. But when they arrived, the glory of their promised lives was shattered by the harsh realities of being a slave in a total domination scenario.

Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 9: Colonizing Mars - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilco
edit on 19-12-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 10:05 AM
Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 10: Conquering the Solar System - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

The solar system is a treasure trove of raw materials corporate powers would like nothing more than to exploit.

This week, Corey Goode shares that the German secret space program developed mining operations in the Asteroid belt and on many moons in our star system. What was produced in these facilities enabled them to expand into the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, powered by the industrial might of the United States.

There are several types of propulsion systems used in the secret space program, one of them being a temporal type of warp drive. Apparently, early advents of these drives had the ability to travel through time and created a host of paradoxes that compelled the program to place limitations on future spacecraft using similar technology

Quantum entanglement communication devices were also developed, allowing personnel to communicate almost instantly from any place or time in the cosmos. Goode also describes assault rifle type railguns that employ electromagnetic technology to accelerate a projectile to incredible speeds.

Note from the person analyzing the transcripts:

I find CG's comments about consciousness and timeline collapses very intriguing. In the Reciprocal Systems Theory mentioned above, the physical universe is divided into two general regions, space-time with three dimensions of space and one dimension of time, whereas time-space has three dimensions of time and one dimension of space. The boundary between the two is the speed of light, as motion accelerates past the boundary it enters time-space.

Reciprocal Systems Theory - The Science of Life, the Universe and Everything!

The closest thing we have to understand this realm is the mind, which is a fixed point of view on the world (space), able to navigate through time. Recalling memories is one way of moving backward through time, whereas imagining future possibilities moves consciousness forward in time. Desire is an exclusively forward-looking phenomenon, creating expectations that may or may not come to pass. Unrealized or false expectations can be thought of as paradoxes, things that can generate real feelings when we think about them beforehand, but don't actually come to pass in the physical world.

For the moment, let's accept that for all intents and purposes faster than light motion is 'made of the same stuff' that our minds are made out of. Now let's consider the notion of the truth being a singularity, meaning there is only one truth, but many different perspectives. This is why each person has their truth, a unique point of view on all that IS. Being a truth seeker in this sense is the endless journey of reflecting singular truth in the mind, gaining accurate knowledge over time via experience. An individual singular consciousness synchronizing with objective reality. A mind seeing all with consciousness organizing it into meanings, tested by experience to distil the singular truth; wisdom.

Pay attention disinfo agents:

Merging the two ideas together, it stands to reason that our minds in some way interface with the mental 'material' in the realms closer to pure consciousness where there is singularity; the truth. When we desire something, this mental image spreads out into time-space, condensing probability fields that exist as alternative timelines. And because the truth is singular then all timelines that do not resonate with truth must ultimately be harmonized just as false knowledge is ultimately harmonized with the truth via experience.

False knowledge is essentially a paradox, something that can't be true, but is accepted as such none the less. False knowledge is an inaccurate representation of reality within the mind, a fundamental lack of organizing structure, often called logic. Since the truth is singular, then knowledge must be as well. Holistic knowledge would be a way to describe information that is organized into a singularity within the mind, a precise reflection of truth from that person's point of view. Experience reveals flaws in our logic and understanding when we make mistakes, presenting the error to us so as to draw in consciousness for reorganization.

If the universe has this time-space mental realm, then it stands to reason the overall power of each being's consciousness in the universe, each trying to seek the truth in their own way, creates paradoxes which eventually become reorganized into the singularity described by CG

Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 10: Conquering the Solar System - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock

edit on 19-12-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: attribution

edit on 19-12-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: add link

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

Pay attention disinfo agents:

Pot meet kettle.

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

This week, Corey Goode shares that the German secret space program developed mining operations in the Asteroid belt and on many moons in our star system. What was produced in these facilities enabled them to expand into the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, powered by the industrial might of the United States.

The "industrial might of the United States?"

How many millions of people does that include in the conspiracy needed to keep all this secret?

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

As for disclosure, it is obvious soft disclosure is happening - hello - running water on Mars? The pope being fine with baptizing ET's? These and hundreds of other things, just go check out any Mars anomalies threads.......sure some things are just rocks........but some have had a hard time explaining away the floating rocks and other things on Mars.

That's just what most of these ET channelers or contactees do. They use any instance of real-life events to associate with their message. And more importantly, the ever coming end-game date, such as disclosure. It was the 2012 "ascension" with david wilock.

They keep people on the edge with their messages or stories. Then they try to associate a real life event with something like "soft disclosure". With the ascension stuff, it was astrological things like the photon belt changing our energy and dimensional structure. Before that, it was something else that was going to trigger ascension. Another date to look foward to.

Now, it is the incoming data dumps and the soft disclosure BS to keep people thinking it is real.

I don't like constantly bashing your thread, but it's people like Corey Goode that glorify sensationalist stories over real eye witness stories.

Any rational person would understand that they need evidence to prove ETs are real to the public. Not just stories. If he is able to contact ETs and refused to get evidence, the he is a fraud. He is using the "disclosure coming soon to a theatre near you" to keep his readers believing him.

What is it gonna be, 2017 and he will still be saying this shiat?
edit on 21-12-2015 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 06:30 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
What is it gonna be, 2017 and he will still be saying this shiat?

He'll be saying it until his gullible followers move on to the next fraud.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: blueman12
What is it gonna be, 2017 and he will still be saying this shiat?

He'll be saying it until his gullible followers move on to the next fraud.

You are welcome to your opinion brother, and I strongly suggest everyone use discernment with everything said on this website, by myself or anyone else.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 02:40 PM
Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 11: Beyond the Limits of the Sun - Summary and Analysis

As always, a fascinating read. If true is connecting many dots.......if not at least entertaining........

This week, Corey and David discuss the ICC, Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate's expansion into deep space, using highly advanced technology capable of tapping into natural portal systems that exists in the universe, described by Goode as the Cosmic Web.

Link to Cosmic Web info

Apparently many moons within the solar system are geodesic in configuration, containing hollowed-out interiors that are crystalline in structure. The environment there contains everything one would find on a life-bearing planet. In other ventures into deep space, the ICC discovered many worlds at different levels of advancement, but almost all have some type of intelligent life that has laid claim to the sphere.

Venus is one location in the solar system off limits to unauthorized secret space program personnel, such as Goode in this case. He further clarifies that there are many items in the smart glass pads (iPad like devices supplied to Secret Space Program personnel for information dissemination), that he was not able to access due to his clearance level. There are also moons in the outer solar system, especially around Saturn, which are completely off limits to all secret space programs, apparently because they are Super Federation Council facilities, tracing back thousands if not millions of years into the past.

Phobos, one of the moons orbiting Mars is apparently an artificial satellite. The ICC and other groups have been recovering technologies and artifacts from this once inhabited sphere for some time. Our moon, according to Goode, is also an artificial sphere, tethered to the Earth using some kind of energetic anchor.

Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 11: Beyond the Limits of the Sun - Summary and Analysis

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

And you just eat this stuff up.
That is just mind boggling.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

And you just eat this stuff up.
That is just mind boggling.

Isn't it though?
It's not even good sci-fi.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance
I was in Lahaina in 1974. There was actually a monthly newspaper that came out that was fully of this kind of stuff; the ongoing battle in space. Luckily the good guys were winning...always.

The first issue I read was sort of amusing. Got pretty bored after that.

posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 04:47 PM
I find this stuff interesting since I find a wide variety of material interesting. I love to consider possibilities. I can't empirically verify it (I wish I could) but I'm willing to wait and see what unfolds in the future, keeping in mind how often it happens that what was once scoffed at becomes passe.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: tweetie
I find this stuff interesting since I find a wide variety of material interesting. I love to consider possibilities. I can't empirically verify it (I wish I could) but I'm willing to wait and see what unfolds in the future, keeping in mind how often it happens that what was once scoffed at becomes passe.

I can guarantee something like this (just the first example I found from the latest post) will always be scoffed at:

Our moon, according to Goode, is also an artificial sphere, tethered to the Earth using some kind of energetic anchor.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: DelMarvel

originally posted by: tweetie

I can guarantee something like this (just the first example I found from the latest post) will always be scoffed at:

Our moon, according to Goode, is also an artificial sphere, tethered to the Earth using some kind of energetic anchor.

Have you been to the moon? Do you have the kind of equipment/knowledge/perspective that can ascertain that claim to be true or not? Have you studied the moon from up close for hundreds or thousands of years? Were you present when the moon came into being, became locked into orbit around our planet at some point and why? Me neither. Do you know everything there is to know about the moon? Me neither.

Do I think publicized, mainstream astronomy science's admitted knowledge is severely lacking, blinded, primitive in scope and short-sighted? I do. But, of course, you would not agree with my assessment and I would never expect you to.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: tweetie

Do you know everything there is to know about the moon? Me neither.

So, that automatically means that I don't know anything about it?

Gravity is not "some kind of energetic anchor." The same thing that keeps you on the ground keeps the Moon in orbit.

edit on 12/27/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2015 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: tweetie

Do you know everything there is to know about the moon? Me neither.

So, that automatically means that I don't know anything about it?

Gravity is not "some kind of energetic anchor." The same thing that keeps you on the ground keeps the Moon in orbit.

Seems more to me that tweetie is not, in fact, being kept on the ground.


posted on Dec, 28 2015 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: tweetie

originally posted by: DelMarvel

originally posted by: tweetie

I can guarantee something like this (just the first example I found from the latest post) will always be scoffed at:

Our moon, according to Goode, is also an artificial sphere, tethered to the Earth using some kind of energetic anchor.

Have you been to the moon? Do you have the kind of equipment/knowledge/perspective that can ascertain that claim to be true or not? Have you studied the moon from up close for hundreds or thousands of years? Were you present when the moon came into being, became locked into orbit around our planet at some point and why? Me neither. Do you know everything there is to know about the moon? Me neither.

Do I think publicized, mainstream astronomy science's admitted knowledge is severely lacking, blinded, primitive in scope and short-sighted? I do. But, of course, you would not agree with my assessment and I would never expect you to.

The moon is hollow and filled with helium. That's why it floats in the sky.

But mainstream "science" will never admit this.

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: tweetie

Do you know everything there is to know about the moon? Me neither.

So, that automatically means that I don't know anything about it?

Gravity is not "some kind of energetic anchor." The same thing that keeps you on the ground keeps the Moon in orbit.

Phage, I don't know what you may know about the moon but if it's one of your many interests I would wager you do know some things about the moon, more than I do. If you knew everything there is to know about the moon, which goes beyond mainstream reasoning and understanding, some of what you think you know now, would have to be reconsidered.

I don't know, but maybe the term energetic anchor as used in that context could be inter-changed with what is currently defined as gravity by mainstream. Is it the semantics? I doubt mainstream understands all there is to understand about gravity either. LOL!! Happy New Year to you! May your knowledge of all things be greatly expanded in 2016.

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: Harte

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: tweetie

Do you know everything there is to know about the moon? Me neither.

So, that automatically means that I don't know anything about it?

Gravity is not "some kind of energetic anchor." The same thing that keeps you on the ground keeps the Moon in orbit.

Seems more to me that tweetie is not, in fact, being kept on the ground.


I sometimes may appear to be floating.
Happy New Year to you!

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: draknoir2

originally posted by: tweetie

originally posted by: DelMarvel

originally posted by: tweetie

I can guarantee something like this (just the first example I found from the latest post) will always be scoffed at:

Our moon, according to Goode, is also an artificial sphere, tethered to the Earth using some kind of energetic anchor.

Have you been to the moon? Do you have the kind of equipment/knowledge/perspective that can ascertain that claim to be true or not? Have you studied the moon from up close for hundreds or thousands of years? Were you present when the moon came into being, became locked into orbit around our planet at some point and why? Me neither. Do you know everything there is to know about the moon? Me neither.

Do I think publicized, mainstream astronomy science's admitted knowledge is severely lacking, blinded, primitive in scope and short-sighted? I do. But, of course, you would not agree with my assessment and I would never expect you to.

The moon is hollow and filled with helium. That's why it floats in the sky.

But mainstream "science" will never admit this.

This is the first time I've come across that idea about the moon.
Happy New Year!

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