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What specific profession studies or is assigned to find ways to make humans biologically immortal?

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posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: starswift
My 'lower self' used to get me in a lot of trouble with women in the past.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 11:50 PM
I read about this a few years ago, fruit flys. Go figure.

"We took this gene and boosted its activity in different cells and tissues of the fly and asked whether this impacts the aging process," said David Walker, an assistant professor of integrative biology and physiology at UCLA and a senior author of the study. "We discovered that when we boost PGC-1 within the fly's digestive tract, the fly lives significantly longer. We also studied neurons, muscle and other tissue types and did not find life extension; this is telling us there is something important about the digestive tract."

If you hang around the right people and drop enough hints, I'm sure you'll get to where you want. Also, you might change your mind after you start studying.

Forgot link:
edit on 24-7-2015 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 04:25 AM

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: aiolosmartine

Telomerase and its job of repairing telomeres chains are important for this, but to be absolutely fair, ageing is a systemic issue, and so treating just the biology, or just the physiology, or what have you, is not an approach that works well.

Essentially, if immortality were to become a possibility, it would be a multi-disciplinary effort, without doubt.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 05:46 AM
I seem to remember president Reagan starting a foundation to study that very subject, not seen nothin since.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: starswift
A lower self, an eternal self.
The fate of the body is immaterial.
The lower self is often not comfortable with the idea though.
Not that you should take your current incarnation lightly.
It's where you get to work this equation out.
a reply to: notmyrealname

Absolutely correct in the very long term but in the short term the body does have implications on the nature of your higher or rather quantum resonation self, though I neither espouse nor deny reincarnation since I am a Christian by faith and it does not fit into my view directly though it does anecdotally.

From the reincarnation point there is the view of Karma, not every reincarnation proponent believes in this but it put's forward the concept's and idea's such as transmigration to lower species if a soul is wicked enough or has built up enough bad karma so careful you don't step on hitler or mao as they are likely under that belief to be slug's or even lesser life form's.

From the Quantum resonance (science hypothesis that suggests the consciousness may span multiple reality's and have an element that is at right angles to the normal flow of the space time continuii in which each body it inhabit's exists) it may then effect the very seed nature of each quantum self that may or indeed under that criteria probably does still exist after the death of the physical body in any given reality.

From a Christian point of view the body is more than clothing but Christ said we shall have new body's in the resurrection, spiritual or celestial body's like the angel's which itself as a statement askes therefore who were the angel's before they became angel's?.

Personally I believe if anyone is researching this they are only doing so for the benefit of the ultra wealthy and powerful members of the hidden one world government and in particular who ever there hidden emperor is but they are more likely to have brain or body transplant's with stem cell therapy to enhance and rejuvenate there brain, remember the doctor who claimed he could perform a head transplant within a few years if he had the funding, we don't hear about him so I guess he got his funding or else someone else is working using his research.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: BlessedLore
a reply to: aiolosmartine

DARPA, check out what they achieved with Bio-Design and the stuff them mention is the unclassified stuff and this is now a few years old, almost 95% complete then, what now......

I searched all over youtube and unfortunately could not find a video on DARPA's Bio-Design project but in that search I did come across something that might be interesting, seems a college has started a multi-disciplinary course called "BioDesign" lol, but focus is on MBA,MD'S, and engineers. Here's the youtube video:

Hope this helps a little.

Wow interesting stuff. Thanx

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: aiolosmartine

No problem,

I Agree though that your undertaking of this study is best served in interdisciplinary skills i.e.: biology, quantum physics, metallurgy, and engineering combined.

Good luck in your endeavors and always remember what people say is impossible today, someone will prove them wrong one day......

But I ask this, as it is a concern. Even if we can make flesh immortal, whats the point as now you would have to make the world immortal and magically free from all pollution and ails and with Fukoshima disaster I have my doubts all the nuclear accidents can truly be contained and dealt with and more getting weaker by the day and that's just one thing upon millions that need correction to make the earth inhabitable for immortal beings.

This density is enough just in the time we have, as someone else said this flesh is just a vehicle for our spirit, we are spiritual creatures.

May you aspire in whatever you choose to do.

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: BlessedLore
a reply to: aiolosmartine

No problem,

I Agree though that your undertaking of this study is best served in interdisciplinary skills i.e.: biology, quantum physics, metallurgy, and engineering combined.

Good luck in your endeavors and always remember what people say is impossible today, someone will prove them wrong one day......

But I ask this, as it is a concern. Even if we can make flesh immortal, whats the point as now you would have to make the world immortal and magically free from all pollution and ails and with Fukoshima disaster I have my doubts all the nuclear accidents can truly be contained and dealt with and more getting weaker by the day and that's just one thing upon millions that need correction to make the earth inhabitable for immortal beings.

This density is enough just in the time we have, as someone else said this flesh is just a vehicle for our spirit, we are spiritual creatures.

May you aspire in whatever you choose to do.

Have you seen the movie fortress. Yes I know terrible acting. But the premise is there. Too many people = birthing licenses. Unlicensed birth = criminal

What is immortality anyways
Anyways lizards and reptiles solve the problem by growing forever
Thst one jellyfish solves the problem by reverting to baby mode while retaining its neurons.
Tardigrades can perfectly dessicate hemselves and their dna replication efficiency is better than ours
There are other virtually immortal animals for sure. Most of our science comes from watching nature. I hope this succeeds.
edit on 26-7-2015 by Davood because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 07:02 PM
I don't necessarily subscribe to all premises of Sudeten Dharma as I like to retain intellectual detachment as that approach allows for deeper thinking of you don't have to many fixed ideas but just working frameworks in stead of.

I have no interest in physical immortality. Life is pretty tough. Imagine not having an exit to a higher plane?
An eternity of human suffering.

I agree it is an elitist fantasy.

a reply to: LABTECH767

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 07:03 PM
That is the nature of the lower self.
a reply to: notmyrealname

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: starswift
That is the nature of the lower self.
a reply to: notmyrealname

That is the nature of the Will.

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 08:30 PM
That is the nature of the will of the lower self.
a reply to: notmyrealname

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 08:49 PM

edit on 26-7-2015 by notmyrealname because: cause

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 09:50 PM

edit on 26-7-2015 by starswift because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: starswift
How do the women you claim to get in trouble with handle tour You Tube fantasies?

Okay, it starts with. uhm ya-know…the problems with them You Tubes ayand thems evil lower selves…

My lower an higher selves been done battlin for a while… darn it

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 11:41 AM
Dukes of Hazard?
Course if I all derleet this heeya post it theya is all up all to you'uns!
An you all yo multiple lower low down all self-alls 'n all
a reply to: notmyrealname

edit on 27-7-2015 by starswift because: (no reason given)

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