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American Violence

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posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Ahhh, Will. Another epic thread, my friend.

We can argue the levels of violence, but I do agree with you that we have become desensitized to violence.

Perhaps, because we've become so desensitized, the solutions have to appear hyperbolic to gain people's attention.

People also have agendas. We all do.

And people will use any and every crisis to garner support for their given agenda.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: MoreBeer
Why on earth would those in power want us to believe that violent crime is decreasing? Also, they must be crafty and be trying to use triple reverse psychology or something, because if you listen to them, the sky is falling, terrorists are everywhere, and we need to let them expand their power and shrink our rights so they can save us......

(post by MoreBeer removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 07:48 PM
This video breaks down this nonsense pretty well. Enjoy:

edit on 2472015 by LunaticPandora because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 07:55 PM
Now the true agenda reveals itself. You must have really had a hard time writing all the stuff in your original post without letting your true feelings out.

I lost you at the America is the best country rhetoric but thought you sincerely wanted answers.

You are just trolling for the anti firearm movement.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: Willtell

Ahhh, Will. Another epic thread, my friend.

We can argue the levels of violence, but I do agree with you that we have become desensitized to violence.

Perhaps, because we've become so desensitized, the solutions have to appear hyperbolic to gain people's attention.

People also have agendas. We all do.

And people will use any and every crisis to garner support for their given agenda.

Beezer you speak wisdom. A rare thing in this realm

My goal is solutions.

I grieve for those beautiful young women who were killed by a random lunatic and also killed by our crazy society where WE MEN don't have the balls or brains to even attempt to deal with our societies collapse into depraved lunatic nihilism.

Our beautiful young children, woman, the lady in Texas the other day, and young men, those wonderful young marines just last week cut down even before they could even start living


Why do we sit by and let some kind of evil destroy our great country?

Please put down ones dogma, set it aside, and put everything on the table: guns, violence on TV, and movies, mental illness, psychotropic drugs, illegal drugs, the NWO, put every possibility in the mix and lets come up with some wisdom, some REAL knowledge of what is driving this madness that is destroying the flower of our youth.

edit on 24-7-2015 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: Willtell

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: Willtell

Ahhh, Will. Another epic thread, my friend.

We can argue the levels of violence, but I do agree with you that we have become desensitized to violence.

Perhaps, because we've become so desensitized, the solutions have to appear hyperbolic to gain people's attention.

People also have agendas. We all do.

And people will use any and every crisis to garner support for their given agenda.

Beezer you speak wisdom. A rare thing in this realm

My goal is solutions.

I grieve for those beautiful young women who were killed by a random lunatic and also killed by our crazy society where WE MEN don't have the balls or brains to even attempt to deal with our societies collapse into depraved lunatic nihilism.

Our beautiful young children, woman, the lady in Texas the other day, and young men, those wonderful young marines just last week cut down even before they could even start living


Why do we sit by and let some kind of evil destroy our great country?

Please put down ones dogma, set it aside, and put everything on the table: guns, violence on TV, and movies, mental illness, psychotropic drugs, illegal drugs, the NWO, put every possibility in the mix and lets come up with some wisdom, some REAL knowledge of what is driving this madness that is destroying the flower of our youth.

Please, by all means do all these things, however while you are doing them and waiting to come up with your personalized utopia pill, do not infringe on my ability to protect my family from the freaks you are planning a solution about. None of us want the violence, I just want to have a fighting chance when it happens to protect myself and my family.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: Willtell

Something deep and dark pervades the mental, psychological and spiritual soul of America.

This country is producing in mass a generation of murderers and a society filled with hatred…

This just is not true. I'd be interested to take a peek at the data that caused you to come to this conclusion. Because crime is nosediving nationally. And has been for quite a while.

Now every weak on the American blood soaked landscape another violent senseless spree killing murder occurs, indeed…so often now that it’s becoming difficult to keep up with them.

You know the saying...if it leads, it bleeds.

Regarding the killings? What is this one now in Louisiana? I wonder how many does that make?

I don't think im going to get an answer to my first question.

For one, my OP wasn’t about ordinary crime. Which btw is a problem eventhough stats are down, eventhough the blooming prison population is up 300 percent?

Its about the proliferation of spree killings, terrorist murders, and the edge of madness of so many in our society and believe me I understand this is an international problem as well..

You seem to bank so much on statistics.

To me if the amount of innocent people is down a bit it doesn’t matter there is enough volume of criminal madness about to absolutely confirm my OP at least intuitively, observationally, and in fact statistically since the kinds of crime Im referring to is certainly massively more than in earlier years of our country save the violence to black and brown people that still exists and has always existed in this violent country.

So sure a few stats are down

Of course that may be because of many things such as they have put so many people in jail there few criminals around to even do much crime.

“According to the International Centre for Prison Studies, the United States is the clear front-runner for prison population worldwide:”

Federal Prison Population Spiked 690 Percent Since 1980

But the spree mass murders, terrorist killings, serial murderers ARE NOT GOING DOWN but since the early 20th century has gone up to epidemic proportions in the whole world.

Perhaps in old times it was always there but just never reported

Then so what

Does that make it acceptable?!

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Willtell

I am an accountant...i do bank a lot on statistics.

I don't disagree that the prison population is an atrocity. I also agree that its odd that crime is dropping while imprisonment is increasing.

But violent crime and crime are both down. And spree killings are flat, statistically, since 1976.


edit on 7/24/2015 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Despite the increase in the proportion of inmates entering the federal prison system for
immigration offenses, drug offenders still constitute the largest portion of inmates entering federal
prisons. The proportion of inmates being sent to federal prison for drug offenses has decreased
somewhat since FY1998 (when 41% of inmates entering federal prison were convicted for drug
offenses). In every fiscal year between FY1998 and FY2011, drug offenders constituted the
largest proportion of prison admissions, though in FY2009-FY2011, immigration offenders were
a close second. In FY2011, the vast majority of sentenced drug offenders, nearly 99%,10 were sent
to federal prison for trafficking offenses.11

Your federal prison increase is mostly the war on drugs.

But the spree mass murders, terrorist killings, serial murderers ARE NOT GOING DOWN but since the early 20th century has gone up to epidemic proportions in the whole world.

Serial murderers is easily explainable, by the use of computers. Before a serial murderer could just jump state and national borders and no one would know it. Now we have interpol, using all kinds of algorithyms to find even the most mundane possible patterns.

edit on Fri, 24 Jul 2015 20:59:30 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: notmyrealname

originally posted by: Willtell

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: Willtell

Ahhh, Will. Another epic thread, my friend.

We can argue the levels of violence, but I do agree with you that we have become desensitized to violence.

Perhaps, because we've become so desensitized, the solutions have to appear hyperbolic to gain people's attention.

People also have agendas. We all do.

And people will use any and every crisis to garner support for their given agenda.

Beezer you speak wisdom. A rare thing in this realm

My goal is solutions.

I grieve for those beautiful young women who were killed by a random lunatic and also killed by our crazy society where WE MEN don't have the balls or brains to even attempt to deal with our societies collapse into depraved lunatic nihilism.

Our beautiful young children, woman, the lady in Texas the other day, and young men, those wonderful young marines just last week cut down even before they could even start living


Why do we sit by and let some kind of evil destroy our great country?

Please put down ones dogma, set it aside, and put everything on the table: guns, violence on TV, and movies, mental illness, psychotropic drugs, illegal drugs, the NWO, put every possibility in the mix and lets come up with some wisdom, some REAL knowledge of what is driving this madness that is destroying the flower of our youth.

Please, by all means do all these things, however while you are doing them and waiting to come up with your personalized utopia pill, do not infringe on my ability to protect my family from the freaks you are planning a solution about. None of us want the violence, I just want to have a fighting chance when it happens to protect myself and my family.

Me me me me me me me me is one of the problems.

All I'm saying is that it’s wise to consider a holistic approach to solving this issue.

What’s wrong with that?

I never would say it’s a gun problem only

Didn’t you read where I wrote in the OP

Guns don’t have minds and souls so they don’t kill...people do

So whats you problem?

Your problem is that you are oxing your own goard


Is that not selfish thinking?

Forget about solving the problem I'm afraid of my rights being taken

Who's talking about trampling on your rights?

what about the right of that young woman to go to a god dam movie without getting blown away!!!!!!

So forget the dead kids, the dead young woman and the young men and all the carnage so I could keep my personal things I think are for me

My good friend (God forbid) if one of your loved ones was in that movie or in the line of fire

Then what

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: Willtell

I am an accountant...i do bank a lot on statistics.

I don't disagree that the prison population is an atrocity. I also agree that its odd that crime is dropping while imprisonment is increasing.

But violent crime and crime are both down. And spree killings are flat, statistically, since 1976.


You’re entirely missing the point

This issue has nothing to do with whether it’s up or down necessarily and I say it’s up only because it’s being so popularized and frankly I don’t believe its stagnant overall, what do you use as a beginning to this era of maximum murder.

It wasn’t happening like this in the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s 50’s, 60’s then it began to rise more.

So where and when do you begin to realize we got a societal problem?

I might also add, parenthetically, that this may have an economic aspect to it.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: grandmakdw

Okay you’re telling me that in the 40’s 50’s 60’s etc., we were having mindless spree killings, serial killings, racial killings, and terrorist incidents like today?

No we weren't and the falling crime rate doesn't reflect the fact that the jail population has expanded 300 percent.

Kinda looks like that is what I am saying. Yes there were mindless spree killings, certainly lots of racial killings (height of KKK remember? )

edit on 9Fri, 24 Jul 2015 21:30:19 -0500pm72407pmk245 by grandmakdw because: added link

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

I've already twice said that about the racial killings.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: Willtell

if everyone is missing the point, the blame may lay on the point.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:23 PM
If we split the country in two along these right-left lines, do you think it would divide again like a paramecium, into four? And so on...and so on....

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: grandmakdw

I've already twice said that about the racial killings.

So you mean that there were less racial killings in the 20's, 30's, and 40's?

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: Willtell

We have an entire culture built on hate. We hate each other on average. People walk around with smug attitudes thinking they are better than everyone because they have a nicer vehicle or better shirt on. Making money is so important to everyone that the pursuit of making money is crushing our families and communities.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: onequestion

And the saddest thing bout all this? It's usually self-hate.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:39 PM
Oh the value of horrifying folks in an instant with the tech we have at hand...

Oh the desire to have the most shocking events blasted in our faces 24/7...

Oh I wonder why, when the MSM fights for ratings, and political ammo, all the good that goes on in the country is conveniently ignored since it isn't shocking...

Folks would rather be outraged and fearful, than find some comfort that while we have issues and folks who need help, we are still in a pretty good situation...

Plenty of people around the globe would love to have a chance to suffer in this miserable country...

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