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Are we losing a whole generation to ice . A south Australian story .

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posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 07:19 PM
First time I ever heard of that drug all nite with this chick must have been at least 14hrs straight, the moms nearly got involved at one point it was just nuts. Must have made a good impression we were hooked to each other for a while until I started flipping about the whole underage thing. They changed the laws wouldn't be an issue now, but even a 2 year gap was illegal back then in my state.

Some people get hooked off the first go feel sorry for them. I think that's why it's truly dangerous. Only a few drugs you take once and can ruin your life cause you're a lifer. Meth is one of them and arguably the worst.
edit on 24-7-2015 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: bellagirl

I am a front-line health worker.

I really don't envy your job , i really don't . The thought that someone with super human strength and irrational thoughts might be the next person through the door must be very concerning , at best . Australia needs people like you , good job .

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 04:16 AM
when we start our school kiddies on amphetamines ( ADD ) and our top crime fighters being corrupted by the insane profits there is not much hope ! In 2013 the biggest drug/precursor import charge was against The former assistant director of investigations at the NSW Crime Commission who was in August 2013 found guilty by a Supreme Court jury of plotting to import 300kg of pseudoepherine.

I suspect there is a much more sinister agenda underlying also ! Call it pesticide perhaps - kind of like ciggies yeah ???

( and in regards to how little old Adelaide manages to stay afloat - being a resident myself I would say a combination of fines, pokies and the illicit cannabis industry have much to do with it

This ice epidemic is very very scary - my brother is a paramedic and is dealing with the issue on the frontline and he shares the sentiments of the other health worker commenting last page. Just the other week he went to a paramedics conference on the growing issue of crokodil !!

legalisation and regulation is the only way forward for us humans - but it seems the PTB are aware of this and are avoiding this !

Scary times - and I'm not just talking bout the ice issue

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: hutch622
a reply to: bellagirl

I am a front-line health worker.

I really don't envy your job , i really don't . The thought that someone with super human strength and irrational thoughts might be the next person through the door must be very concerning , at best . Australia needs people like you , good job .

Why would you trust 'so called' mental health experts?

Imo, there just as much as full of crap as the government & police. Don't forget it was only back in 2006 that the 'so called' mental health experts were telling us that this new type of strain of indoor 'skunk' cannabis was the greatest threat known to our society.

Even though I had personal experience and knew for a fact that outdoor grown cannabis could be just as potent as indoor and that the strain skunk #1 wasn't even all that potent.

Mental health workers usually only deal with the very small percentage of people who can't handle there s#... then they just ignorantly draw conclusions to what's causing it.

I've personally had a lot of experience with meth and should be the first person to be against it.

My girlfriend of 10 years got on it and started blowing all our money on it, then eventually pissed off on me with some loser meth addict.

But truth be told, she was no worse than any other addict of a highly addictive drug would have been. Except for the fact that instead of just lounging around the house when she got on, like she would of if it was opiates. She used to spend the whole night obsessively cleaning the house and making it spotless.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: hutch622
a reply to: bellagirl

I am a front-line health worker.

I really don't envy your job , i really don't . The thought that someone with super human strength and irrational thoughts might be the next person through the door must be very concerning , at best . Australia needs people like you , good job .

Thank you thats lovely of you to say that. I am actually thinking of getting out. 12 years is enough.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: Subaeruginosa

originally posted by: hutch622
a reply to: bellagirl

I am a front-line health worker.

I really don't envy your job , i really don't . The thought that someone with super human strength and irrational thoughts might be the next person through the door must be very concerning , at best . Australia needs people like you , good job .

Why would you trust 'so called' mental health experts?

Imo, there just as much as full of crap as the government & police. Don't forget it was only back in 2006 that the 'so called' mental health experts were telling us that this new type of strain of indoor 'skunk' cannabis was the greatest threat known to our society.

Even though I had personal experience and knew for a fact that outdoor grown cannabis could be just as potent as indoor and that the strain skunk #1 wasn't even all that potent.

Mental health workers usually only deal with the very small percentage of people who can't handle there s#... then they just ignorantly draw conclusions to what's causing it.

I've personally had a lot of experience with meth and should be the first person to be against it.

My girlfriend of 10 years got on it and started blowing all our money on it, then eventually pissed off on me with some loser meth addict.

But truth be told, she was no worse than any other addict of a highly addictive drug would have been. Except for the fact that instead of just lounging around the house when she got on, like she would of if it was opiates. She used to spend the whole night obsessively cleaning the house and making it spotless.

I am nothing to do with mental health.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: bellagirl

I've heard that a bit. Those people end up breaking the people caring for them. It seems no system really works all too well when we're dealing with meth. People have to really freaking want it for their selves, and at that point what's the need for anyone external to them?

So is it the one's most in need of care will rarely receive benefit from it, and the one's least in need of care will see the most benefit of their own inner guidance?

Hardcore addiction still baffles me, even after years of studying it.

FYI, I'm 19 months cold turkey right now. Just didn't want to partake in drugs anymore after receiving my 2nd DWI. I could totally fool the system like I did after my first and be messed up 90% of the time, but internalized the impact, and decided I alone have the will to break the cycle. None of these programs the state sends me to do a lick of good, they're all one-size-fits-all nonsense in my mind. I truly think very, very few are helped in the long run from it.
edit on 25-7-2015 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

Why would you trust 'so called' mental health experts?

Who else do you trust , certainly not the meth dealer across the road . And yes i have a bit of background here so i think i am entitled to an opposing opinion , mental health wise .

My girlfriend of 10 years got on it and started blowing all our money on it, then eventually pissed off on me with some loser meth addict.

Not seeing much there that says meth is an OK drug .

But truth be told, she was no worse than any other addict of a highly addictive drug would have been.

Still not seeing anything .

Except for the fact that instead of just lounging around the house when she got on, like she would of if it was opiates. She used to spend the whole night obsessively cleaning the house and making it spotless.

If you are into amped up house cleaners that is fine . Just dont complain if one stabs you in the heart . But where is that house cleaner now . Be honest .

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Im a schizophrenic I will state up front there are good and bad strains of psychiatrists,psychologists are a little better- now my experience is their primary concerns are 1.are you a threat to yourself or others and 2. are you medication compliant,in Queensland I cannot get to see either unless im having a psychotic break or am in trouble,or I am about to go into or leave a mental hospital.

I really dont think mental health professionals can help ICE addicts that much of whom i've met several in hospital all they care about is the next hit,they dont even care about their children they are lost the only thing that can be done is educate the children, the addicts are beyond redemption.This might sound heartless but some folks you just cant help and just dont want it either.

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 03:41 AM
Thank the Chinese and the bikies.

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Not seeing much there that says meth is an OK drug .

Me either, its a filthy drug, as far as I'm concerned. But I'm still not convinced its any better or worse than any other highly addictive drug.

If you are into amped up house cleaners that is fine . Just dont complain if one stabs you in the heart .

Well... a women who keeps the house spotless and knows exactly how to make ya happy, who's not gonna miss that? And I do kind of miss the irrational outbursts, life was a more exciting existence at

But where is that house cleaner now . Be honest .

No idea whatsoever mate... I seen on fb that she's got two kids now, but that's all I know.

I just personally hope she's found some peace & happiness in life is all. She really was an awesome chick.... she was the kind of person that everyone liked, she used to get along with everybody she met........... Anyway, never blink your eyes, because if you do life will take everything you care about from you.


posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: khnum

I really dont think mental health professionals can help ICE addicts that much

I totally agree . No amount of psychologist / psychiatrist mumbo jumbo is going to stop this addiction . And sadly i dont have an alternate answer . My only thought is to give dealers or the people who profit of this drug minimum sentences . 20 years , sorry your dad hit you once , ok 25 years . Increase police numbers with their sole role being to combat ice .Aaargh i just dont have answers .

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

You must of been lucky that there was still some inner quality coming through the last ice female I encountered went through an entire mental ward stealing tablets and phones to hock for her next hit.

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 07:47 AM
Hah. The last methhead woman I knew had two kids to heroine junkie fathers a dozen abortions and dentures in her 20s. She abandoned her kids for that drug and whored out her body to anyone for the drug, twisting her mind into feeling a need to be beat to feel secure. That drug is no joke. She was banging it in her neck. I hear she's a rare one actually got clean after repeated bouts to prison but not gonna take anyone's word on that. She's out of my life.

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: khnum
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

You must of been lucky that there was still some inner quality coming through the last ice female I encountered went through an entire mental ward stealing tablets and phones to hock for her next hit.

Yeah well, I was going out with her since she was a 12 year old girl (I was only 13 at the time), until she was a 22 year old women. We grew into adult's together and she will always be more than just some immoral meth addict to me. No matter how much of a bitch she was in the end.

She really was a good person for the majority of time that we grew up together... I used to be a sagging pants white thrash little bong rat, that constantly ranted on about how cannabis and mushrooms should be legal. Yet she was always the level headed one, well behaved and always refused to even touch any illegal drug.

She was for many years the ony thing on this earth that kept me from becoming nothing more than a drug addict white thrash loser!

To this day, I have no idea if it was my fault she went down the road of thinking getting on the pipe was a good idea... simply because I was so liberal about the legalization of all drugs... or if it was just an inevitable track she would have headed down anyway.

All I know is, is I spent a whole lot of time over the ten years we were going out trying to keep her away from my f#wit drug addict friends and my attempts eventually failed. Which is Something I'm gonna have to live with for the rest of my life... I guess.

I suppose what I'm trying to say here, is that we were all just innocent children at some point in time, who are all just trying to battle our way though this crazy existence we call life. Some of us just end up getting lost on the wrong path is all.

Compassion is whats needed here, not judgement.

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

We can only try our best for the people we love and care about, in the end its there own chouse what they do, sad fact no one can be saved till they want to be saved.This world is a strange place, and it seems more and more often a place I dont want to be

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

Great post mate. I don't always agree with what you say but you hit the nail on the head with this one.

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