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GRAPHIC: Was Sandra Bland Mugshot Post-Mortem?

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posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: kosmicjack
a reply to: Shamrock6

It's dangerous to drive while black in the U.S.A., not to mention have an encounter with LEO.

Think about the news stories that have been in play since about this time last year - Brown, Garner, Scott and too many others.

Then she is pulled over and ticketed for changing lanes without signaling because an LEO was on her bumper. And then harassed for a cig in her own car. She expressed outrage at the arrest and is given an stiff bond for what seems like a bully charge which caused the additional hardship of her missing her first day of work at a new job.

It had to seem surreal and feel helpless...all for a traffic violation which may well have been overlooked for a white citizen.

White people are killed, beaten and tortured by cops. Asians are. Latinos are. The elderly, women, men...children.

Black people do have more police contact, yes, but lets not act like cops aren't killi g and beating the # out of all races, genders and ages. They are. I can fill this thread up with cases showing cops brutalizing white people. From Sunday school teachers to Supreme Court judges. From elderly men to white kids on bicycles.

The issue of police brutality transcends race. We do the issue a great disservice when we frame it, in its totality, in such a racial manner.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: tony9802

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: Shamrock6

Should she be in an orange jump suit during booking? Is that normal?



Just FYI to %99 of people it seems like you're yelling. If that's your intent then using all caps makes sense.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 12:33 AM
Her mugshot does look pretty suspicious. I just saw some pictures of it compared to some other mugshots, as well as one bring some attention to detail(s). I am still on the fence, but... it is worth it to keep the mind open in this situation.

Her hair DOES look like it is flowing backwards, i.e. towards the ground. Her face DOES seem to have that look of someone laying on their back where the fat and stuff kinda goes back a bit.

But then there is the damning truth of her having a history with the ol' D. Depression. And a a past suicide attempt.

Maybe old feelings came out. She may have been absolutely horrified about something she protested about actually happening to HER. She may have weight out the fact that this incident would have ruined her chance at the new job, that she would likely be fired. Just when she was getting her life started it was all sort of ruined by the combined honest mistake of not using her signal and an officer who also decided to blow the entire encounter up by making that fateful arrest.

Funny thing, she probably never would have been pulled over if the girl in the car right before this entire incident wasn't speeding, or had the process taken a little bit longer the officer never would have never noticed Sandra Bland not using her blinker; he could have been in a different area for all we know. tl;dr She might be alive today if the little girly in the first car didn't have a lead foot. (weird way of looking at it but I'm bored, lol)

Karma isn't a bitch, but fate is.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 01:23 AM
(enter long winded pointless rant)

And you know, that's what I see in these twitter feeds an such. That white people
have "white privilege" with police so they can "talk to police however they want". I've seen that said multiple times. It's hogwash.

White people are also ticketed for no reason and with certain cops, any sort of pushback is met with extreme force. Even a sarcastic remark mumbled under your breath. They'll beat you. Shoot you. Shoot your dog. They don't care. Traffic violations are just the tip of the police contact iceberg.

Some, too many cops are loose cannons, this is the psychology of unchecked authority. The Stanford Prison Experiment sheds some light on the issue. Even otherwise good people get corrupted by unchecked authority and otherwise good people will go along with abuse. Like the Milgram Experiment. A tad different with cops because its more of a fraternity. An "us against them" mentality. They stick together, have each others backs wrong or right most of the time. A cop can't "snitch" on another cop and expect to hold onto her/his job or respect from his/her peers.

Yes there are racist cops but the issue of brutality is even more widspread. There's also a conspiracy of silence. The blue code or blue wall. "Good" cops can't really "snitch" on fellow officers, although it varies from department to department- somewhat depending on ranking officers attitudes. Some smaller departments might be mello and have closer ties to the community. The culture within the department matters. Too many departments cover up officers crimes. The cops posting on this site will deny it but I'd be willing to bet they themselves have turned a blind eye to excessive force or brutality at least once, especially if they work in a major city or on SWAT.

They'll be offended at the suggestion of course. Say something like, "Who me? No way!". Yes way. From lying on police reports to ignoring excessive force. It's standard in all too many departments. They've been able to get away with too much for too long. This includes DA's and internal affairs.

Even medical staff at county jails will go along with the abuse. It's insane. Like the twilight zone.

My brother was a cop and I was exposed to his buddies at BBQ's and such. I've had a glimpse into their world. The exclusivity. They only hang out with other cops. Its a lifestyle. They become their job. The conversations they have about, well, violence. The laughter when telling stories about hitting people, tasing them...almost discharging their firearms. The whole
mentality is weird. It wasn't just gallows humor.

One way to solve this is have public service careers where people work as cops for a couple years, then firefighters, then county clerks, then community volunteers etc. Break up the whole psychological disconnect they have with the community. With their own identities. Take away the whole "cop" identity. Try to bring them back into the fold so to speak. Where they're not just cops. Especially the guys on SWAT teams. They're the worst. Where their entire identity is linked to a position of authority. To challenge their authority is to challenge their very existence. It's not just their ego, or saftey, it's their very identity at risk when someone attempts to even subtly challenge their authority. That and training. I've seen some of the training videos and just about anyone is framed as a threat to their life, with potential weapons ready to kill them at the drop of a hat. It does happen but not as frequently as most think. There are more dangerous jobs out there. 1400 cops have been killed in the line of duty in the last 10 years. Many from high speed chases or not necesarily a perp killing them straight out. Cops have killed about 1000 (928) people a year over the last ten years. Pretty much 10,000 people. 1400 dead cops over the last ten years vs 10,000 dead citizens.

How many troops died in the Iraq war? About 4000. The police are waging war in America. Some criminals are also waging war. This is also an issue.

I think it's about time tamper proof cameras were placed all over their bodies and cars. It's also time to enact strict gun control laws that impact people who illegally possess firearms. There's no reason for a criminal to have a gun. If a felon has a gun more times than not its not to go hunting or for home protection.

I'm sorry but if you break into someone's home or commit violent acts you give up your right to own a firearm. We need to get all of these illegal guns off the streets. That will also help the situation, help society at large. But even then cops would still brutalize people. It's not so much about their saftey, it's the psychology of unchecked/unaccountable authority. Complicated by the fact that some cops are in fact killed by out of control criminals but we can't have cops acting like criminals with impunity. Something needs to change because this issue will tear this nation to shreds sooner or later. Riots, revenge killings...especially with the racial element in focus. There's A LOT of anger building up out there. I don't want to see it boil over.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 02:00 AM
America is a failed nation which is mired in the past. It has endemic racism, the pathologically greedy running the country, guns in the hands of everyone and sundry and war hawks ready to start world wars at the drop of a hat. The sooner the U.S. is dethroned from its undue superpower status and its decline fully realised, the better it is for the planet.

As much as I despise much of what the Russkis and Chinese stand for, at least those nations have culture. The U.S.'s only 'culture' is the gun, violence, repression of education, dissemination of religious fundamentalism and the subjugation of poor and minority groups.

How rational-minded people live in a nation like the U.S. boggles the mind.
edit on 24-7-2015 by AlexJowls because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: Rocker2013
1. Other mugshots from that same jail have a different background, only hers has the one depicted, which is remarkably similar to the color of the floor of her cell (claimed)

If true, then it's damning. Need verification.

2. Her hair has fallen back from her face. We know from the video footage that her hair was long enough to fall over her forehead when standing.

She would have been instructed to remove her hair from obscuring her face for the photo and dreadlocks do not "fall" the same way normal hair does, especially when short.

3. The shadow in the "mugshot" seems to show her either laying down, or leaning right up against a wall with light coming from the left of the image (her right), other mugshots from that jail do not show this. (claimed)

Needs verification, but there is an inkling of a shadow being cast. What this implies, however, is not clear; as standing close to a wall may have the same effect.

4. She is wearing an orange uniform, something not usually done when booking in at the time of the picture supposedly being taken.

The police need to explain this, as it's highly unusually, even from a lay perspective.

5. The level of her shoulders seem to suggest a laying position, with clothing falling back, not a standing position with clothing hanging from the shoulders.

Her right shoulder does seem inordinately straight, but the left droops. This either suggest she did in fact have an injured shoulder in some way or that she's not standing naturally (...or that she's supine).

6. It is claimed that the cheeks also suggest laying back rather than standing

Not sure I'm seeing this. Perhaps this needs a coroner, medical examiner or mortician to adjudicate its voracity.

1. Police claimed the cell was untouched when the photographs were taken of the interior for release, but there is clearly a trash can with a bag in it. Clearly they replaced the bag she supposedly used to take her own life.

Likely will be dismissed as an oversight in the report or some kind of miscommunication.

2. Sandra supposedly used a black trash bag, the one in the bin in the photo is white.

As above.

3. Sandra supposedly hung herself from the partition into the shower cubicle, a height of approximately 5 feet, Sarah was almost 6 feet tall.

This, alone, all but renders the entire police case, irrespective of how much of it may be true, highly questionable and in need of further investigation.

My take:
She mentions in the video that she's an epileptic. Perhaps she had an epileptic seizure in the cell (due to stress), the police ignored it and she subsequently died. Thus, now they're trying to cover it up lest they may get fingered for neglect / manslaughter through dereliction of duty with respect to a prisoner's well-being.
edit on 24-7-2015 by AlexJowls because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 02:29 AM

originally posted by: AlexJowls
America is a failed nation which is mired in the past. It has endemic racism, the pathologically greedy running the country, guns in the hands of everyone and sundry and war hawks ready to start world wars at the drop of a hat. The sooner the U.S. is dethroned from its undue superpower status and its decline fully realised, the better it is for the planet.

As much as I despise much of what the Russkis and Chinese stand for, at least those nations have culture. The U.S.'s only 'culture' is the gun, violence, repression of education, dissemination of religious fundamentalism and the subjugation of poor and minority groups.

How rational-minded people live in a nation like the U.S. boggles the mind.

lol, China is no better, perhaps on the foreign policy front, yes, but it's an authoritarian nation. Well, the USA does lock more people away in prison cells.

Ya, the USA is slipping. Has been since the 1970's. It's not as bad as NAZI Germany or Stalin's Russia but its bad enough to where we need to drop this whole "democracy and freedom" facade and make some real changes. You're right though, heavy handed street level policing is just a small part of the problem.

Capitalism is is decay, not just in America. We're beginning to rub up against the limits of the market system. The need for perpetual growth. The environmental destruction, the social decay that comes along with poverty, the extreme wealth divide. The religious fundementalists only make things worse.

There's still joy to be found. Still wonderful things about the American people. It's not all hellfire and brimstone.

And you know, you speak of racism, ya, it's bad but we're perhaps the most diverse nation on earth. China would have the same if not worse issues with racism if they had the same diverse populations. And history.

US foreign policy is bad. As is domestic spying. A sort of visible authoritarian system that too many people oddly accept as the foundation of liberty. It's an Orwellian culture indeed but there are far worse nations to live in.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 02:41 AM
From what I have read she had talked of suicide before, she certainly was in a belligerent mood at the arrest and clearly didn't want to be arrested right down to refusing to get rid of a cigarette she was smoking. All I'm saying is that she was extremely confrontational and there may have been a reason beyond why she didn't want to be arrested.

As for the two pictures, one is mid blink or she's playing up hence the 2nd photo, I sincerely think people are reading way too much in to the number of photo's and if she was dead in them. Surely if she was dead from hanging then her eye would have been pure red from the bursting of the blood vessels in the eye's which happens due to the nature of hanging.

I can't answer for the edited video, it certainly MUST be answered...

And please, you can drown yourself in 3 inches of water IF you wanted to, the fact she's taller than the shower means zero, if she hung a noose on her it would not be very long and if she adopted the sitting position there would be plenty of hanging room.

Was she killed?

I somehow think not, I really think people should wait for a psychological profile of her, her behaviour at the arrest is way down the paranoia path and her anger says mental health issues either from issues she has or drug related, I know many folks on here extol the virtues of cannabis but whether you like it or not cannabis can cause extreme paranoia and add that to a person who may already suffer from mental health issues then its NOT a good mix.

Not every person simply 'chills out' on weed, I cannot vouch for that personally as I don't smoke anything but I myself do suffer mental health issues and depression and decided to research the causes and how psychology works (talk about license to print money) and have read reports on the counter effects of drug use because I take depression meds and pain relief meds, there's also meds to counteract those meds so I researched that too as don't like destroying my body with unneeded chemicals.

I've not read her entire case so if I've missed something I apologise, I just feel there's a common feeling of looking for the Police to be the cause of everything at the moment, of course its no wonder as they have been shown to be brutal, ignorant people at times who use criminality to cover their actions but its a huge hit to tar every Police officer and every force with this UNLESS you know different and if you do then make yourself heard.

If however you are just going along with the opinion then do yourself a favour and stop and then think for yourself, don't be a sheep following the others, give it serious thought and then decide if you agree or not.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 02:58 AM
Jumping in on this discussion a little late it seems, however I'm going with murder. Some people are pointing at the fact she said she was depressed on a Facebook video she uploaded in March as proof she was mentally challenged and felt her imprisonment pushed her over the edge. That Facebook video is a cry for help, a cry for attention, not a premeditated thought of suicide. And lets get one thing straight, she couldn't have thought she was in there for the long haul, the fact she was imprisoned at all is completely ridiculous for such minor offences.

The picture by the way, the premise of this thread, is very creepy indeed.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 03:25 AM
Not sure if this has been posted yet but apparently she made a call to a friend inside the jail.

It sounds like her.

If so, I highly doubt she was dead in the mugshot. (Not that I believed that ridiculous theory in the first place)

Second video down.

Furthermore, I have taken hundreds of mugshots in my career and in many cases I had to do retakes because the arrested stuck their tongue out, rolled their eyes, closed their eyes, looked away, etc.

At my previous agency we did not have a height chart as a background. Instead, we used a gray wall.

All of our mugshots were taken with the person seated against the wall. This could easily explain her being up against the wall.

Also, to those stating she wouldn't kill herself because she was excited about her new job, I have had a family member with a history of bi-polar/depression visit in good spirits and the next day he hanged himself. It happens. It is very common among those who suffer from bi-polar disorder.

Of course these are only my personal experiences, and in no way proves anything.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 03:27 AM
If you compare her irises to another picture of her, you see that her iris is in fact much larger than depicted in the mugshot. Look at any other pic of her and you'll see that very little of the whites of her eyes are visible on the sides. Not only are the iris/pupils photoshopped in the mugshot, they didnt get the two the same. The one on the right isn't even round. Irises are round, and identical to each other in size. They don't change in size.
edit on 24-7-2015 by 321equinox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 04:28 AM
White priviliage doesn't exist, it is something perpetrated by 'reverse racists' or racists as I call them. Haven't bothered watching this video or anything, seen this nonsense before. I bet she didn't do what the police man told her to when he told her to do it.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: alienjuggalo
Are there cameras in the cells here? It seems that could clear a lot of sh## up.

ETA Is it standard procedure to leave plastic bags in jail cells?

When I first saw the news on this story, that was my first thought, where is the camera footage from the cell? I've never heard of a jail cell without a camera in it. That's what I thought was suspicious.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 05:02 AM
There almost no doubt that is two versions of the same photo. Which one is the original is difficult to say without downloading the images and looking closely for any obvious signs of a touch up.

Anyone is capable of committing suicide but generally something like that builds up. I know of two people who have taken their life one younger than me and another older. Both had relationship problems, both became unwound in their behaviors getting them in trouble and exasperating the situation until they felt they couldn't rectify their situation.

If Sandra had a string of similar incidents and than found herself arrested May have been too much. That said, generally speaking people don't just hang themselves over a traffic citation but people can be irrational sometimes. It would take a large leap for me to imagine her getting so worked up to hang herself in an area shorter than she is because if you mess it up its gonna hurt like a bitch. And unless you're completely off your rocker it takes a lot of cha-cha's to off yourself.
edit on 24-7-2015 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: AlexJowls

She mentions in the video that she's an epileptic. Perhaps she had an epileptic seizure in the cell (due to stress), the police ignored it and she subsequently died. Thus, now they're trying to cover it up lest they may get fingered for neglect / manslaughter through dereliction of duty with respect to a prisoner's well-being.

They should get investigated for neglect of duty regardless. If someone mentions that they have been previously suicidal (especially recently) you should put them on regular checks, ten minutes at least. If she died from asphixiation then I would argue that she hadn't been checked for longer than that. If a jail cell has obvious ligature points like a partition in a shower cubicle that is also something that would need investigating.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 06:25 AM
Everybody is jumping to conclusions. Imo This is going to turn out to be another "hands up don't shoot" fabrication.
edit on 24-7-2015 by avgguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 06:32 AM
On the one with her eyes rolled back she looks dead.

As for hair falling into place, she is black and their hair is wiry, springy- strong. It really doesn't move or flutter around like Caucasian hair would. It holds its place well. Hers looks to be in dreads or twisted up.
Her hair just isn't a clue.

She does look dead though. If we are to believe there were two photos available from the jail, which I doubt. It's the same photo with an editing job for sure.

No idea about orange jumpsuits and I'd like to see mugshots from there to compare, since you mention they are not the same backdrop.

So what's the rumours. She was roughed up by the cops, died And they had to concoct a story of arresting her?

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: humanityrising

originally posted by: tony9802

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: Shamrock6

Should she be in an orange jump suit during booking? Is that normal?



Just FYI to %99 of people it seems like you're yelling. If that's your intent then using all caps makes sense.

I think use of all caps is against the T&C on here

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: TorqueyThePig

Also, to those stating she wouldn't kill herself because she was excited about her new job,

to me that's even more reason for her to have become distraught enough to hang her self.

being locked up in jail, thinking/knowing that she lost that good job. not hard to see a person that suffers from bi-polar/depression to slip into bad places in their mind.

i don't know if any have saw the interview with the woman that was in the cell across or beside her not sure which ir was but she said that she was drying most of the time.

Exclusive: Sandra Bland's co-inmate recalls conversation before death

edit on 24-7-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: JeanPaul

I would also add something I have noted when watching police brutality, I can recall quite a few videos offhand, where the violent cop was black.
I can't find them but there was the one where a massive 6 foot black guy chucks a girl face first to the floor, then the one where a mentally ill girl was trapped in the police station and got shot [two black officers, one female, one male] and several others, just keep watching them. Then there are plenty showing black cops being roid-'cops' on pictures.

I have also seen plenty of murders committed on video by white cops on white people.

The basic consensus here is, colour doesn't actually matter much. Being a cop makes you an asshole it seems, whites and blacks are killed needlessly by cops of all colours. Just wanted to add that.

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