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What motivates belief in aliens?

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posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 01:27 PM
What motivates this belief? Is it similar to religion, ie wanting to feel important , at the crux of history, etc.? Does believing in the coming interactions society will have with aliens make them believe they will go down in history, always to be remembered as living during the time of the 'aliem enlightenment'?

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 01:31 PM
For me....

experiencing it

then study:
Reading about them from reports of history
Credible witnesses....

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 01:35 PM
I don't know, it might be

1. Reams of official government documents supporting their existence.
2. The testimony of high-ranking military officers, even ex-Presidents and other world leaders.
3. Combat fighter gun-camera footage.
4. Numerous witnesses all over the globe over the course of centuries.
5. Numerous government projects to investigate the phenomenon, of which only one (Blue Book) was made public (and then described by it's former head, Ruppelt, as a deliberate debunking operation).
6. Photo and video evidence spanning decades.
7. Official announcements (often then retracted) of their existence by governments.
8. Some governments, such as Chili and Brazil, have gone on record as saying there is something to this, and that it is extra-terrestrial in nature.

Maybe those kinds of things cause us to believe???

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 02:33 PM
Everything Gazrok said, and..

1. Encountering them in the early morning on my way to school.
2. Being an abductee
3. Reading military documents which I illegally obtained (now deleted).

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 02:37 PM
What motivates belief in aliens?

Originally posted by knobby_roerr
What motivates this belief? Is it similar to religion, ??

i can't speak for belief
but i can address the idea that some think it is a possiblity there are aliens
or that it is very likely there are alien-ETs...

but as a catch-all phrase....the idea of 'believing in aliens'
is a natural, normal progression of the broader mind-scapes of collective conscious.

the demons & angels of yesteryears have become the ETs of today, because our technologies have made these concepts attainable.

but? you do see? that the physical aliens & ETs are becoming more exotic with all their inter-dimensional travels and warping time-space and engineering the QuantumRealities
just like their spacecrafts evolved from the B Meirer rivited metal clunkers,
to the ultralight, metal-fabric with memory, found at Roswell the worm-hole jumpers of contemporary thought. ...or even the sentient 'Moyias' as in "FarScape"

yes, it is similar to religion;....the alien meme is always undergoing change,
modifications are made and patches applied to keep the meme-myth-allegory-metaphor alive and vital.

Who, knows

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 03:12 PM
Unlike religion however, we have far more evidence than musty tomes written by ancients who thought that the thunder meant the gods were angry....


posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 03:23 PM
Put me in with Lady V.
And the experience was not a touchy feely have to really look for it one.
It was beyond any question real. After much research I found the same event in a book called "Life began in Sumer".

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 03:41 PM
for me it is to tackle down religion as it been speeched today..
I believe that is wrong and that many thing out the main religions can be traced back to visitations of aliens as noted in bible koran torra as they are inter connected.

even the way of the egyptions and mayans, all there gods can be seen in on the wall of pyramides. ( i am strong believer and supporter of the things said in the hit serrie stargate ) Ra , osiris ect are aliens and were here to enslave. other aliens tried to enlight. was a war which destroyed several regions. and after that most to all proof was erased from our planet of there visits.

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 03:53 PM
I have an opposite believe of Mark...

I believe Ea/Enki was the first god and was actually an extra-terrestial human...Many described him like a Nordic and many have remotely viewed him...

People wouldn't like what he was called in the bible, but Ea/Enki was the "horned god".

I believe in Ea/Enki...

You could very well call me a Satanist but that wouldn't be completely correct as Satan is the name given by the Christians.

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 04:10 PM
For me simple math and probabilities....

The known universe is huge and the number of stars in just our own galaxy is mind boggling. Look at the Hubble deep field shots and you really start to get some idea of just how much stuff is really out there and even if we are off on the tail end of the probability curve it is a curve and likely there are others out there with us.

Now, for them coming here - who knows. Lots of circumstantial evidence and even some hard evidence in some cases but no smoking gun yet. Could we be someones high school experiment - sure, but we may also just be highly evolved pond scum. Divine creation - no, too many bad apples running around for that, especially in the name of their creator.... Religions have always been about mob control, power and money and not necessarily in that order and any "believer" just needs to look at the facts to see that. Whether they believe in those facts is up to them....

Like religion or a god or aliens - I'll believe it when I see it or have enough factual evidence to make an informed decision one way or the other....

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by knobby_roerr
What motivates this belief? Is it similar to religion, ie wanting to feel important , at the crux of history, etc.? Does believing in the coming interactions society will have with aliens make them believe they will go down in history, always to be remembered as living during the time of the 'aliem enlightenment'?

Maybe because it's simply interesting and fascinating...

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 12:20 AM
Having a radioactive rectal probe shoved up your nose, while you are screaming for God is a pretty good belief motivator.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 12:36 AM
The motivation would be encountering them. I wouldn't say that they are doing this to feel important. Once you have encountered aliens thats all the proof or motivation you need.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 01:26 AM
What motivates this poll-like inquiry?

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 01:41 AM
Knowledge is the motivation for if we knew if that e.t exist or not than we would close the chapter on this very idea.

Man in general are perfectionist and knowledge is master, so fear of what is possible has induced the many thoughts that alien are looking over us.

Religion is just one of many motivations for many praised a higher being.
A being that dwells in the heavens, for both views just knowing the answer to the question would end this very topic.

For often new species of animals,insects,etc... are discovered in this supposly planet as simply put (the 1 and only in Infinty)

There simply is no amout as a number to described all foreign planets,stars and what ever life may live beyound this world.

(For we are whom they were, for one day will be to others as those whom came before us)

When man finally travels the stars and witness first hand what he'd seek,
he would only see his own mirror image.

People whom don't understand another ethnic besides thyself is an alien himself and they are to him. We are they look around the mall, work sites and public area.

Why not be motivated to seek the alien next door?

[edit on 29-12-2004 by 2ndSEED]


posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 04:21 PM
To follow up on my previous post. Enki is very much like a four foot frog.
His people are amphibious. For several thousand years his young eggs lay at the bottom of the ocean. Every now and then if mankind is about to blow themselves up then Enki builds a being from DNA clay and breaths life into it warning "it" of future events to prevent so mankind keeps populating their planet. WE ARE THE EXTRATERESTRIALS. Among us are spiritually advanced humans that will experience the "Rapture". Which will only take one day to migrate to bodies of crystal for space travel to a new world. Everyone gets hung up on Heaven cleaning out the dirt out of our memories when this takes place. On a long travel it is best not to have bestial longings that are not economically feasible to fulfill. Being created of crystal there can be no reproduction only repairs. The others or most of the rest of the human population are for food when the frog's eggs hatch. I can see Enki warning his children about not eating too many of those box lunches, "there loaded with preservatives". I believe this has taken place many time on this world.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
Having a radioactive rectal probe shoved up your nose, while you are screaming for God is a pretty good belief motivator.

Why would a rectal probe be placed in your nose?

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