posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to:
gee if they drop social security or shift it to the states, do they also shift the money that we've contributed to it to the state with the condition
that it is used on our behalf, or do we just kiss it goodbye, after all can't expect the gov't to pay their debts huh?
ya know it's funny, I know way more people who never reached retirement age or did reach just to die a year or so later- father, mother, brother,
husband....gee, that's alot of money when all added up that just didn't benefit anyone in my family, so well, of course, I don't expect to get any of
the money I put in either, after all, there's wars to be fought, banks to be bailed out, and of course the bridges to no where....
charity?? ya know, I'm sorry but I think if charity worked so great, the gov't wouldn't have built up the safety nets to begin with. not to mention
I really don't see that much of a spirit of giving here on these boards. ya know not with the "well if she couldn't afford the kid, she shouldn't of
had it and the " gee, they're just lazy, they should work harder, planned better" and such.
tell ya what, when the gov't gives me the money that me and my husband has contributed to social security, I will let them off the hook as far as the
social security benefits. but well, they don't have it do they? nope, so the game will go on and on just like it is because well they can't just
decide to take it and not give us something in return...