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Feminist: Not Allowing Your Wife to Have Sex With Other Men is Sexist.

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posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: pfishy
a reply to: Barcs

Well, generally speaking, staying in a failed marriage purely for the sake of the children is rarely a good idea either.

I'd agree if the children were not so young. In this case they are 6 and 3, so a divorce could be very detrimental to the psychological development of the children. I firmly believe the parents should at least fake the funk until the children are old enough to understand. They owe the kids that much. Who knows, though? Maybe they are happy with the arrangement they have and them sleeping around only strengthens the marriage. Humans are very sexual beings by nature, so you can't really blame them for embracing it. I have no right to judge anybody for how they decide to treat their bodies or how they choose to act in a marriage.
edit on 23-7-2015 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: Harvin
I would not be with anyone who is sexually promiscuous for the simple fact that it puts me at risk for all kinds of diseases and illnesses. 10 years from now after you leave that person you are still infected...long after that person is gone. No thank you.

That wouldn't be my choice either, although, like I said, the risk is very low.

And NO, i do not agree with you that they are always using a rubber barrier. I CAN tell you that men always try to eventually do away with what you are referring to as protection...a few glasses of wine etc. and i cannot guarantee that a partner is engaging in behaviour that will CERTAINLY put me at risk...SO NO i would not take that as a given in any way shape or form.

Men always try that? That's funny, I never have. Sounds like one of those BS stereotypes to me. I'm not familiar with their intimate details, but surely they'd both agree that protected sex was mandatory if they were to have an open marriage. It sounds like the only way, but I could be wrong. The risk is extremely low if they are safe and if they aren't using protection then they are stupid. And really, who knows, maybe they agreed that their partners would have to be tested for STDs first. We basically don't know, so it's a bit silly to jump to the conclusion that there will be a big risk of disease.

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: Drest

can you elaborate on

This is why record numbers of men are getting cucked these days.

do you mean they are being cuck'd but don't know it or they do know it.

overall i do agree with you on this post.

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: subfab
a reply to: Drest

can you elaborate on

This is why record numbers of men are getting cucked these days.

do you mean they are being cuck'd but don't know it or they do know it.

overall i do agree with you on this post.

Well, IMO, it is a husband's duty to keep a close eye on his woman. If she cheats and he doesn't know about it, it's not really cucking, but it is kind of shameful and it's partly his fault for not paying close enough attention to her. It shouldn't have to be that way, but unfortunately in the modern West it's the only way to keep a wayward female from straying.

But the problem is, a lot of men these days actually know (or have a very strong feeling/hunch) that their woman is cheating, but choose to willfully ignore because they are so passive and domesticated. It's pathetic, but it's more common than you'd think. Actually knowing your wife/girlfriend is cheating, but refusing to follow up on it, is basically the same thing as being cucked IMO.

Believe me, I've actually had friends who were in this situation. With one, I had to literally chide him and mock him to the point where he got so angry he FINALLY confronted his girl about the sneaky sh*t she'd been up to lately. He had no solid proof, but he kept talking about how weird she was acting, and he had a strong hunch- so I told him "Bro, if you have a hunch, then its probably true. And if it's probably true, and you do nothing about it, you are a certified little b*tch".

But he wouldn't have done if I wasn't there to bust his balls about it. This is where we're at today, unfortunately.

edit on 23-7-2015 by Drest because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: theabsolutetruth
Feminist bashing click bait?

The fact some guy posted stuff online about his open marriage and called it ''feminism'' should be seen for that which it is and it isn't feminism, it is as has been clearly said an open marriage.

Feminism is about equality for women, equal pay, equal rights etc it isn't about extra marital relationships.

Are there any real feminist groups demanding this? It is unlikely.

The title of the thread could aptly say ''attention seeker'' instead of ''feminist''.

I don't think it was feminist bashing click bait, I think it was just click bait.

I highly doubt many would click on the link, if it was just the run of the mill swinger story.

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 02:36 PM
If he's afforded the same "openness" to pump'n'dump any floozy he wants, I'd say it's an equitable agreement.

If only she gets the "hall pass", he's not a feminist, he's a cuckold.

Either way, I don't really care. What two consenting adults do is their own business. Even if I disagree with what they're doing, it's not like it's illegal.

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: Konduit
wow crazy fetish the dude has, but I don't think this is news. I suppose this is like a look into the future at the logical conclusion to all this feminist crap and the whole love thing. Usury passed of as love, and branded by the collective sigh of humanity.

Its the roundabout of the roundabouts, our so called patriarchy started because for centuries women coveted men in power, then off course somehow that is blamed on men in general. # even in one of the most feminized and matriarchy of places Brittan you would have and had in the past literally all the females trying to throw themselves at the more social upward moving men in droves, I think they called it prima noptia at first. The Cinderella movement.

Then offcourse all those women raise more menchildren and stunted men because of there jellousy and well somebody has to pay for them being poor. Give that a few generations, and then off course you have the whole slave and indentured thing take over when the rich realize that its so easy to make the peasants do anything they want, because literally they have conditioned and breed themselves into a bunch of do anything for the social structure morons, so we go from a warrior society, to what you see before you.

And then the new world came in, were even our founding fathers were very rich men who came here to get away from the rules and regulations of even richer men, and the queen and that structure. And even here most Americans worship rich people, even to the point that they would sacrifice there children for the opinions of one, a strong tradition brought on by ages of breeding and conditioning...Let freedom ring. And that is followed in other nations and states and peoples albeit with there own little twists and flavors. It does take two to tango in the battle of the sexes. And when two fight, in real life its generally the third one that wins.

And so we come full circle to this...Again. And give it a few more years then these women will run into the very same men that are like them, and they wont like it one bit, because feminzed men tend to think just like women, and like women they are preoccupied with feminine things, and they also they tend to ask were there money is, in not so round about way.

I mean its hard to say we live in a matriarchy when most men I have known or seen there paychecks were handed over to there wife's first thing come payday, and lets face it. Its not that hard in our society to move up the social ladder at all if your female and now a days even plenty of help programs out there for them, so they usually got two paychecks coming in and the social upward movement as well.

And if anybody actually listened to anything these feminists say they would realize right off the bat that they have no clue whatsoever how not only our society functions, but how it has functioned for practically ever. Now how cuddled and how easy do you have to have it to be completely ignorant of something which is downright obvious, but hey as long as they dont have to pick up the bills, or deal with all these social shenanigans because they can get a guy to do it, no worries right?

Its a nice and pretty vicious circle, the only options left to them, to control or be controlled. Going from one extreme to the other. Ah! The circle of life goes on. What they are whining and crying about is the fact that they dont like to deal with all that they have more then helped create and supported for ages and ages.

But ya! Bizarre fetishes some dudes have. Whatever floats peoples boats I suppose.

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: Drest

originally posted by: subfab
a reply to: Drest

Believe me, I've actually had friends who were in this situation. With one, I had to literally chide him and mock him to the point where he got so angry he FINALLY confronted his girl about the sneaky sh*t she'd been up to lately. He had no solid proof, but he kept talking about how weird she was acting, and he had a strong hunch- so I told him "Bro, if you have a hunch, then its probably true. And if it's probably true, and you do nothing about it, you are a certified little b*tch".

But he wouldn't have done if I wasn't there to bust his balls about it. This is where we're at today, unfortunately.

Or you know... Maybe she wasn't cheating on him... Could be.

My first husband beat the crap out of me because he was convinced I was cheating. I wasn't. Fun times.

I suppose that is alpha as sh** though; watch your woman and keep her in line and all that. So, good on you for prodding his paranoia. Complacency is for beta's, amiright?

Regarding the article, probably click bait. It's an open marriage by his description, but he has put a feminist justifier on it for whatever reason... I'm guessing with the rather graphic description of her coming home and telling him all the details about her ah... hobby, it's probably a Feminists Are Bad contrivance.

If it's for real, I give the marriage two years, tops. It doesn't sound like there is a lot of mutual respect going on in that relationship.

edit on 23-7-2015 by redhorse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: redhorse
Story is probably bull#. But you never know, some dudes have some way bizarre fetishes, he could get a kick out of the whole thing. Either way, if true, its not likely to last. All that stuff leads to much to much headaches.

But then again, seen stranger things and if you assume that what works for you or other would not work for somebody, well that is just not true. For all you know they could be married for a very very long time to come, however its not likely. Ah who cares. Whatever floats peoples boats I suppose.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: Drest

well, making accusations without proof is just pointless. no one wins. bottom line is if your partner makes you feel insecure, talk calmly about it. if the situation does not improve then just leave.

it's simple really.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: redhorse

sorry to hear about your experience with your first husband.

i can relate, my first wife was a violent person. i won't go into details. divorce was the best thing (unfortunately expensive too) that happened for me.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 08:25 PM
edit on 24-7-2015 by Drest because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

I have news for you. Having an open marriage where a man champions his wife screwing around with whomever she wants is not taking power back, it is telling your wife you don't really give a horse patoot and it is trampling the sacredness of the marriage union. He likely is doing the same and I feel sorry for the two of them.
In fact don't you think it's a pretty reckless way of living? I mean do they go and get tested every week or just hope things go ok?

edit on 29-7-2015 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

I'm not sure why this is directed at me, but sure I'll give a reply, a bit bored right now.

So our species evolved with tribes, and bands mostly. We seemed to be communal in many ways. Strong men got their pick of women, and the fittest women could have many guys in a limited time. How do I know this? Look at the penis. It's shaped to plunge out other mens sperm for a reason.

We have since evolved culturally and socially, but you have to ask at what point we started to take ownership of the children ourselves, instead of keeping the kids at a community level of sharing. That seems to have mostly took shape post agricultural revolution, when we started to have abundance of things, settled down, and reorganized our selves and our living conditions according to the affordances of this new technology.

Marriage was a legal and social contract, a means to keep order. This was in a world where the women would not survive well without the support of a man. Look at the world today. Does the same hold true? It does not. People are free to choose whatever they like for their own sexual preferences, and social contracts. If they choose marriage, more power to them. If they decide on an open relationship, more power to them. You can choose to use shaming words for things you disapprove of, but I don't much care.

Personally, I valued monogamy in my youth, but am mellowing into an open-relationship as an ideal for this modern world. We have condoms, antibiotics, STD tests, day after pills, abortions, just a whole lot in this world to leverage towards a more enjoyable way of sharing ourselves with other people. I'm not sure a case couldn't be made for marriage being a bit reckless, or at least foolish decision for the world today. Most couples burn out of each other, and merely bare with each other for the sake of the children, or legal reasons, or they feel they can do no better.

Anyways, these are my opinions on the matter, not sure why you replied to one of my posts. We've had many different living arrangements, and sexual/social contracts through our evolution, and things are rapidly changing by the week. One theme being more seen is decentralization, which in a cultural way would mean many options, no core way of living as a standard for everyone else. I'm all for that. It's a complex and ever unfolding world, hope you can keep your chill as this progresses.

posted on Oct, 22 2015 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

as i get older i find it more difficult to believe people can be true to one person. i see it at work, i see it in my neighborhood, it is very sad to me. it seems so many people want a committed relationship and fool around too. it makes no sense to me.

a marriage is nothing more than a license that gives 50% ownership of all your worldly belongings and future earnings to another person.

posted on Jul, 3 2022 @ 11:56 AM
SPAM removed by admin
edit on Jul 3rd 2022 by Djarums because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2022 @ 12:31 PM
Woman can fake an orgasm, men can fake a marriage.

posted on Jul, 3 2022 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: Konduit

Mikey married a whore, but the kuck seems to get off on it, I guess.

I'm a one-wang kinda girl. You have to look exaaaactly like my hubby to ride the ride. Frankly, I don't see how people can call themselves truly good old fashioned In Love with a spouse at all if that sentiment doesn't ever click for the individual. Looking is one thing, EVERYONE looks (even me) It's the touching part people can't seem to figure out. Just because the giant honking cake on the table looks effing FANTASTIC does not mean dive right in. Keep looking, keep walking, that steaming order of Tall, Dark & Handsome over there is a foolproof staple.

posted on Jul, 3 2022 @ 06:52 PM

But don't paint this as something it isn't and attempt to use the Liberal Media to promote it as Feminist Civil Rights Ideology. I'm really at a loss for words at the moment, does anyone else want to chime in on this?

Nothing more I need to say that already hasn't been said. Guy agreed to be a cuckold because his wife and not he wanted to have sex with other people. If that's okay with him, that's his business.

But don't push that diatrite as being part of the feminist movement.

This is the dude that suddenly divorces his wife and takes the kids after his wife lives the life of a middle aged swinger and one day he wakes up and she looks like a vegas hooker. This never ends well, he just told us he wasnt cool with it but "logic" it out and simply does it because he wife does.

LMAO! Its not intimacy, its sex point blank peroid. Your wife told you while drinking she wants to get her back blown out on a regular basis (4x a month with a different guy each time). And you went along because, lets be real. You don't care. And you didn't want to leave your kids. *&$@$ the wife, her decision was made when she bought her ticket on the ho-train.

But he loves his wife but doesn't care she gets her guts pushed in on a regular basis. It's their business not mine.

Both partners have to be in on this and his frantic texts to her because she feel asleep after getting reamed, tells me he's not cool with this, he can lie all he wants.

Golden State Warriors won the NBA Championships how about that eh? I did not see that coming ,if anything, i would have though Gangrene would have locked them down with defense and their offense would be just functional enough to get this buckets to win enough games.

Apparently not.

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