Something happened to me that completely changed the way I think about dreams. I want to prelude this with an interesting factoid about
neurochemistry. The acetylcholine neurotransmitter system is the correlate of our conscious stream. When this system is sufficiently active, we are
conscious. In our wake state, this neural system is active, along with other modulatory and inhibitory circuits. During REM sleep the acetylcholine
system is the only active neurotransmitter system; the others are shut-off by GABA in your pre-REM sleeping state (then, GABA shuts off as well). In
terms of consciousness, there is no difference between our wake and dream state; except, our wake state has inhibitory and modulatory circuits that
disallow our every thought from immediately manifesting in the external world. In our dream state, we think it, it happens. So, if the acetylcholine
neurotransmitter system is the common denominator in wake and dream, does this mean these realms are interlaced? Until recently, I was hesitant to
take such a conclusion seriously.
The night's events that preceded my dream warrant their own post, but I will try to summarize it. Essentially, I was inspired by this youtube video
( to be ready to follow any external cue, and have total faith that it would be some sort of higher
calling. As I am walking home from the cafe, a man taps me on the shoulder, telling me where the nearest homeless shelter is. I am initially insulted,
but realize I probably do look homeless with the backpack I am wearing and I continue along the sidewalk with this man. I quickly notice this man
often mumbles. I realize I mumble a lot too, and we discuss this as we are walking to his house. We are now in the 7th ward, a not-so-great part of
town. Everyone we pass looks at me as if I am lost - or rather - out of place. This theme goes on for a while as I go around talking to the locals.
They are shocked I am in this part of the town; everyone thinks I am either lost, a cop, or homeless.
I run into another man, who also questions what I am doing in this part of town. I explain to him I am essentially taking a leap of faith into a
tangent of external spiritual signals. He understands. I tell him we ran into eachother for a reason. He agrees. After some heightening chit-chat
(philosophical inquiry) the veil is lifted and he begins, for lack of a better phrase, channeling a higher being.
He tells me that he is seeing things differently than I am (as if he is seeing things from the above perspective, where I am still below on earth). I
inquire what heaven is like, and we both agree that I should wait for the surprise. This unveiling is supposed to occur in the life time, and not be a
post-mortem occurrence. All this was very transcendental, but it is difficult to articulate, as you may be noticing by now. I left my backpack with my
laptop inside (containing countless meaningful documents) on the side of the road, and FORGOT about it. That is how uplifted I felt; Material goods
were (are) meaningless. This really put emphasis on the idea of giving away all your material items and following a higher calling.
It is about 2 a.m. now, and since it is a Tuesday night my requests to party with the locals is kindly refused. I get a cab ride home. Who picks me
up? Gabriel. Is this coincidence that someone with the name of an arch-angel picks me up after all the ethereal events that occurred this night? He
drops me off at my house and I go to bed. I live with my dad, and he is directly down the hall from me.
Two days later my dad asks me "So, are you going to tell me who that girl was?"
"Huh, What girl?" I reply
"That girl you were with on Tuesday night, I walked in and she was sitting on your bed with you."
"Yeah, and then I came in the next morning and asked you who she was and you wouldn't tell me"
"Dad, there is no way I had a girl over Tuesday night. I remember my entire night, even the name of my cab driver. I did not come home with a girl.
In fact, what you are describing is a dream I had that night, which, thanks to your reminder, I now remember it happening; in my dream."
"No, I came in and talked to you the next morning about it, and you wouldn't tell me her name" He replied
"That was in a later dream I had. If I were truly awake, and lucid, I would have plainly told you what I am telling you now: There was no girl (in
the wake state) in my room."
**My dad shakes his head in disbelief
"Dad, you somehow walked in on my dream. How else would you have reminded me of a dream that I had otherwise forgotten?"