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Deadly explosion hits Turkish town near Syrian border, 27 people killed.

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posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 09:13 AM

An explosion outside a cultural center in the Turkish town of Suruç, near the border with Syria, has killed at least 27 people and wounded many more, in what senior officials said may have been a suicide bombing by Islamic State militants.

The explosion comes weeks after Turkey deployed additional troops and equipment along parts of its border with Syria, concerned about the risk of spillover as fighting between Kurdish forces, rebel groups, Syrian government troops and Isis militants intensified.

Deadly explosion hits Turkish town near Syrian border, 27 people killed.

I could't find any similar posts using the search engine.
This war will never be over. Maybe this is the respond to the 'freedom will come' leaflets air-doped in Syria. Pictures and video in the link.
I hope this madness will end one day and my kids will live in a better world that we do now, but i really doubt it.

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: iasenko

It makes my chest hurt and my heart ache seeing innocent lives and people being barbarically murdered. Not only are these young men and women injured and killed mercilessly but imagine the hundreds of people who are emotionally traumatized by the loss of someone they care about and love dearly.

Has humanity strayed so far away from truth and love that we cannot band together to protect each other and look out for each other?

Where are the world's super powers?

Where is the protection?

These extremists need to be eradicated end of discussion.
edit on 20-7-2015 by IamInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: IamInfinity
a reply to: iasenko

It makes my chest hurt and my heart ache seeing innocent lives and people being barbarically murdered. Not only are these young men and women injured and killed mercilessly but imagine the hundreds of people who are emotionally traumatized by the loss of someone they care about and love dearly.

Has humanity strayed so far away from truth and love that we cannot band together to protect each other and look out for each other?

Where are the world's super powers?

Where is the protection?

These extremists need to be eradicated end of discussion.

Where are the super powers........Have you ever wondered how groups like this rise and take power. Have you ever wondered why as soon as one group or leader falls another one take it's place. Have you ever wondered why the US has military bases in 100s of countries.

Listen poster.......You need to figure things out. A good place to start would be President Eisenhower's last speech as president. I hear so many conservatives around me crying about these terrorists but not a single one of them understand the root causes behind it.......These are ex Iraq soldiers.
edit on 20-7-2015 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: SubTruth

originally posted by: IamInfinity
a reply to: iasenko

It makes my chest hurt and my heart ache seeing innocent lives and people being barbarically murdered. Not only are these young men and women injured and killed mercilessly but imagine the hundreds of people who are emotionally traumatized by the loss of someone they care about and love dearly.

Has humanity strayed so far away from truth and love that we cannot band together to protect each other and look out for each other?

Where are the world's super powers?

Where is the protection?

These extremists need to be eradicated end of discussion.

Where are the super powers........Have you ever wondered how groups like this rise and take power. Have you ever wondered why as soon as one group or leader falls another one take it's place. Have you ever wondered why the US has military bases in 100s of countries.

Listen poster.......You need to figure things out. A good place to start would be President Eisenhower's last speech as president. I hear so many conservatives around me crying about these terrorists but not a single one of them understand the root causes behind it.......These are ex Iraq soldiers.

I already understand the root causes. Even more so than you would think. Yet, I stand by what I said. How can anyone with a heart sit back and watch people be brutally murdered? Where's the outrage? Where's the love?

It is ideology, purely, that is the root cause. Whether its ideology for power and wealth by way of war or and ideology of an an extremist approach to a religion. The cause of this heinous event is due to ideology pure and simple.

In my opinion Erdoğan wants a caliphate - he's just using ISIS as a proxy. If Turkey doesn't make swift moves to begin sweeping ISIS off the Earth we'll know where they stand.
edit on 20-7-2015 by IamInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: iasenko
What a disgusting attack by cowards who wish to prevent the good people of Turkey from helping to rebuild Kobane.
Those who use this kind of terror tactics are worthless subhumans IMO.
ISIS may be the primary suspect,but-
Maybe they were ISIS affiliated,or maybe they were nasty people connected to the current Turkish government,who hate the Kurdish people.

What a horrid situation.

NO WAY the current Turkish regime should be allowed into the EU as the situation stands.

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: iasenko

R.I.P to the poor victims.

Whether or not ISIS is behind the attack is nether here nor there considering our mass media networks will spin it so one way or the other.

End of the day leaflet drops are as ineffective as air strikes. These people need to be routed out and destroyed by some other means. And even if that were somehow possible and we managed to destroy ISIS, that only works until the next generation comes of age and picks up the sword where there fathers and brothers left off. Vicious circle does not even begin to address the problem.

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: IamInfinity

The world powers?

What like the US and the UK, who armed militant groups and trained them to fight against Russian occupation of Afghanistan in the eighties, and were then surprised when those same militants turned out not to want to give up their war? Do you mean the same world powers who have funded and supplied the originators of every major terror network ever devised?

Those super powers? REALLY?

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: IamInfinity
Where are the world's super powers?

pulling the strings and making directives via conference phones.

we're involved, just not on the side you hope we are.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 01:03 AM

(post by okantonio removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 05:00 PM
What a crying shame that all these people are being killed for nothing.


posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: AlongCamePaul

Money, power, control of diminishing resources, clean water sources, religion, those are just of the top of my head as to the reasons our respective gooberments wage war across the globe.

I see what you are trying to say but convincing TBTB otherwise, or so it seem is like peeing into the wind. There agenda is in full swing, truth be told its been that way for quite sometime now.
edit on 21-7-2015 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: IamInfinity

For the west it is best not to intervene, it will only breed more hate towards the west with attacks as a result.
It is indeed ideology, and it stretches way beyond the borders of the caliphate, namely all over the world.
That is why it is futile to think that IS can be beaten through fighting the caliphate.
The best thing the rest of the world can do is to prevent youngsters from being indoctrinated and become extremists by stopping those who plant the seed of hate in them.
Water is the best answer to fight a fire.
IS is sunni, they fight against shiites/yazidi/alawites/sufi/kurds/christians and other religious or nonreligious people.
The Turks are sunni, as are the Saudi Arabians and Quatar, Turkey is known to be a passage for muslims from Europe and elsewhere who go to fight for IS in the caliphate.
There are some articles about the west being alarmed about Turkey and Saudi Arabia who are supporting IS, which would not be strange since they share the same branch of islam, sunni islam.
However, it is also quite clear that the US has good ties with both countries and has been busy to destabilize Syria since 2006 in order to get rid of Assad.
We have yet to see what Turkey will do in reaction to this violent attack which has killed at least 30 people and wounded many more.
Before this attack on kurdish people, two other bombings took place in Turkey this year on the kurdish political party.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:38 PM
This is a warning from ISIS to the Turks that they are getting to involved and if they continue to do so then they will pay a price. It is an odd war when the people who traditionally have been responsible for terror attacks, the Kurds, are now being helped by the Turks who are now under threat doing so.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:52 PM
how in the world do you keep track of who's who over there?
its all very confusing.

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