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New Video of 2 Tulsa Cops outside closed Walmart

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posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 07:00 PM
Good video. These guys represent the vast majority of police officers out there - sad that the few bad apples are giving "the police" a bad name.

Here's an extended interview with them:

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 07:04 PM
Those cops were blazed, me thinks.

I see cops sitting in parking lots of closed stores all the time. It would be silly to assume any jade helm, fema, etc going ons based on that.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 07:48 PM
Ok you paranoid assholes, this is exactly the point I was trying to make in my less than popular thread "An Alternative Perspective On The Police State" ...for the overwhelming most part, these guys are your buddies, neighbors and relatives. They're not all brainwashed mk ultra agents puttin colored stickers on your mail box to single you out for jade helm collection day. I swear it's like some people would rather manifest that reality and confirm their own delusional superstitions, than admit the forgotten obvious, as exemplified in the OP.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 08:02 PM
As a police officer, I love videos like this. A lot of people think that if there is some nefarious plot against the citizenry, that all forms of government employees (cops included) are aware of it and in on it as well. The real truth is that your ordinary street cop is just as in the dark about it as anyone else. There is no vast conspiracy involving all police. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there is a Wal-Mart conspiracy going on. What I am saying is that these theories of local, or even state police somehow being in the loop of all things governmental just isn't reality. I'm probably not explaining myself very clearly, but hopefully the main point I'm trying to make is getting out there. We are just 8 hour a day men and women doing the best we can, and honestly probably know less about and secret happenings in the upper levels of government than some of you on here.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: redtic

That's how I feel about my religion .....

Back on topic , Thanks for your post and Op ty as well for bringing this video .

as the saying goes , you have to give respect to get it .

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

I'm not sure how they would have had contamination at so many all at once, but my husband has had haz-mat training as part of being on the "safety team" to help respond to incidents onsite where he works. One of the things he learned is that one of the biggest nightmares for response crews is a wreck for a truck traveling to a big box store like Walmart or Target or one of the dollar stores because when they're loaded, everything is thrown in without regard to how its loaded so you have random chemicals just thrown in hodge-podge. If something happens, it can leak and interact.

And from my limited time working at a Target, I did a couple truck unloads as a team lead. He's right. They just had random boxes, and those boxes came out and you had to unpack them to find out what was in them. Then they got sorted by department onsite. There was no rhyme nor reason to how or why contents in the boxes came off or out of that trailer.

So, I could believe that there might have been an unload incident of a significant type at one of those stores, maybe two ... but that many?

It sort of strains belief.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: theyknowwhoyouare
Those cops were blazed, me thinks.


posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: Violater1

There are still good cops out there.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 11:49 PM
As far as Jade Helm goes; US military has to train on US soil sometimes. Where else are they supposed to train?

For example, let's say the army wants to do some special operations training, especially on some super spooky stuff (above top secret stuff let's say). Better to do that on US soil surrounded by American patriots?, or somewhere else, foreign soil?

Where is the conspiracy? Where in the heck is the US ARMY supposed to train?

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 11:52 PM
It remained 'civil' because the suspect (yes they approached him for that initially) remained compliant throughout, answered all their questions promptly, produced ID and most importantly was cleared of any wrong doing by the computer that never sleeps. They edited the part where they ran his name and asked a bunch of other questions.

Wants and warrants or any but completely compliant attitude would have resulted in a different outcome. On the surface its all cheery smiles and how ya doin, but they're there to investigate everything about you.

Starting with some BS "about a burglary".

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

It sort of strains belief.

yes so does every thing I can come up with myself.

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 12:27 AM
Guarantee you this Jade Helm bs is a prelude to something bigger and Wally World is definitely in cahootz. These cops sound and appear to be decent guys. But I don't trust most cops as far as I can throw them because they are enforcers for political rats. Laws are written to either confiscate your wealth, your freedom, or both. Period. Under the guise of public safety or civility.

They were right about one thing however. Open carry anywhere other than in the field on a hunt, is stupid.
edit on 20-7-2015 by BubbaT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 12:38 AM
First of all, there is a no fly-zone around any active airport within 5 miles per FAA regulations. That already makes me angry again, people are so misinformed.

Then second.. wow - cool cops :-)

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 12:44 AM
Has it really come to a point where we commend cops just for NOT shooting somebody?

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: seeker1963

Notice how the guy gave the officers "respect"?

Goes both ways. One could say "Notice how the officers gave the guy respect?". Which seems to be not so often these days.

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 03:47 AM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Violater1

Notice how the guy gave the officers "respect"?

Hard to fathom how treating another human being with respect can result in them showing you some respect back?

Nice video! Thanks for sharing!

You're gonna imply that everything is on the citizen? If you're respectful, you'll get nothing but happy-go-lucky cops you can joke around with, and if you're not then you get killed? 1st of all, that's not how a legitimate justice system works. Second of all, these were just good guys, the types of people you want as cops. It's easy to be friendly and give respect to a cop that doesn't act like an asshole who can do anything he wants and if you do anything but blow smoke up his ass then all hell's gonna break loose.
edit on 20-7-2015 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: Violater1
A u-tuber was flying his drone over a closed Walmart in Tulsa Oklahoma. Two of Tulsa’s finest approach him, inquiring what he was doing. What transpires is how properly selected, trained, and educated Law Enforcement Officers should interact with U.S. citizens. Weather or not the full story of what is going on in the closed store is revealed, it does display promise in our law enforcement community.

I want these cops as my new friends. Isn't it cool when people can just TALK things out without incident? With so many violent videos coming out lately surrounding police, this video however, is a breath of fresh air.

Thanks for the share OP. In darkest times videos like these showing this side of humanity is a reminder that all is not lost yet. Very well educated officers indeed.

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 06:01 AM

originally posted by: bringmecoffee
As a police officer, I love videos like this. A lot of people think that if there is some nefarious plot against the citizenry, that all forms of government employees (cops included) are aware of it and in on it as well. The real truth is that your ordinary street cop is just as in the dark about it as anyone else. There is no vast conspiracy involving all police. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there is a Wal-Mart conspiracy going on. What I am saying is that these theories of local, or even state police somehow being in the loop of all things governmental just isn't reality. I'm probably not explaining myself very clearly, but hopefully the main point I'm trying to make is getting out there. We are just 8 hour a day men and women doing the best we can, and honestly probably know less about and secret happenings in the upper levels of government than some of you on here.

Don't get me wrong, I respect the Job you guys do. As a matter of fact, once upon a time I wanted to become one. In some ways , I still do. Especially in the detective area where I feel I excell at the most out of my skills. I have that sense of duty within me "to serve and protect". I think these words sums up my heart in some ways, because ultimately I wanted to protect people aswell. I think caring is one of the most important of all human traits that defines a persons morality. (These days it is a rare thing though)

But I am also aware that sometimes good cops, get murdered by the higher ups when "they get to close to cracking a case of corruption". Most of the times good cops are murdered by the bad cops. Its not really new, and I know that even the police force has conflicts within and shady things tends to happen and blame gets given to some random thug on the street, instead of looking at what really happened in said department.

In this area bad cops would manipulate files, and evidences with the help of those already corrupted with "higher power".

This has made me aware that sometimes the good cops aren't given a choice and many of them live their lives in fear while being blackmailed in the background or "paid off" to remain quiet. It really is hard to judge todays situation between citizens and cops, because of this fact.

The large majority remain oblivious to what goes on in the background, and others just follows orders blindly instead of relying on their own morals. In this case, people do have reason to fear, and its understandable.

But Im glad to see one made their way to these forums. Much respect to you
. We need more of it.

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 06:26 AM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Violater1

Notice how the guy gave the officers "respect"?

Hard to fathom how treating another human being with respect can result in them showing you some respect back?

Nice video! Thanks for sharing!

I mainly noted that it was the police that gave the guy 'respect', instead of shouting at him to switch off the camera etc. that's what I would like to see more often.
There is plenty of footage where someone did far less than this guy and was immediately treated as a criminal, shouted at and threatened by police.

It works both ways, but you made it sound as if it is always civilians who are the rude ones causing the police to react violently. I just wanted to point out that respect goes a long way when used by BOTH sides.

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: Violater1

It's also a good lesson how the drone operator was respectful and compliant with the officers to enable a good, peaceful discussion. he didn't bow up and claim "it's my right not to show you ID", like so many others have done. Great video, and good info on the Wal Mart conspiracy.

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