posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 11:49 PM
I didn't even notice the pissy pants - shows how observant I can be. Photoshop or not, racism is fear personified (and it's not like any population
is immune from racism, white/black/asian/semetic/etc ). The only way forward is integration. When the US was founded, many white populations were
looked down upon racially - Italians, Irish, Slav, etc. Most of those populations were integrated into society, and today, there isn't the same
racism against those populations then there was in the 1700-1800-early 1900's.
It's the division that causes strife - you can see it still in the secular combat between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, the multiple
ethnic/tribal/political disputes plaguing Africa, and you can still see the racial divisions in the US, and Europe. White Europeans and those of
African decent, or any other ethnicity can cooperate - there are overwhelming examples of it everyday, yet so many buy into the madness for reasons I
can't seem to fathom.