a reply to:
This surprises me. Now if you will, allow me to provide a weak kneed defense for him.
Firstly, I read the quote provided, even though the quote had no source provided.
Secondly I watched the video provided and it was different from the quote.
Someone added (the government) to the quote.
This is not kosher, twisting someones words like that. I am not saying it was you, but where ever you got that quote, someone saw fit to change what
Clark said. To interpret.
We find radicalized people, American people who are turning to over the edge radical ideas every other day now. Right?
So what are we supposed to do about it. Just sit back and let them bomb and kill and be stupid? Certainly this should be a concern of all Americans.
Clarke said 'we'. Not 'the government". I think he was speaking as a loyal American citizen and not as a spokesman for 'the government', offering his
solution to this growing problem.
By changing the quote, by adding 'the government' to the quote, the statement takes on a draconian implication of government overreach, rather than a
patriotic statement by a decorated military officer.
Now I am not saying that this is the way it is, I just find it manipulitive that by adding the two words' the government' to the statement, it
propagandizes the whole comment into a government vrs us threat. Which, in listening to the video, it was not so easily interpreted that way.
Can you see how this interpretation of Clarkes words can make sense also?