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Murder rates drop as concealed carry permits soar: report

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posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:04 PM

The number of concealed carry handgun permits has skyrocketed since President Obama was first elected, while murder rates have fallen, according to a new report released Wednesday.

Since 2007, the number of concealed handgun permits has soared from 4.6 million to over 12.8 million, and murder rates have fallen from 5.6 killings per 100,000 people to just 4.2, about a 25 percent drop, according to the report from the Crime Prevention Research Center

Take that
an almost 300% increase in the number of concealed handgun permits since 2007 yet a 25% drop in murder rates..

I live in KS and we don't need a permit to conceal carry and guess what? I haven't been shot nor has anyone I know. Go figure.
edit on 17-7-2015 by alienjuggalo because: (no reason given)

(post by Jefferton removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

You'll love this!

Why do you think there has been such a surge in permit holders since Obama's election, and especially over the last year?

There was an increase during his election, but as you said, there's been an accelerated change over the last couple years, and I think if you look at the polls you see one reason for that. Gallup and others have shown that Americans believe owning a gun is important for their safety. By larger percentages, the polls show that people believe having a gun makes them safer as opposed to any other possible assets they may have. And where we've seen the biggest growth in permits is among the groups that have had the biggest changes in their views on guns — blacks and women.

The Rise of Concealed Carry

Molon Labe!

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: Jefferton

.357 Magnum

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:16 PM


posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:29 PM
I think it has more to do with an increasingly passive society than anything else. Everyone is now medicating their negative feelings away and simply accepting their assigned lot, etc.

In other words, I don't think less people are shooting each other because they're afraid their victims are armed themselves.

They're not doing it because they've been psychologically castrated by our culture.

Flame away.
edit on 7/17/15 by NthOther because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: NthOther
I think it has more to do with an increasingly passive society than anything else. Everyone is now medicating their negative feelings away and simply accepting their assigned lot, etc.

In other words, I don't think less people are shooting each other because they're afraid their victims are armed themselves.

They're not doing it because they've been psychologically castrated by our culture.

Flame away.

Hmmm.. sounds a bit like a cop out ,

ETA Thats not even the point, the point is we are not all running around shooting each other even though there is so many more people packing.
edit on 17-7-2015 by alienjuggalo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: NthOther

I think it has more to do with an increasingly passive society than anything else. Everyone is now medicating their negative feelings away and simply accepting their assigned lot, etc.

Couple that with high levels of entertainment and i think you are right on the money.......

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:40 PM
great post Alien! Sadly for this thread though, the naysayers don't have any ammo to fire back, so we wont even get to shoot this one out...

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: alienjuggalo

originally posted by: NthOther
I think it has more to do with an increasingly passive society than anything else. Everyone is now medicating their negative feelings away and simply accepting their assigned lot, etc.

In other words, I don't think less people are shooting each other because they're afraid their victims are armed themselves.

They're not doing it because they've been psychologically castrated by our culture.

Flame away.

Hmmm.. sounds a bit like a cop out ,

ETA Thats not even the point, the point is we are not all running around shooting each other even though there is so many more people packing.

He/She has a point!

What is the one thing the MSM tries to cover up and never seems to be held accountable when the "anti gun fairies" get a chance to attack the second?


Ah! See you edited it! But as a past mental patient who thought at one point in time I was a demon due to the medications our wonderful mental health system put me on? My statement stands!

It will be the mental health system that will end up disarming more people than the Feds.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: alienjuggalo

ETA Thats not even the point, the point is we are not all running around shooting each other even though there is so many more people packing.

Touche. But what's the point in having guns if no one has the balls to use them (and everyone knows it)?

This is why sometimes I don't think they'll ever come for everyone's guns. Everyone has a giant collective pacifier in their mouths, to the point that they'll never even think of picking them up when "the time" comes.

"The time" has been coming for decades now and no one has done jack squat about it.

Pacified society. Non-violence. Sit-ins and boycotts. We're already psychologically disarmed. What difference does the gun really make?

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: NthOther

originally posted by: alienjuggalo

ETA Thats not even the point, the point is we are not all running around shooting each other even though there is so many more people packing.

Touche. But what's the point in having guns if no one has the balls to use them (and everyone knows it)?

This is why sometimes I don't think they'll ever come for everyone's guns. Everyone has a giant collective pacifier in their mouths, to the point that they'll never even think of picking them up when "the time" comes.

"The time" has been coming for decades now and no one has done jack squat about it.

Pacified society. Non-violence. Sit-ins and boycotts. We're already psychologically disarmed. What difference does the gun really make?

Many of us have restraint!

WE are patiently waiting?

Pacified society, Non-violence, Sit-ins, and boycotts? Do you think those are the people who will take a stand when the SHTF?

Many of us are silently waiting.........While the government PUSHES for a revolt so in the worlds eye, they can look the hero's? My friend, there are MANY MANY of us out here just waiting..........

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

Waiting for what?

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: NthOther
a reply to: seeker1963

Waiting for what?

What do you want US to do?

Your the one bitching about no one is doing anything, so you tell me? What do you want to do to stop it? Attack? Obey?

I can tell you this, many of us are organizing in our own communities on how to defend ourselves, storing food, banding together as a community for what is coming.

What are you advocating? Storming the capital with 100 armed idiots? 1000 armed idiots? 10,000?

Spread em out brah! This country is HUGE!

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

I don't exclude myself from my own criticism. That's kinda the point. I'm just as much a part of this problem as anyone else. We've all been conditioned to "wait".

And wait. Until it's too late (which it probably already is).

Preparing is good, I suppose. But they're preparing while you're preparing. And they've got a big head start and all the money.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Try telling that to Chicago.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: NthOther
a reply to: seeker1963

I don't exclude myself from my own criticism. That's kinda the point. I'm just as much a part of this problem as anyone else. We've all been conditioned to "wait".

And wait. Until it's too late (which it probably already is).

Preparing is good, I suppose. But they're preparing while you're preparing. And they've got a big head start and all the money.

I feel boxed up in the same corner you do.

"Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance! Sun Tzu"

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 10:50 PM
Its funny because Violent crimes in the usa has been going down since the 90s, but yea its gotta be because theres more guns.

edit on 17-7-2015 by dukeofjive696969 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 10:56 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: alienjuggalo

Try telling that to Chicago.

Legal CC is legal in Chicago.


The illegal CC'ers outnumber the legal CC'ers.

And most murders are committed by illegal CC'ers against other illegal CC'ers.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 11:23 PM
The fact that murder rates are actually falling shows that the authorities are doing their job.

The fact that more people are carrying guns shows that people don't recognize this.

Anyone who imagines that there is a causal connection between the two phenomena had better demonstrate it.

edit on 17/7/15 by Astyanax because: we'll wait.

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