posted on Jul, 16 2015 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to:
First, the scriptures aren't true ... they are a collection and pieces, without coherent accuracy. Used today, for the purpose of inhialating
minority groups (or opposition groups), and is a political weapon.
Even IF we believed Moses existed, we'd be in trouble here. It doesn't take Moses, generations (maybe a year or two), to take the people from Egypt
to Israel. This guy lived to be hundreds of years old, but didn't live long enough to witness the holy land. This fact alone, should tell any
ignoramus, that "current" Jews aren't "those" Jews, period. If you wanted to find "those" Jews, you'd have to way out of the Middle East ... because
there is no such thing, as a holy promised land in that ugly desert called the middle east. Just to mention that single fact. Not to mention the
fact, that the people would have ended in a galaxy far far far away, having wandered for generations.
Bear in mind, that the so called "holy" bible, is a political weapon. That was used during the middle ages, to babtise people into the belief of the
"trinity", which in fact is a Roman thing ... and not a "God" thing. Unless you "worship" Caesar, and Augustus as Gods. Since they are what came out
of the Roman trinity, thingy.
Bottom line ... the Jews are NOT the Jews. And the Egyptians, are NOT the Egyptians. period.
Arguing anything from the "holy" scriptures, is just plain mumbo jumbo ... it's a scrap book, of bits and pieces stolen from different cultures, that
was and still is, being used as a political weapon.
edit on 16/7/2015 by bjarneorn because: (no reason given)