a reply to:
Thank you for posting this.... this is an inherent problem of religion.
If you go to various facebook pages that are jewish oriented, you can 80% of the time read jews talking about how happy they are that they married
jewish and not outside jewery.
But that just underlines the problem with a religion like Judaism...... the problems that come when you marry a gentile doesn't occur because you
marry a gentile, they occur because EVERYONE ELSE CHOOSES to disrespect you because of your choice.
Now if a religion is setting up rules to follow and rules for behaviour if someone doesn't follow the rules, then you are forcing yourself into a
smaller world... a narrow minded one.
The only reason judaism is succesful is because the jewish parents who raise up their kids in the religion brainwashes them into thinking life is
worse if they don't stick to their religion, completely omitting that everyone else who are not jewish or even atheists have perfectly happy lives,
free from nepotism and such, and this without the constraints and expectations of religion or atleast extreme religion.
I think people who are being brought up in a religious environment should ask themselves if their family and friends would appear to love them just as
much if you choose to go another way, if the answer is no, then those people don't really love you in the first place. Choice of religion or
philosophy is NEVER a prerequisite for love... NEVER.
That brings us to your "problem" because I honestly think it's a problem. Would your teacher have given you a higher grade if he hadnt seen you
doodling that star of david? We leave that hanging for a moment.
It also bring us to the issue of affirmative action... every time you single out in a special way, ANYONE, you are at the same time telling everyone
else that they are not as good. Be it muslims, blacks, jews, christians etc. you create the notion that someone is better than someone else.
Affirmative action can also be turned around and used in the way of being a martyr. This is something that the Zionist Congress is extremely good at,
and the sole reason that the state of Israel was created in the first place.
You have here a group of extremist religious people, who may not be using violence as such outside Israel to achieve their goals, but they are indeed
violent and their poison is so well organised by now that they can control the flow of information and opinions.
And every time they do, they are filling a cup of dis-satisfaction amongst everyone outside their train of thought.
At the same time, the Israelis and the lobbyists across the world are taking all jews hostage by drawing direct lines between the wishes of Israel and
the Zionist Congress, even though the truth might be that at least half of the jews in the world have no real need for Israel.
But as long as the thundering speeches made by these people fill so much in the media, at some point, outsiders can't help identifying jews directly
with the sick ideas of the Zionist Congress and Israel and that's exactly what the zionists want, because fueling racial or religious hatred will just
reinforce their own statements;
- "Look! See how they hate jews.... anti-semitists!... come join us in Israel!"
When in fact the sole reason for some of this hatred can be boiled down to dis satisfaction of affirmative action from the jews themselves.
I have no grudge against jews as such, and I have the most profound respect for jews who are so moderate that they can marry outside the limitations
of dogma... to choose their own lives.
I have everything against extremist religion and religion that confines ANY man to a narrow mind or life.
Also think about this.... no other place in the world is there a whole country designed for a single religion. That alone should spell madness in our
rational minds.