posted on Jul, 13 2015 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to:
I don't think i'm sold on any of it, The Joker looks terrible, gold teeth, tattoos, really? May as well make Batman like this while they're at it
Plus i cannot stand Jared Leto so that's affecting it. Harley Quinn looks kind of ok, if a little tall, but if she doesn't talk the way Tara Strong
portrays her then whats the point. Will Smith as Deadshot, hell nah.
This whole thing just screams miscast, mind you, i had my misconceptions about Ben Affleck being Batman but he looks so good for the part i now accept
it. Only because i eventually saw trailers and changed my mind, i've seen two trailers for Suicide Squad so far and i'm still reserved.
edit on CDT10America/ChicagoJulam13CDT3531am by TheMadTitan because: (no reason given)