Or...since this is a conspiracy site...he knew it was coming and was prepared for it... Lol but yea really he didn't even really react at all. Almost
like he wasn't even there...which I too have had a gunshot go off indoors and out near me when I wasn't expecting one, both were NDs, and I hit the
deck like it was a boot camp drill!
I finally got to watch the video...dude was absolutely in the wrong for attacking that security officer, even if the officer had no right to try and
remove his camera.
I do, however, think that the incident was needlessly escalated by the lady that ran and got the security officers in the first place. What a bunch of
entitled whiners...all of them.
LMFAO...that situation was embarrassing for all involved. Did you see the look on the one guards face as he was just sitting dazed in the chair with
his gun out. He was the frazzled one after that lol.
Wow, you just cant make this stuff up. Crazy. I think the security officer should have approached the situation a whole lot calmer and without a
biased attitude. The citizen should have not thrown punches right off the bat. Nobody handled that situation properly. As for drawing a weapon on an
unarmed man in a crowded room during a fistfight......the ignorance is strong with that one.