posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 12:17 AM
originally posted by: LostAndFound2
I don't like people but I thought I liked ATS members overall
Turns out majority of you are more than willing to admit you'll be cannibals in SHTF
There is a thread talking about survival and people are discussing how best to hunt down kill humans to eat them even children.
Honest to God anyone I see approaching in SHTF scenario will get shot.
Thanks ATS, thanks for making me realise I am talking to dangerous people
Why I thought the good Jedi force was strong here, I guess not
No offense, but why are you using responses on a Doom porn, conspiracy forum to form your opinions?
If you want to know what things will really be like in SHTF scenarios, I'd suggest you visit some poor countries. Especially the regions where the
government only controls the territory in name only. Contrary to popular belief, you'll see that each community has its own rules & things are settled
pretty fairly. Those regions have been doing without modern technologies for centuries to millennia (depending on how long they've been there), &
they're not randomly eating people or killing every outsider they encounter. People tend to organize fairly quickly, especially with food distribution
and divisions of labor. And the ingenuity is amazing.
The problem is that most people in "developed" societies have become so used to modern technologies and modern services that they don't know how to
survive without them. Even many supposed survivalists are completely dependent on at least a few modern tools (myself included
). They could be
surrounded by edible weeds, edible insects, and edible clays/soils but they don't know that and won't spend the time to learn. So they literally seem
to revert to animal savagery if they can't find a quick recognizable meal.
TL;DR Most people are civilized during real SHTF situations. The ones who panic and have knee-jerk savage reactions should be avoided at all costs.