originally posted by: Inarismessenger
Just recently was cleaning the house the day my symptoms hit and was thinking it was probably due to particulates and dirty filters.
Ditto. Grandsons coming for summer visit to Gran's house, so I was cleaning house in earnest--one with two strictly indoor cats and a German Sheppard
dog (GSD) who is shedding in massive clumps all over. The GSD has also been spending a good part of the afternoons in the house AC also b/c of the
heat wave we've been experiencing -over 100 degree temps, w/o the heat index. All of this/us cooped up in an enclosed area with recirculating AC! On
top of this I had cleaned out the garden storage shed with all manner of debris, chemicals, and mouse poop (ewww and which is a real phobia of mine
'cause it can make you really sick- but living in a rural area field mice a just a fact of life you have to deal with ergo the cats!)
Anywho...I thought my coughing, sinus issues, and teeth issues were from all the cleaning etc until....
(per Infolurker)
The pressure was so bad the roots of my upper teeth were throbbing.
and per Aliensun
... bad sinus infection. His face was so sore .... couldn't touch it.
and per KosmicJack
sensitive upper teeth, face hurts, SUPER fatigued...but no stuffy nose.
The whole right side of my face hurt; sharp pain from my front teeth, up the side of my nose to my eye socket; my upper jaw - two front teeth and and
two molars all went off at same time--hurt so bad I was in tears; thinking OMG - root canal?? Now?? With the grans coming? I was thinking it was a
tooth/teeth abscess it hurt so bad. But unlike other times when I've had teeth problems, OraGel was Not cutting it. Not even close.
I was thinking this is not normal. All four teeth cannot be abscessed out of the blue, (all the others were ok, these 4 guys have fillings/veneers).
Maybe really really bad sinus infection from all the cleaning?
I had some left over amoxicillian from a gut issue, a five day supply, so I started taking that thinking ok -if abscess, doc can't fix tooth until
infection is gone, if sinus then this'll clear it up. (Yes, I know you're supposed to use all your prescribed course of antibiotics up, but with gut
thing they had me on three different kinds at one time and I couldn't stomach them all at same time, literally, so I just squirreled them away and
forgot about them.)
Within 24 hrs of taking antibiotics, tooth pain subsided to low roar-- still on soup diet b/c teeth were so sensitive I could not bite anything w/o
severe pain. Backed up the antibiotics with ibuprofen for pain and antihistamine for sinus pressure and OraGel for the sensitivity so I could eat.
Made it through the weekend.
Grans arrived and everything ok.
I thought it was just me and/or a fluke until I started reading this and found I was not alone, especially the teeth pain issue. BTW - my sig other,
who works with the public daily--nada-no symptoms, nothing. So I'm thinking this is some kind of environmental stressor/allergy that morphs into an
infection, based on your personal sensitivities/allergies.