posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to:
Now that is weird.
The missing front appendages are the weirdest part. Cant have been born deform me thinks, first its pretty big for a stillbirth deformity, I don't
think coyotes or foxes or racoons or even wolfs or bigger like animals would not be born that big, it looks like it had time to grow a bit before it
died is what I am saying, its jaws and fangs look fully grown as well.
And there is no way it could have survived for any number of time in the wild without front paws. So really its a stumper, pun intended. And it does
not look like it died and other critters came by ate or tore off its front legs, there would be marks on it for sure.
And it sort of looks like an oversized weasel due to its long body, but the hind legs are way to big, and it only looks long due to the missing front
paws. Likely a dead and skinned coyote but the OP said the girl who found it said it only had hair growing on its back, so it could be diseased
mange death of whatever critter.
But that still does not explain how any animal with two missing front paws would survive in the wild for any period of time for that long, it would
literally have to wobble on its back legs the whole time. It could have died in the water bloated and shed its fur, but that still dont explain the
missing front appendages, I would almost say it was somehow aquatic but that's obviously out of the question as it has no other traits besides being
covered in coarse back hair and almost being hairless.
Its either fake, or some bizarre experiment somebody drooped in the middle of the woods. I really don't know, take your pick. Oh ya, that is one
bizarre find to stumble upon.