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Time yet for Revolution and Violence or do we wait some more

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posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 08:04 AM
There will be no revolution.

For there to be a revolution Americans would have to universally agree that personal freedom is more important than personal opinion, religion, political ideology and bias'.

We are no where near being at that point.

Almost half of this nation doesn't pay attention to what's going on in this country and the other half subconsciously advocate for a totalitarian theocracy in which only their beliefs and freedoms should be protected.

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: TonyS
My point is you have discarded whole section of society because they don't vote or protest. Maybe they to busy to protest and trying earn food and shelter. Maybe they know their vote is irrelevant because they have been discarded by society and have no voice in politics. This is my point about duty of care. The wealthy middle classes cannot see below them for looking up in a wishful way. The more intelligent and fortunate have feathered their own nest with the wealth of the world whilst abandoning their duty of care to the less intelligent or fortunate. The middle classes have a lot to answer for in the name of just trying to do what best for my family.
In a real world billionaires would not exist and to shrug it of with. WELL THEY DO GET USED TO IT. Is compliance and they are guilty as charged.
When it comes to the arab spring do you think the people were the instigators or just reacting to events beyond their control. (engineered). You could be getting achievement mixed up with lip service and concessions, No negotiations have ever resulted in a complete victory for the protestors, strikers, voters etc.

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 08:41 AM
I think you should all get comfortable, this is going to take a very long time.

But that should be expected when the belligerent fears it's own shadow.

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: LostAndFound2

So, how's it going, trying to stir up a revolution?

Your quote about Jesse Ventura: "Don't start the revolutions without me," is funny.
He is saying, let somebody else do it. I guess he thinks his mouth can start it?

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: w8tn4it
I wonder if they are banning the Confederate flag because they are afraid it will become the new revolution flag to bear when the shat hits the fan and Americans finally stand up to tyranny. After all, we are all slaves. Viva le revolution!

How eaxctly are you a slave?
How exactly are your freedoms and rights being oppressed in any way?

I see a lot of people saying things like this on ATS, and I see a lot of people starring those comments when they arrive, but when asked about what it is exactly they are so damned angry about they either ignore the question entirely or start repeating a lot of bs and nonsense that clearly has absolutely no impact on their lives at all, and usually doesn't even exist.

You guys are creating your own delusion about what it is that's "wrong" with your country, and 99% of the time there's nothing at all leading you to feel that way.

You are not oppressed, you are not having your rights or freedoms eroded, you are in no way being "driven" to what you claim you are being "driven to".

Most of the people here talking about revolution seem to be nothing more than paranoid ranters with psychological problems, manufacturing their own oppression as an excuse to have a "cause" to get behind. And dare I say, it's usually a Republican/Christian/Conservative doing the ranting about what they claim are "fascist liberals" supposedly "ruining" their nation through progress lol

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: LostAndFound2

What websites are YOU visiting? Revolution is not gonna happen...neither is gas coming in thru the vents.

Question: Respectfully asking, of course.....what's your favorite video-game? And, your sources please?


posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: LostAndFound2

When people start dying will the rest wake up and revolt or will it take more than 20 000 killed and arrested.

Maybe a million killed or arrested ?

Just wondering what is the breaking point of American people

Many of us have already reached the "breaking point," but violent revolution is not the answer. As much as I might be "against" someones or somethings, there is no one I can be "for" either. Who would fill the vacuum created? Why jump from the frying pan into the fire?

We have everything we need for a nonviolent revolution, but we don't use it. We are too divided and our fundamental principles are too often diamentrically opposed.

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013
Not oppressed, paranoid ramblers with mental illness, who are creating their own delusion. All our rights are intact and we talk of revolution because we have nothing better to think about. We are ruining the great nations that look after us.
We are free men and women. Certainly not slaves destined to serve the top 1% and the cronies they pay to do their bidding. Did I just wake up on another planet or am I a mentally ill idiot with no capacity to understand all the good going on around the world in our name. Sorry maybe I should learn GRATITUDE and be happy with nothing. I should now my place and do not dare ask for a share because it belongs to someone.

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: chewi

The wealthy middle classes cannot see below them for looking up in a wishful way. The more intelligent and fortunate have feathered their own nest with the wealth of the world whilst abandoning their duty of care to the less intelligent or fortunate. The middle classes have a lot to answer for in the name of just trying to do what best for my family.

O.k., well then.......first of all, I don't know where you're from, but, the middle class, at least in the US is anything but wealthy. In doing the best that they can do, working and supporting their families, all the while paying huge sums in taxes used to support the less intelligent and the less fortunate as well as the indolent and the insane, they have fulfilled their supposed duty of care. That being the case, I don't see the middle classes having anything to answer for, nor do I know who they'd need to answer to because I don't recognize anyone having any authority to demand anything from the American middle class.

However, from the tone of your response, perhaps its more the case that simply put, you hate and harbor much grudge against the American middle class. That makes much sense if you seek to advance the cause of Communism or other Leftist type political groups. Of course, this thread is about "Revolution" and Revolutions often times involve violence. But it occurs to me that if your a Leftist who seeks to destroy the US middle class, that can easily be done without firing a shot. Indeed, the US middle class is withering on the vine as we speak. Home and property values are being destroyed; the family unit is being destroyed; more middle class people lose their jobs and fall out of the job market into abject poverty every day. Soon, more and more of them won't be able to afford nutritious food for their children who will then become malnourished and mentally impaired in school. They won't be able to pay their Obamacare premiums and they will be fined by the IRS and when they can't pay the fines, they'll go to jail.

What more could an anti-middle class Leftist want?

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: TonyS
Equality and a chance. I am English and couldn't give a shat about people over the pond. Throughout history the affluent middle classes have used the working classes to further their wealth whilst propping up the elite. Have you ever really wondered why everyone hates the power you weild. sorry if you cant see the wood for the trees but are we supposed to thank for creating this world.
now they are taking your wealth back your blaming the left. do you believe in dog eat dog and survival of the fittest. That is abandoning your duty of care to the less fortunate or do you count giving your tax share as absolution of resp[onsibilty to your fellow man.
If its just business then face it you product is crap.

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: chewi
a reply to: TonyS
Equality and a chance. I am English and couldn't give a shat about people over the pond. Throughout history the affluent middle classes have used the working classes to further their wealth whilst propping up the elite. Have you ever really wondered why everyone hates the power you weild. sorry if you cant see the wood for the trees but are we supposed to thank for creating this world.
now they are taking your wealth back your blaming the left. do you believe in dog eat dog and survival of the fittest. That is abandoning your duty of care to the less fortunate or do you count giving your tax share as absolution of resp[onsibilty to your fellow man.
If its just business then face it you product is crap.

Yeah! You product is crap!

This is anti capitalist!

Dog eat dog absolution, yeah!

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: BlackboxInquiry
Source for info?

A woman called as a whistleblower CTC and sounded completely level headed and rational

And George Noory cut her off and asked where she found that out

And as she was getting into that he cut her off and hung up on her

George doesn't want trouble for his show, regardless if it is about saving lives

posted on Jul, 11 2015 @ 11:01 PM
No productive revolution will come from violence - only those most proficient at violence will win that battle, and they will use that same threat of violence to keep rule. It has happened time, and time again in violent revolution.

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: Subnatural
I am not anti capitalist just anti CORRUPTION. It seems your country and middle classes lead the way. Give yourself a pat on the back

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