posted on Jul, 7 2015 @ 10:33 PM
Hello gdt26, welcome to your new conspiracy abode. Usually one of the nice mods will visit your intro thread and throw a bunch of nice links at you...
but it looks like you haven't been haven't been visited yet.
Here is the main page for Board Business & Questions. As you can see there are lot's of sticky threads at the top. Most of those are general resource
threads, FAQs, and basic help for new users (linking, embedding, etc).
There is also a user messaging sub-system for private messages to other ATS users.
There is also a user upload space which you can upload your avatars or images.
Oh, and don't forget the Terms & Conditions! You should learn the T&C! Don't learn the hard way like I did! Basically, you will do very well on ATS if
you just remember to be cordial, to be fair and no personal attacks.
Content is king here on ATS and there are forums here designed especially for your craziest conspiracy ideas.. first is the Skunkworks
and the other is the Gray Area
That about sums it up. We all welcome you to ATS and hope that you find what it is that you are looking for
Sayonara Jupiter