posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 09:31 AM
Now if you aren't a Justin Bieber fan.. which im imagining alot of ATS members probably have better taste! you may not have seen his latest music
video, in which a selected number of fans and artist were brought in to draw on separate frames to be overlaid in the video. Now most of the frames
consist of boring fan art or artists trying to promote themselves yet alot of frames have very vulgar and demonic imagery on. which we know is common
to subconsciously inject into the media for our viewing pleasure. yet one frame that stood out was a plain frame with the words (9/11 BUSH DID IT) Now
obviously they're going to be swept under the carpet by the production team stating that the views in the clips are of the fans and artists, but
surely they must have checked and verified each frame to make sure they were appropriate?! this frame was allowed to be used?
Whats your views
PS. the frame im referring to is at 1:40 in the music video.