posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 02:54 AM
"quicquid nitet notandum" - Whatever shines must be observed.
I think nobody sees the sun as a deity anymore - science has just about convinced all mankind that the sun is a huge fireball consisting of 71%
hydrogen, 27% helium and 2% heavier elements. It seems bizarre to worship a ball of gas.
However, those that worship the sun treat it as an avatar - the visible form of God that one can see every day.
Not everyone can relate to an abstract God that is up there in the clouds - many need something more tangible - an avatar.
We often look at a photo of a loved one who has passed on with fondness - but we all understand that the photo is simply a tool by which we can attach
our emotions/spirit to the person who has passed on. Similarly, worshipers of the sun need a tangible emotional/spiritual link to God - they know it's
not God, but they can better relate to God through it.
Many, many people cannot relate to an abstract God - it's just too much to constantly accept without having something tangible. Eventually, they
simply stop believing. On the other hand, for those that choose something tangible as a visible form of God that one can see every day, such as the
sun, it is much harder to lose that belief in God. How then can it be a bad thing?
edit on 31/8/2015 by Saurus because: (no reason given)