a reply to:
I will have to chime in with the others regarding the owl. A white owl is a typical "screen memory" in close encounters. Deer, rabbits and cats are
common too. Sometimes, especially under hypnosis, if you ask the witness to describe the owl, what they describe is not an owl at all. The screen
memory is our own mind's way to make logical sense of the unexplainable. It creates a mask of something familiar to overcome the fear. Something else
pale with big eyes. As Rene said, "they tried to forget because they couldn't understand it."
This is also common, that witnesses just nonchalantly sort of "forget" about the incident afterwards, and never talk about it. Then much later they
will reminisce about the incident and find it odd in retrospect, that they didn't talk about it afterwards as would be typical human nature. The mind
has a way of blocking out things we are not equipped to deal with. Alien craft are replaced with rainbows, and odd beings with familiar ones.
I strongly suggest that you do not coerce the witnesses to pursue hypnosis. If something happened to them during those hours of missing time, they may
have buried that memory. Not everyone is emotionally equipped to uncover the information that is buried in their subconscious. They might not
consciously feel there is more to the story. Allow them to remain ignorant. Let them decide on their own that they think there is more to the story,
and if they want to pursue it. Because once you open up that can of worms, you cant unknow it. Is this woman and her elderly mother prepared to have
everything they feel they know about reality turned on its side?
Ask her to tell the story, and ask for details and descriptions, sights, sounds, smells, sizes, etc. But dont suggest anything that is not stated.
Describe this rainbow in the total darkness... did it arc across the whole sky... did it light the ground below it...? Describe the owl, its size,
its face, it's wings??? Describe what happened after it swooped past the windshield. Have her sketch the owl.
The beeping sounds are another commonly reported detail. The incident sounds like the typical alien encounter scenario.
On a side note: I was once cleaning out my kid's goldfish tank, and pondering the fishes point of view. He was just swimming in his tank, when
suddenly something from another world came down from above and scooped him up and out of his world. He found himself in a very sterile, plain, round,
unfamiliar room. Odd beings looked down on him. The next thing he knew, he was back home, and everything was normal again. And those beings never even
asked his permission to take him on that journey!
We may be like that goldfish, living in our own little world, unaware that our great big universe is just a tiny part of something much bigger, and
far beyond our understanding.