posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 01:29 PM
originally posted by: RobertAntonWeishaupt
So my question is: Is Bernie in on it? Or is he just a poor idealistic patsy? Is he going to play ball, or can we expect some weird Howard Dean Scream
style moment to scuttle the campaign in the early going?
Yes Senator Sanders is in one it. He says he knows he has very little chance of winning, but what he doesn't say is that he is not in the race to win
it. Senator Sanders is running for president to make Secretary Clinton look more centrist. Senators Sanders is a self proclaimed Socialist. He is
running on a pure Socialist platform. By contrast Secretary Clinton's record, although thoroughly liberal, will appear more centrist.
The Democratic Primary race will not create any 'bruised and battered' candidates.
There are many Democrats that are disillusioned and dissatisfied with the current Democrat President. With Secretary Clinton appearing to be more
Centrist she could sway them back over to voting Democrat.
That, in my humble opinion, is why Senator Sanders is running for President.
edit on 4-7-2015 by TheSemiSkeptic because: Fat fingers plus
smartphone keyboard typo