posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 12:47 AM
I gave it some thought as to where to pose this question. I think this forum covers the subject well, in the sense it's not an ET forum, but is expert
on the ancient and near-extinct cultures, where the Earth itself is valued so highly, it stifles the idea of traveling onward to the "stars" ,
"planets" or simply the dots in the sky.
It's a well-shared notion to the ancients that the stars represent other worlds. Why was traveling to them a lost notion? Did they just not have
confidence in the technology of their times? A Chinese Emperor even rode a fireworks rocket to the heavens, whatever the particulars. Vimanas are
spaceships in the Indian cultural record, but are they for humans? (idk)
Aside from actual cultural issues, limitations that are "normal" or excusable, can we consider these type of cultures flawed or ultimately doomed to a
finite fate on Earth....or were they just immature? Just as the reality of underdeveloped tech would inhibit the idea, ancient naivety might counter
that factor.
It just seems like the idea or plan of colonizing other worlds is missing from our traditions. What's always pondered is attracting aliens here in the
form of megalithic architecture, sacrifice (to a degree) etc...
edit on 4-7-2015 by FlyingFox because: freedom