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Fast food is an easy job everyone can do...

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posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: Mugly

I dno man I worked in a few print shops, you know factories that print things.

Those jobs were a complete joke. So easy I couldn't believe it. Standing around waiting for something to go wrong and then re webbing the press.

Easy easy work. Paid 50k a year to the pressman.

of course those jobs exist. some of them pay more than fast food cause of the environment.

i worked at a factory once through a temp service. it was a fiberglass factory.
it was the easiest, most mundane job i ever had and i hated it.

the pieces would come through about the size of a home ac filter and i had to trim x amount off each piece with scissors.
all day...thats it.

still paid more than fast food though....

fast food work is an entry level or transitional job. those jobs are for teens. for moonlighters. for people in between jobs.
if you are 37 years old and trying to support a family on your mcjob then you made a wrong turn somewhere along the way.

just cause people cant make a 'living wage' at those jobs does not mean those jobs should pay more.
there are other jobs out there if people working them dont make enough.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Puppylove

Have you ever picked pineapples?

Imagine trudging miles in blistering heat in long pants and a long shirt, and the heat is so unbearable that you take your shirt off and risk getting your skin torn to shreds rather than being baked alive. And that rustling you hear around your feet may or may not be a venomous snake.

And you did it for minimum wage. At those times flipping burgers seems like paradise.

edit on 3-7-2015 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
I order off the standard menu and the tards still consistently get the order wrong!

Well maybe if good employees that LIKE their jobs would get a decent wage, you'd get your orders right?

What I hear all the time is : "Wow, you're so good at your job, you should do something else!"
Well if I'm so good at it and I like it, shouldn't I deserve a better pay?

People in companies rise up in ranks till the point they just suck at their job and can't rise anymore. That's why we have incompetants's not their fault. The fault is the system for paying better for the TITLE of the job instead of the QUALITY of the job itself. If it was my company, when someone would rise in ranks but end up being bad at it, I would demote them but keep their salary intact because they deserve it for being good at what they do.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: theMediator

originally posted by: watchitburn
Fast food is a job for kids, if your still an adult working fast food. It's because you made poor life choices.

Another one who is oblivous to their own success.

We live in a society, you didn't get there by yourself. You met the right people at the right time and things played out decently. It could have been better, it could have been worst.

Life isn't black and white. It's not because someone gives the effort that everything will fall right into place. Some will work their asses off their whole life and never get anywhere while some will get a phonecall offering them a 100k a year job.

thats all its about? right place at right time or knowing someone?

thats a crock.
sure, that plays into it but people need to take responsibility for themselves.

its no wonder those 30 somethings that are stuck in fast food are late all the time. call off all the time. bounce from job to job. have felonies. things like that.

you telling me that them being in those jobs has nothing to do with their actual work performance, attitude, reliability?

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 09:48 AM
I've noticed something in the last few years. A while back when going through the drivethru, it was all kids. After school hours, on weekends, it was all high school kids. There was usually one Adult male in the mix, who was obviously the supervisor, or manager.

It's now become clear that is no longer the case. In fact, went through the drive-thru at KFC yesterday, and I could see from the window into the food preparation area. Those folks looked to be in the twenties and thirties. So, of course, people in their twenties and above want to have enough money to live in their own apartment, and afford a car. You can't do that on what fast-food pays. Teens felt happy to have whatever little money that made, as they lived with parents and didn't have any real expensives. Date money. Movie money, and such.

It must be the economy is so sucky that young adults are having to take those jobs, (which leaves high-schoolers out of part time work, too.)

Since it's come to this, then most certainly, those billion-dollar corporations known as "fast food" are going to have to step up and provide living wages for their workers. Let them all choose a day and walk out, and see how many burgers they sell. And they need to stop this "20 hour" a week BS. Hire people full time and provide benefits like they are real human beings.
edit on 7/3/2015 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: angeldoll

It must be the economy is so sucky that young adults are having to take those jobs, (which leaves high-schoolers out of part time work, too.)


yeah, that must be the reason.
nothing to do with their record.
nothing to do with their attitude.
nothing to do with their lack of skills.
nothing to do with their reliability.

of course the economy plays a part but that is not the only reason.

i bet a good deal of those 30 somethings that are still slinging hash have probably been through 300 jobs

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: theMediator

originally posted by: watchitburn
Fast food is a job for kids, if your still an adult working fast food. It's because you made poor life choices.

Another one who is oblivous to their own success.

We live in a society, you didn't get there by yourself. You met the right people at the right time and things played out decently. It could have been better, it could have been worst.

Life isn't black and white. It's not because someone gives the effort that everything will fall right into place. Some will work their asses off their whole life and never get anywhere while some will get a phonecall offering them a 100k a year job.

Careful . That sounds like the basis for starting the predestination kick. I agree with Professor Hawking " “I have noticed that even those who assert that everything is predestined and that we can change nothing about it still look both ways before they cross the street”

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: Mugly
a reply to: Gothmog

it does not look that way to me.
when i watch them it seems to me that none of them know what they are doing and they are all struggling.

most of the stuff back there is automated to some degree.

put the proper amount of frozen patties on the grill. close lid on grill. when you hear noise open grill.
dump frozen fries in hot oil. push button. when you hear noise remove fries from oil.

like i said, i know it is hard work but there is no skill to it. ive done fast food. my brother. my son. i know what it is all about.
depending on what you compare it to, it is physically demanding.

compared to my mother who works in an insurance office it is crazy hard.
compared to me working in a repair shop, its nothing.

try steel mills, foundries, oil rigs, farming.

thats hard #

Try textile mills , tire manufacturing ,electrician....Been there , done that , have the t-shirt and scars to prove it...

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: Mugly
you telling me that them being in those jobs has nothing to do with their actual work performance, attitude, reliability?

Nothing is ever black or white. Yes, it could have something to do with their attitude, yes it could be their fault...but it's hard to be opportunist when there are no opportunities.

There isn't a magical recipe for success but from experience, I can see that people that made it was much more about being at the right place at the right time and knowing the right people than being skilled or hard working.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: lightedhype
a reply to: real_one

One could argue that they are worse. Those positions support and empower the banker regimes. FF worker may be unskilled but they are not maintenancing the machine.

You are right.

I am very conflicted with my career and feel like a hypocrite on a daily basis for helping facilitate the well oiled banking regime machine that you mentioned.

My hypocrisy and self-guilt we can discuss another day lol.

Every single day I watch someone get swindled, I am not on the front lines and am behind the scenes but that does not make me any better.

As a human being, I have been desensitized enough to the moral dilemma so I am able to make it through the day and am happy when my paycheck goes into my bank account.

The only way to satisfy this moral dilemma would be to start my own business under my moral standards, or go back to fast food or something similar which is something I would rather not do. Unfortunately due to all that I have going on in my life I am unable to start my own business without putting my family at risk. That comes first.

Thank you for the reply.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:00 AM
Theme park, greenhouse, factory and fast food. You do realize they're all low skilled jobs, right? Try getting some skills and working somewhere that'll pay you decent. I don't understand how people can take a job like this, and then complain about the job they were hired to do.

I worked fast food as a teenager, and it was by far the easiest jobs I've ever worked.
edit on 3-7-2015 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: Mugly

really. thats all its about? right place at right time or knowing someone?

thats a crock.

You'd be surprised.

Most of my jobs came from word of mouth-Either a neighbor or friend was looking for someone or they know someone who's looking for a hand. In fact today I gave my number to a friend of a friend who needed a hand with his computer. Sometimes it's not what you know, it's who you know, or both.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Mugly

So, then, you agree the fast-food industry is justified in paying a grossly inadequate amount, or do you simply lack insight into how the economy and poverty effect a person's motivation and attitude?

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

There are some jobs you can get that do that.

My uncle went in with group straight out the military that went on to found the company that is responsible for grocery store laser scanners. He never had more than high school. He is retiring from a higher up position at Apple this year or next and is worth a few million.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

The economy should be independent of your motivation and attitude. Which economy? There's plenty of well paying jobs out there, yet people aren't qualified to fill the positions. If your local economy sucks, move.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun

originally posted by: beezzer
No-one should have to work hard, because it is hard.

Everyone should get a corner office immediately upon graduating 6th grade.

With balloons.

Seriously though, life sucks sometimes. It isn't easy.

Never saw a guarantee that it was supposed to be easy either.

It sure does suck. And I'm not saying someone should flip a switch and put life on "easy mode" for everyone.

But people working an honest 40 should earn a livable wage. Those are my thoughts on it.

A living wage is an arbitrary term.

Does it mean being able to afford basic cable? Or is HBO a right?

Life isn't easy, it isn't fair, it often sucks.

You can either make the best of it and work hard, or find ways around that.
Rent(most often)/Mortgage(reasonable, small home). Necessary utilities, transportation, and groceries.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:08 AM
sorry, but it seems that most of the textile mills are long gone, what is left are only small fragments of themselves.
maybe we should have a two wage system where students can be given a lower wage, since like some say, they are living home with mom and dad and aren't moms and dads trying to support the kids. and then a higher wage, one that will at least give about the same standard of living as welfare will give a single mom, ya know they'd be able to have a roof over their head, a car on the road, food to feed their families, telephone service, ect.
but ya know, those fast food places are open early in the morning and late at night, I am willing to bet that not all their employees are high school kids since those high school kids would have to attend classes during some of the hours the fast food place is open. and during those times, I do see adults working the jobs. and this isn't even talking about all the other areas in the business sector that is also depending on low wage, minimum wage workers to fill their ranks. I am willing to bet that any job that is saying that they require experience on it isn't looking to hire a kid that is in high school...and yet I see them offering wages that wouldn't keep a single person alive.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: pl3bscheese
a reply to: angeldoll

The economy should be independent of your motivation and attitude. Which economy? There's plenty of well paying jobs out there, yet people aren't qualified to fill the positions. If your local economy sucks, move.
How do you afford to move if you can't even make enough to pay the bills without government assistance?

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

i think the fast food industry on average pays their employees a fair amount.

it is a fair amount for the skill they need to do the job.

this is my opinion and nothing you will say will change my mind on this.

those are entry level, minimum wage jobs all day long.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

Why should I move? I have a high paying professional position. I have this characteristic of being able to focus on people other than myself, as I do here.

Response for you And Senor Mugly:

Consider this. I value my work. Consequently, I protect my job. It is my livelihood.

IF Fast food corporations paid a living wage, they too, might be able to hire people who would value their job, protect it, and therefore not have a crappy attitude. And indeed, those who did not value it could easily be replaced with those who do.

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