Why we need a maximum wage.
Before trickle down economics starting trickling down B.S. on the heads of the American worker, America was the most efficient machine the world had
ever seen.
When I was 16 fast food companies were begging kids to work in my city through ROP programs. There were plenty of low income jobs and room for
Then a wonderful man but horrible president, Ronald Regan, convinced a nation to give more money to the wealthy with the promise of prosperity for the
Middle class.
What was once a thriving market of small businesses completing for your dollars, became a few oil companies and a handful of bankers owning nearly 50%
of the world.
What was once a thriving supply and demand marketplace has become a controlled supply, maximum profit machine. The corporations controll the supply of
basic commodities to maximize profit without any concern for those who do without.
This is the problem with uncontrolled capitalism. It doesn't matter how much money a person has or makes, his corporation always has to make more
money this year than it did last year.
For an established business there are only a limited number of ways to make more money.
The easiest and most effective ways to grow profits are to raise prices or cut labor. If a man has no limit set on how much he can make, he will
continue to feel the need to increase profits indefinitely.
The world doesn't need billionaires with enough money to buy governments. This is absurd.
We need to return to the controlled capitalist system we had in place before Regan. And make the following changes; implement a maximum wage,
eliminate the FED, eliminate all private banking, eliminate the IRS and move to a flat tax.
The wealthy didn't care about us in the 80's and they still don't give a crap about the people.
If we had a maximum wage and maximum amount of monetary wealth this could never happen.
We don't need billionaires!
edit on 2-7-2015 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)