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Check this out - Illuminati wife tells all.

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posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: theMediator

Some Perhaps but not me. I'm a very sensible feet on the ground woman.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 11:46 AM
No need for anyone to "wish" it wasn't true. It's not.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: deathslayer
I hope you brought some time with you. Below are four fascinating videos of an illuminati wife who talks about her life and her husband, a trained killer who works with the illuminati. She drops a lot of known names around the world but specifically hammers on USA politicians and military generals.

These videos have been on Youtube for some time and it is possible that some of you have already seen these videos but I bet you have forgotten some of the juicy details she talks about. The woman's body language and speech patterns do not show signs of being deceitful and I believe she is telling the truth.






I havent finished watching the whole thing yet. Only 15 mins into the first video. But I wanted to point out two things she said within the first 15 minutes that caught my ears. The waco incident, and the people funding terrorists in new orleans. "Because all the terrorists trainers, and the guys who were funding the guerrillas and everything were in paris and new orleans."

Pay attention to what she says from 14:30 -15:10. (first video)

Here is a wild thought to ponder on. Haarp, katrina, New orleans literally wiped out and its state was martial lawed. Me thinks katrina was meant to cleanse the evidence. Something does not feel right about this case, and I know there is a connection here somehow. But I will leave it to you guys to think this one through. Something more than "fishy" is going on and everyday the puzzle pieces fall into place.
edit on nd2015000000Thursdaynd000000Thu, 02 Jul 2015 12:36:36 -0500fAmerica/ChicagoThu, 02 Jul 2015 12:36:36 -0500 by SoulSurfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:53 PM
Good vid OP ..going through them and finding some dots thanks . 1Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes individual existence, freedom and choice. It is the view that humans define their own meaning in life, and try to make rational decisions despite existing in an irrational universe. And because of that you get the ends justify the means .Part of the Jesuit Order and how they followed orders . This woman seems to be telling the truth as best she knows or the way she has viewed it and doe's because it will show up in others that have talked about similar matters .

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

You stay busy pondering that but let me put this little bug in your ear as something else to ponder. HAARP had nothing to do with Katrina or any weather event for that matter.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 02:55 PM
sorry but sounds like the usual christian propaganda to me. if there is ever anything which discredits the whole research, discussions, brainstorming, disclosures, etc. going on about secret societies today, religions (esp. the organized ones) would be it. the video kick starts with this classic "margaret white" like zealotry, stopped watching it as soon as i heard "jesus, bless, etc."
edit on 2-7-2015 by jamsession because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 03:47 PM
me too....the references to homosexuality, pedo's, evil sadists, being rampant in the special forces, is just too out there for me, especially in 2015....and of course, Christianity and the references made to it plays its part as well, as if somehow being of a strong Christian faith, you would not do these things....the old....Christian vs. "them" theme.....and using the word "assassins" for special ops guys is melodramatic to me...that's part of what spec ops guy do, they take out guys not on the battlefield.
edit on 2-7-2015 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 05:15 PM
My opinion is that she believes she's telling the truth, some of it is probably first hand from her husband and the rest is concocted out of a paranoid Christian world view. If you actually watch most of it, is clear a decent amount is supposition. It sounds like she heard gay rumors, some of which were possibly true, and group sex rumors, some of which were possibly true, and then alleges anytime her husband went anywhere without her, or if 2 dudes hung out together, there was a lot of banging.
I feel confident dismissing much of this as supposition also because it's clear she's a conspiracy theorist, as she came up with that Jefferson and Adams being murdered on the same day business. She admits she thought of that. You don't want a conspiracy theorist as your source as a leak. I'm sure we can all agree, because there is so much conjecture. They tie together facts to create a story that might be true, but becomes impossible for you to judge yourself because you don't know what the actual facts are.
It's also clear she's educated and familiar with people in the military, so it becomes difficult to dismiss everything. That being said, some of her information was just incorrect. Such as the idea that all these people could be existentialists and they're anti Christian and that Camus supported murder. I can't find anywhere Camus says that, and Soren Kierkegaard, is one of the most prominent Christian philosophers is an existentialist.
I think she is a conspiracy theorist that legitimately saw things that offended her Christian sensibilities and then through confirmation bias concocted a huge story.

Edit: I don't mean to imply the Christian worldview is inherently paranoid. I meant hers is.
edit on 2-7-2015 by WhateverYouSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 06:58 PM
Stop calling them illuminati they probably burst out laughing everytine someone references them as such to be deemed illuminati one must be enlightened/illuminated has nothing to do with hegemonic power. I refer to them as the watchers they manipulate society to their whim. One of their many symbols the owl illustrates this perfectly they sit at the perch of humanity just watching.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 07:25 PM
Thanks for the info. Will watch later because that is so long

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: jimmyx

me too....the references to homosexuality, pedo's, evil sadists, being rampant in the special forces, is just too out there for me, especially in 2015

Her tale doesn't sound credible in itself but when you think about it, those that control this world could be employing pedophiles etc into power because they offer total lifelong allegiance else risk exposure, family shame and jail. The Franklin Coverup Scandel fits nicely into the puzzle but the children that were abused by men in power were threatened with contempt of court for naming senior officials so that also was swept under the rug. In UK a whistleblower has said that at least ten ten current and former politicians are pedophiles.
edit on 2 7 2015 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 08:38 PM
I think that her testimony fits well with what most have suspected for quite some time and so no real big revelation . However that diary linking names and places would be a gold mine for some stories other people have been working on over the years .I think someone like a Peter Dale Scott would love to peek into it and make notes .Seeing that series has nearly 1 million views it's not likely going to be shut down and will have to fall into the, just ignore by MSM .

I didn't go past 1/2 the #3 and will over the next few days .I still think she is reporting the truth and is very sincere . Very fluid talk and not contrived imo

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: glend
a reply to: jimmyx

me too....the references to homosexuality, pedo's, evil sadists, being rampant in the special forces, is just too out there for me, especially in 2015

Her tale doesn't sound credible in itself but when you think about it, those that control this world could be employing pedophiles etc into power because they offer total lifelong allegiance else risk exposure, family shame and jail. The Franklin Coverup Scandel fits nicely into the puzzle but the children that were abused by men in power were threatened with contempt of court for naming senior officials so that also was swept under the rug. In UK a whistleblower has said that at least ten ten current and former politicians are pedophiles.

Those are the believable parts. I'm sure there are homosexuals in the military and among politicians. I'm sure intelligence agencies could use that info as blackmail. I'm sure there are assassins working for the US government.
She also mentions a Jewish presence in the state department and bias against Palestine. I would think most of us can agree with that.
It becomes very dubious when she labels it all Jewish kabbalist atheist existentialist homosexual conspiracy. I mean a few of those are mutually exclusive. I mean she claims Hitler was part of the Zionist homosexual plot. I also suspect she knows nothing of Kabbalah except it's not Christian, and even then there used to be a large Christian contingent of people into Kabbalah. She starts with unverified but believable claims and then jumps the shark.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 09:36 PM
I will just say this and you can take it or leave it. Proof is what you will not get because the truth will get your family killed.

OSS (Office of Security Services) did a lot of wet work. A term she kept referring to as the SEAL's like it involved water. 'Wet work' is called that because of the blood everywhere when killing someone. It gets wet in person.

I have experience with Army Intel and the NSA. There is a lot of threats made because they have things to expose that would ruin you and wipe out any characterization of being sane. They need control if they are going to expose you to Extremely sensitive operations. This part is true as a lot of stuff that was happening in Okinawa. My family member's best friend was Capt. of the USS Pueblo. She has some facts in there and you have to always take a story like hers out of her perspective. She wasn't directly involved and is telling some facts she heard with other things she deduced and read in books. It isn't like she is telling everything from first person experience.

I also know of alcohol abuse that ran rampant in Intel, including a character that was in charge of all sigint of China's Navy and earlier Russia's Navy. Bad stuff that these guys that came from OSS, AI have to suppress working over here in the US during peace time. I have direct family and personal experience with it due to the things you are privy too. I have said before that if I was able to frankly tell the US Citizens the reality of what is going on in their name they would revolt.

Regardless, she probably did hear a lot of stuff from her husband when drunk and has a lot of good information. And you have to remember this too, the groups that run the drugs (which took over in the trade in the 80's for black $$ and the War on Drugs helped) are the blackest of black and mercs. Not all the general special forces and command like she represents. Remember there is 2 cabals fighting for power inside these organizations and not all are involved in the money operation, the drug operations, and the arms operations. You do cross paths sometimes, but I have seen way more eliminated that accidentally stumbled upon these operations than were in them to begin with. Mainly other federal agencies people like the DEA, FBI, etc..

So, when you listen to her, you have to realize she is repeating his drunken info along with pieces she put together, and as she said from books and stories from other "Wives". So you are not going to get a coherent story line. Still, she has put the target on her back and they don't really care if she made a video or not. They want to make sure that others don't start contacting her and make an example as has been made with many others. However, I also believe she has lumped a lot of command individuals to activities they are not involved in. Part of repeating stories of stories. Poor intel gathering on her part.

edit on 2/7/15 by spirit_horse because: typos

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

Was she saying cabalist and not Kabbalist? I went back and forth on that a few times.

Nice post btw.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 10:33 PM

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: WhateverYouSay
No, I think she was referring to the Zionist Kabbalist. However, we had two opposing forces or military cabals when I was in intel work, which is what I was referencing. Welcome to ATS btw!

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 10:50 PM
yep, yessirr
it's good vs evil.....hugely remember , thee's two Israels....a bad one and a good one..

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: WhateverYouSay

I agree but don't think she is doing it on purpose. She swallowed a lot of misinformation so its necessary to read between the lines of her story. The people that run the world use subterfuge among their own to minimize damage if one strays loose which explains why she remains alive today.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 11:01 PM
I have watched the first two videos.

This very much reminds me of Rayelan Russbacher and her website Rumor Mill News

Her husband was involved in flying Bush to make a deal with Iran to not release the hostages till Reagan took office.
Much of her website now is new age stuff but the link should give access to their story.

Not to mention Cathy O'Brian who many have dismissed.

And then there is the Franklin Scandal

In light of the above and just her demeanor (sp) and the fact it is obviously not rehearsed just speaks believability to me

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