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Macy's is the latest to Dump Trump and his Clothing Line

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posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 02:26 PM
Hah ha!
Reading all of these butt-hurt comments coming out of the mouths of overly concerned PC pussies makes me laugh.
This thread pretty much represents how ridiculous this country has become.

Who cares who hates us even more because of Trumps comments.
I'm not a republican, not a conservative, not right wing.
Actually, I'm a nihilist. I believe in nothing and no one except what I can do with my own abilities.

That being said, I'd vote for Trump.

I want us to be strong again and totally destroy anyone who stands in our way.

What's the alternative anyway?
Bernie can't win, you know this.

Choose a puppet I guess.

I'd rather choose a muppet.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: FlySolo
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

lol. I'm a bigot? My ex friend supports a bigot and I made the right choice not to be friends with him. How does that make me a bigot? Clearly anyone who supports Trump is an idiot. I don't have idiot friends. Maybe you do?

ETA: no, you were right the first time

2nd eta: I didn't write him off just because of this. It was the final nail anyway.

I've had to burn a few bridges in the past as well. It's not something I enjoy, but we have our morals and principles that we do need to stand by, otherwise that would make us hypocrites. If we don't respect ourselves enough to do that-nobody else will give respect.

Trump is an egotistical, narcissistic person, who is only shown respect by either those who love him (friends and family), and/or those who value a person based on the amount of $$ they have in their pockets. A person can respect another for something they accomplished without respecting the man himself.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
Huh, his silk ties are actually pretty nice.

I never thought I'd actually *like* anything "Trump" -- but I have one and it's not bad. I didn't pay full retail though as I bought it at Burlington Coat Factory. Protip: cheap suits there...just get a good tailor

Hell, a gentleman should *always* get his rack-bough suits tailored.

That said, I'd probably like his ties too. I probably wouldn't even consider *not* buying something I liked if it had his name on it. He didn't offend me, but business is business.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
The Corporate World is sending the man a message, methinks: "You just THINK you can't be influenced because you THINK you're too wealthy. Let us show you what REAL power is."

Everybody is controlled by something, whether they realize it or not. If you're going to jump into the game of high stakes politics, your controllers will eventually rear their ugly heads. "Sorry,'re fired."

Good point. Trump is acting like "you can't touch me because I'm not a politician and I tell it like it (oh, and I'm rich, too, did you know that?)," but in so doing he's, not necessarily rocking the boat, but exposing himself too much that is insidious parasite of politics by constantly giving anyone who has issue with him ammunition against him, and more importantly, HIS BUSINESSES.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

"I can't shop at Macy's now because that means I hate Trump.
I can't eat at Chick-fil-A anymore because I am pro abortion.
I can't shop at Hobby Lobby any more because I am not Christian.
I can't buy Ben n Jerry's anymore because I am against gay marriage."

I buy stuff, not ideology.

I'd be hard pressed to say that there are enough people who think like that to actually make a difference in the long run.

While *some* people might temporarily stop eating at Chick fil A because they got their feelings hurt and wanted to make a statement, it obviously had no bearing in the long run since they're number one. Now, if they had banners flying at all their stores that would be different. Agree that they should keep their political and social opinions to themselves, but most average people, I think, at the end of the day base their consumer decisions on their true needs, not on the politics of the place they shop.

Usually a temporary social backlash; rare that it's lasting, I think.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 05:35 PM
Oh, this is great:


Some of Donnie's line of clothing is made in Mexico, it seems, and he has to insult an entire people? Like I said in the OP, "what if" as president he insulted a nation with HUGE manufacturing of American good, they could be serious damage. And it appears rest of his stuff IS MADE IN CHINA.

But HIS OWN MACY'S CLOTHING LINE (or some of it) IS MADE THERE!!!! And he wants to make America great again but he can't ensure his own products are made in the US. Once again, business first.

Oh the freakin' irony.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 06:39 PM
A number of comments in this thread think this is some coordinated attack - blackballing, etc.

A store is not obligated to carry someone's products. A TV network is not obligated to air someone's show.

This leads me to a simple question for you if you've made such a comment:

Do you actually believe in free speech and association, or does that only apply when you agree?

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: Greven

Corporations are people. They pay taxes just like individuals do. They can do whatever they choose to do for whatever reason they choose to do it.

They will suffer the consequences of their decision or they will benefit from it. Some will blacklist the store for their over-the-top PCness. Some will pat them on the back for it. Free speech wins all the way around, imo.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

That's the thing.

"I can't shop at Macy's now because that means I hate Trump.
I can't eat at Chick-fil-A anymore because I am pro abortion.
I can't shop at Hobby Lobby any more because I am not Christian.
I can't buy Ben n Jerry's anymore because I am against gay marriage."

Social memes, social media has influenced where we shop based on our political ideologies.

If I just shopped where they agree with me politically, I'd be naked and starving because I live in a liberal mecca.

I buy stuff, not ideology.

Unfortunately, business often spend their money towards causes. I'm not saying you are supporting their causes, but your spending of money to purchase goods/services lets them spend more money towards those causes. This should be taken into consideration.

Take Chick-fil-A... it donated money to an organization founded by Chick-fil-A's founder that sponsored groups strongly opposed to gays, some of which did gay conversion therapy.

That's not just a disagreement in beliefs. It's not an innocent thing, either - it's been a nearly if not totally unsuccessful 'treatment.' There are people who volunteer for this (usually religious people) because they think they are broken. There have also been people forced into this (usually kids) because their caretakers think they are broken. It's the latter where there has been a lot of abuse documented.
edit on 19Wed, 01 Jul 2015 19:02:05 -0500America/ChicagovAmerica/Chicago7 by Greven because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 07:22 PM
The way I read it, is HE dropped THEM

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 04:35 AM

originally posted by: FlySolo
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

lol. I'm a bigot? My ex friend supports a bigot and I made the right choice not to be friends with him. How does that make me a bigot? Clearly anyone who supports Trump is an idiot. I don't have idiot friends. Maybe you do?

ETA: no, you were right the first time

2nd eta: I didn't write him off just because of this. It was the final nail anyway.

Posts like this are why I lay awake at night wondering how many more days/weeks/months until we have a not so civil war. Alienating people because of their political beliefs?

What makes your personal beliefs any different from his perspective? I'm almost scared to ask this one because I know the answer in advance.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 04:43 AM

originally posted by: FlySolo
I understand what you're saying but what you don't know is, there's a history you have no idea about. First, when a friend says accidental oil spills is just the cost of doing business you might raise an eyebrow.

It is. Any time you're doing something potentially dangerous to the environment the opportunity exists for a mistake which becomes a disaster. The BP spill, Fukushima, 3 Mile Island, Chernobyl, even some of the damage from fracking. Those disasters are what we accept in return for the energy or material. Minimizing those things is great, but as of yet we don't have a single technology that has no environmental impact. Solar farms kill huge numbers of birds. Geothermal causes earthquakes. Drilling has spills. Nuclear plants have meltdowns and waste storage issues. Wind has too low a yield (and also kills birds).

There is no clean energy, so ask yourself this. Was more good done with that oil, than harm caused by the spill?

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: HomerinNC
The way I read it, is HE dropped THEM


"You can't fire me, I quit!"

Trump is the personification of that old chestnut about playing chess with a pigeon. He'll just knock all the pieces over, crap all over the board, then strut around like he won.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: Liquesence

i've been so busy at work, this whole Trump thing has passed me by. Well....that and I have purposefully ignored stories about Trump because he's a buffoon and attention seeker.

But all I can do is laugh. He really said that? Does anyone believe he is dumb enough to say that without a reason? Hes made his career off his big mouth and negative attention. THis is just Donald using the medias love for scandal to get some free advertising. Good press...bad press....its all the same to him.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: Liquesence
I'd be hard pressed to say that there are enough people who think like that to actually make a difference in the long run.

While *some* people might temporarily stop eating at Chick fil A because they got their feelings hurt and wanted to make a statement, it obviously had no bearing in the long run since they're number one. Now, if they had banners flying at all their stores that would be different. Agree that they should keep their political and social opinions to themselves, but most average people, I think, at the end of the day base their consumer decisions on their true needs, not on the politics of the place they shop.

Usually a temporary social backlash; rare that it's lasting, I think.

Consumer apathy is a real thing, if you go out on the street and ask people what they think of buying Nestle's acquisition of water rights they'll say it's wrong but if you check their shopping cart they still buy the water. Also, in most cases the people that really have a problem are in the minority, or atleast not an extreme majority. Lets say 99% of people disagree with someone and boycott a company, and then lets say only half of what's remaining will still purchase the product. In just the US that's still a customer base of 1.6 million people and Trump has nowhere near 99% dislike.

The simple fact is that not shopping at a company because you dislike the causes they spend your money on isn't an effective way to vote for or against causes with your pocketbook.

There's also a practical problem that every company is supporting a cause I disagree with. There are brands I can't bring myself to buy but by getting bottled water from Nestle I am helping them starve me of water in the future, by buying Coke water (Aquafina) I am an accessory to their business practices of murdering government officials until they get contracts. By eating at Chick Fil A I am sending people to gay conversion camps. If I buy a car I'm either supporting the exporting of American jobs or companies that took bailouts and if it's not those they treat their employees like dirt. With many products there is simply no alternative but to support the bad practices of someone.
edit on 2-7-2015 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:43 PM
Carlos Slim’s Ora TV latest company to dump Trump

NEW YORK — A TV company backed by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim says it will scrap a project it was developing with real estate mogul Donald Trump because of comments he made about Mexican immigrants.

Ora TV is the latest company to cut ties with the billionaire after remarks he made in his recent presidential campaign kickoff speech that some Mexican immigrants bring drugs and crime to the country and are rapists.

NBC, Spanish-language network Univision and Mexican media giant Televisa have also said they would no longer be doing business with Trump.Text

Trump is going to be broke this election is over.

He better apologize profusely and get the hell out before he ends loosing everything he’s got!

edit on 2-7-2015 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: Aazadan

Consumer apathy is a real thing,

I agree. No one should confuse strong opinion with action. People have opinions about everything, but not often do those translate to action.

There's also a big difference between wide appeal and deep conviction. A politician (or public figure) can show huge positive polling numbers, but they can change their hairstyle and the numbers plummet.

Your average person isn't all that astute. Half of us are worse than that.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Yes, he said as much. And he stands by what he said, so I give him a little bit of credit by standing with his opinion no matter how deep he keeps digging himself. I do think he'd say these things without a *valid* reason. He's reckless with his mouth which is proved *by* the fact that he's shot it off in the past and continues to do so. So, perhaps there *is* a reason to his madness. Of course, while that attention might help him in the business world, I think it has the opposite effect in the political world, especially if he is serious about wanting to be president.

That said, yes he loves the attention. He's the type of guy who would burn down his own just so he could say, "Well at least they interviewed me on the evening news!"

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: Liquesence

i remember when The Donald was a tabloid regular because of the Ivana Trump fiasco (the divorce).

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

I don't. I've never really paid much attention to him until he jumped in politics (and I wasn't exactly an adult when that divorce happened). Maybe that's what he wants: more attention. It seems, at least, he's an attention hound.

I did, however, see a quote attributed to him that he was actually surprised at the backlash (business-wise) from his statements.

The very sad thing is the amount of people who support him based upon his (illegal immigrant) statements alone, and which goes with what a lot of us have been saying about the shameful, rampant bigotry and racism in this country.

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