posted on Jun, 30 2015 @ 05:19 AM
Sure I understand! It can be quite confusing and at times monotonous.
Well the Guy releases weekly updates as I'm sure you have gathered!
What occurs is a twice yearly EQ uptick period resulting in a predictable large quake in these periods. There was a period of 188 days InBetween these
quakes going back a few years,but this pattern has changed and additionally the quakes like Japan 2011,Chile etc all occurred during the alignment
The last near side alignment of the Sun,PX and Earth was when we had the Nepal quake back a wee while ago,go back to the update of Terrals the week
before this and you will see he called it spot on. Dutchsinse is also worth a watch, as he also called an EQ for South East England off the coast of
Essex precisely also the week before and that was unprecedented-BUT He does not acknowledge the link between PX and the quake pattern=agent..but armed
with this knowledge that fact is irrelevant,therefore I endorse His thorough analysis of quake patterns.
So as I said twice a year we have near side and back side alignments occurring. So in August we will pass through this connection once again and you
can guarantee a big quake,as I said they are getting larger and deeper and the data points to that large quake occurring on the US continent I would
bet money on that!
The date that has my attention is May 2016 as this is when Terrals orbital data diagram runs out of space (pardon the pun) and the Poleshift *may*
occur then? If not? the data patterns will show a much clearer picture and we can glean more from that in regards to when it will actually occur if it
doesn't by May 2016.
What is curious to me,is that there is a decent amount of evidence pointing towards PX crossing Earth orbit in Spring! This is when the EQ climax
occurs and this is key. Have you heard of the flash frozen mammoths found in Siberia with the tropical plants in their stomachs and teeth? This was
documented by Velikovsky and these were also Spring plants! Some scripture also points to the Spring being the time of this event as well.
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edit on 30-6-2015 by EndOfDays77 because: (no reason given)
edit on 30-6-2015 by EndOfDays77 because: (no reason