posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 12:20 PM
This just ticked me off. No one likes to feel like the joke's on them for engaging. Which is what I did with the vid. Until the end, when the ruse was
suddenly apparent. Now I'm calling "them" jerks.
And What the H was the message, Are we really to associate the company with magnet tech innovations? That's a tall order. Is there something I don't
know about IKEA being a Tech R&D company? Puhleeze.
On a lighter note, who wants to assemble their own magnetically-controlled free fall equipment from a kit in a box?
IKEA! I have NO PLANS to EVER shop there, and this ad reinforces my aversion to it.
edit on 1-7-2015 by kkrattiger because: (no reason
Edit: the post sounds like I didn't realize it's for a charger. No, the above is tongue-in-cheek, a sarcastic take on their ad idea.
The tag line about Bungee Jumping Someday, Charging Now, was an absurd crumbly capstone to the idea which should've been left in the No Bad Ideas in
Brainstorming" drawing board at their ad campaign meeting.
edit on 1-7-2015 by kkrattiger because: (no reason given)