a reply to:
to expand on my experiences:
yes i have died many times during an astral projection. I've come to realize that these dream characters i am playing are different aspects of my own
During an OBE i was a drug dealer, i was trying to save my bother, my rival shot me in the face when i pulled a gun on him. I died, faded to black,
woke up in my body. I realized that was an approach I could have taken in my life, my consciousness decided to kill that aspect of my personality off
because it was no longer serving me.
Another time, I was out of body, I was on top of a sky scraper with my friends while the world was being bombed and earthquakes were happening. The
building started falling down and we all died. Fade to black. Same thing, i wake up in my body, everything is fine. I realized this was an aspect
of my personality that was worried about 2012 doom prophecies and what was going to happen. That aspect of me died that night and i realized that i
didn't have to worry about what was going to happen.
Another time I astral projected. I woke up in a completely different reality. I walked outside and on the corner was a sketchy looking guy in a
trench coat. I walked up to him, he said " hey i got something you might like" , gave me a pill. I ate the pill and was instantly transferred into
another dimension. This dimension I've come to realize was a very intense D M T trip. It lasted 10 hours in my mind. I Never thought i would get
out of it. Eventually i snapped out of it and was standing right on the very corner the guy gave me the pill. He said, " what did you think of
that?" , i was speechless, just shook my head and snapped back to my physical body. Completely fine physically, however mentally drained and mind
blown, i just woke up and enjoyed the comfort and sureness of physicality.
As for the silver cord. IT DOES NOT EXIST. This is a mind construct completely fabricated by whoever experienced it first and wrote about it. From
there more people read that persons experience and learned how to astral project and their mind, created the silver cord, because they were expecting
to see it.
In these dimensions what you believe is what you get. If you believe you can't fly, you can't. If you believe you are limited, you are. If you are
afraid , something negative will happen.
If you know you are limitless you are, if you know you won't get injured, you won't, if you are happy and confident, good things happen.
By the way, physical reality has the same rules, its just a denser reality so it works much slower.