a reply to:
I am anathema to modern technology, much as it is to me, for all that I am using a tablet to post this.
My buddy was really chuffed that his computer could run Crysis at maximum quality, and invited me over to see this for myself, and play it. I
arrived, and watched my buddy carefully pick his way through an area or two, stealthily taking out the odd enemy character here and there. My turn
came, and I wanted to take advantage of the full range of the armour skills that are in the game. I ran in headlong, butchering enemies in droves, and
blowing everything that could take explosive damage to smithereens.
I rolled up on a location which was essentially a square compound, full of tanks of fuel, and other things which would cook off nicely if persuaded
with the aid of a few grenades. It was also home to about twenty enemy sprites. Because I have a very up front, no holds barred, charge and screw the
consequences approach to first person shooter games, I ran straight through the compound, throwing grenades left and right, before spinning round and
beginning to lay down serious fire just before the grenades started to explode.
It was at this point that my grenades started to detonate, setting off secondary explosions all over the place, and wreaking absolute havoc
throughout the compound, throwing bodies, and particle effects all over the place. Unfortunately, the computer could not handle all of this at once,
and promptly crashed like a drunk in a Lamborghini.
More to the point, technology in general is anathemic to me more often than not. Everything relies on passwords that I cannot remember worth a crap,
updates only seem to want to happen when I am trying to do something time sensitive, and generally, computers require far too much maintenance for me
to ever get on with them. I like things which do not change state unless I explicitly make changes. I like things to be so simple, and sturdily built,
that my strength and methods are incapable of damaging them in the least.
Computer technology however is the precise opposite. These bloody things are too delicate, too needy, and only ever seem to work well, when one wants
to do something entirely unimportant, while proving themselves unable to handle the simplest task when that task is vitally important.
However, I never make it someone else's problem. If I am going to cause trouble for myself, I will request that aid be rendered whenever someone is
free to help. Because I am not a Facebook user, and because my life does not revolve around my tech, my friends and family know that if I need some
help with my computer, I can wait without any detriment to my person.
edit on 26-6-2015 by TrueBrit because: Grammatical error.