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Some Werewolf/Dogman reports from Brazil.

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posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 09:44 AM
Hey sup people, recently i have been researching some werewolf reports and similars from Brazil. And for my surprise they are very common around, but very rarely spoken (probably for the fear of beign called crazy i bet.)

The most intersting stuff about this reports? They descibre the exact same creature people reported in the Maine and Wiscousin, and this people never heard about the dogman before.

Anyway i gathered the most intersting for you guys, they were kinda hard to come by, i will leave the longest for last. There are more, but i’m to lazy to write and translate them down.

This happend in Mato grosos do Sul as well, around in 1970.

A good part of the population used to live in rural areas. I was no exception. But this doesn't come to the case. I was a young girl next to become a teenager when this happend. I lived with my family in a farm. It was night and we were sleeping when the dogs started to bark like mad.

After sometime we decided to go out because sleeping became impossible. After we checked out what was going on we saw all of our dogs pursuing a very big and dark animal. It was trapped in the middle of all dogs. We watched the dogs barking to the animal waiting for them to either kill or sent it away until the creature just slapped one of the dogs and sent him flying in the air. After that the dogs just runned away from the animal. It then standed in two legs and ran in the dark.

The dog was fine and survived. But he was in bad shape.

The folowing report happend in Mato grosso do Su. The witness doesn't rememer the date:

I was much younger than this happend. Sorry that i’m not able to remeber where exactly this happend. Anyway whe were gonig to our grandparents house and for that we had to travel inside the cattle fields. We don’t have really good roads in Brazil.

It was night, and after some minutes traveling our car flaslight lighted something eating a bull. It was big, very big. With black skin and muscular it had big pointed ears. After the car flashed it, it looked to us and we could see it. It had red eyes and a face like that of a dog, it was eating the bull while the others from the group were scared next to a tree. It began to eating the animal again after we left.

I’m pretty sure what we saw was a Werewolf.

The folowing report happend in Minas Gerais, 1998:

Hello, i work on the civil police for 7 years by now and for obvious reasons i won’t tell my name ... i’ve seen every kind of murder by now, but i was never scared, not after that. These things of monsters, ghosts I did not believe any of this crap until a certain date. In 1998 I went to Minas Gerais with my family for a few days of vacation in the city of Carangola in the neighborhood called (pepper, and you know, a man with Money from the city, i already got a girl to hang out with. So every night, i start to go to the church before i left her at home.
One night, i’m pretty sure it wasn’t full moon, around 3:00 AM in the morning when I left to home and decided to walk to the house of my relatives, about one mile ahead. It was a nice day and i was calm, until this day i wasn’t afraid of # anything that comes from the supernatural as ghosts, monsters and stuff like that (and even less because i aAlways walked with my gun).

And when I got in a place, a road which on the other side was a cornfield and in the other a forest, that’s when I heard a noise; a noise of a breaking bush and growls which reminded me of a dog or pig. I was surprised because it came out freaking nowhere! I felt it was a large animal, but never thought I'd see that ... and the noise began to get stronger and higher, coming from the cornfield side, I confess that at that time I was afraid and then quickly climbed a tree next to me.

That's when I, I saw the most horrible picture of the world that came out of the middle of the cornfield. I do not know what it was but it was horrible. It had some huge ass ears, yellow eyes, a muzzle stretched small forelimbs and a large rear and some weird knees. I do not know what it was. The body parts were very unproportional. It also had black and large nails with insanely huge hands.

The first think thought it was a do, but after seeing it i saw it was not a dog. After a couple seconds the beast began writhing and growling and gave little howls of ways to whinnying ... Then he began to vomit pieces of animals (chickens, pigs, dog, i came back to the place later)
That was not the freakest part. That thing started to talk. I was able to understand clearly what it said, because it was loud and reminded me of a freaking demon of a horror movie speaking. It speaked

: "OH MY GOD WHY THIS IS HAPPENING, (lots of bad words) WHY I WENT TO DO THAT? " Ater that i noticed that this time his nose was smaller.
At that time I began to freak out, I pulled the pistol but i had no strength neither to shot or to move. I began to stagger and a quick thinking told myself --- if I pass out and fall this animal will kill me ---. I kept the remaining forces with a hellish stomachache, cold sweat and beginning to fever and all of that scare skyrocket when that thing standed on it’s two legs. It then looked up to the sky and started screaming, howling, snort and with a mist of a gurgling voice it said:


That thing trew some dust from the ground. (that why i believe it wasn’t a ghost of some sort). Suddenly he ran like mad down the road! It was so fast i couldn’t see it properly. I dared not leave that place for minutes out of fear.

After i calmed down i traveled back home to my father and asked for help, but i could not speak properly. After that i told him just to follow me to the place where i saw the thing. When we got closer to the tree my vision began to get blurry and i just fell in the ground. Later i woke up later in hospital and people asked me what had happened but I just shook, it was kinda hard to speak, i was still in shook I spent a day like that and when I gave a little improved i was able explained what happened. My relatives in town were kind of like ... in doubt disbelief and a relative that lived in the town said:

- It was a werewolf what you saw.

My father said that these things did do not exist while others standing along swore he was a werewolf. After that i took my father on the spot where i saw the thing and i was surprised that whatever this thing had vomit was still there (that’s why i was able to indentified animal parts) .The remains of animals were covered in the midst of blood, even so, my father did not believe me.

Anyway, to this day I'm still haunted, occasionally I have nightmares and when I'm on duty i do not like being in dark places.
I know what I saw and if i see this thing again, i will be able to shoot it.

edit on 26-6-2015 by frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: frocharocha
I've heard a few people theorize that the Dogman could be a Baboon faced Sasquatch but many reports place the ears ontop of the head much like a Doberman Pincher. Others claim it looks just like a dog walking on its hind legs, which it very well may be.

Just like Bigfoot you have sightings worldwide of these "creatures". Who really knows what's out there deep in the woods. Dog faced men are mentioned through history with examples like Anubis or the Cynocephalus.

Who knows? I've never seen one either but I don't dismiss it.
Until there is a physical body many will never believe it. That is why so many witnesses just keep it to themselves.
edit on 26-6-2015 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 11:14 AM
That last report was very freaky. I do believe that in those parts of the world, there are such things as shape shifters. My mom comes from a very rural part of Mexico and told me that as a child she witnessed something that pointed to humans transforming into animals.

There were reports going around in the village of a witch that would change into different animals and go into homes trying to create mischief. She would be seen as a vulture and other times as a pig. Anyway... one day this particular witch, she wasn't so lucky. Some local guy from the village woke up to find a pig roaming around his yard trying to scare his chickens. He noticed that there was something odd about this pig but decided what the heck, it'll be good to cook over a fire. He shot it and when it died.. he noticed that it had a gold tooth (a cap) on one of his teeth.

He gathered a lot of people round including my mom (she went with her dad) and saw this thing for herself the next day.. They ended up burning the body. And that witch was never seen again.

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: blackmetalmist

I second that, the Mexico part. My wife is from a very rural area of Mexico also, and she tells me these stories of everything from ghosts and noises, to creatures and encounters. When she first started telling me it seemed almost ... well.... whacko to be honest. But the details have been backed up (verbally) by others in her family and some of it is just downright creepy.

I've contemplated that they make these stories up to scare the guero, but who knows. I personally think there's much to be discovered by us, and some things we can't even imagine. I guess that's the coolest part about it, the unknown

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 12:01 PM
Nice post.
I love werewolves. um!
ok I am crazy.
but I would love to be a leopard or wolf.

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 12:06 PM
oh man I forgot about how much I loved werewolves, ill be following this thread. And have you done any reading on European werewolves, there are some pretty good stories. I also have a relative in brazil right now and Ill ask him if he's heard of any stories that are similar.

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: DuckforcoveR
a reply to: blackmetalmist

I second that, the Mexico part. My wife is from a very rural area of Mexico also, and she tells me these stories of everything from ghosts and noises, to creatures and encounters. When she first started telling me it seemed almost ... well.... whacko to be honest. But the details have been backed up (verbally) by others in her family and some of it is just downright creepy.

I've contemplated that they make these stories up to scare the guero, but who knows. I personally think there's much to be discovered by us, and some things we can't even imagine. I guess that's the coolest part about it, the unknown

Also heard some stories about people turning into animals around here as well.

One specially about a girl turning into a goat in front of a child and it's father eyes.

oh man I forgot about how much I loved werewolves, ill be following this thread. And have you done any reading on European werewolves, there are some pretty good stories. I also have a relative in brazil right now and Ill ask him if he's heard of any stories that are similar.

There are some other reports i could translate and post in the thread as well. And indeed, dogman reports are by far the most creepy and cool around.

Never saw Reports from Europe whomever :/ outside the famous stories.
edit on 26-6-2015 by frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 05:23 PM
I did some reading and fond this. I didn't go through it in detail yet but was a start.

opps heres the link

if it doesn't work try pasting in address bar
edit on 26-6-2015 by amsterdamn87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 11:40 PM
I have a creepy story that pertains to werewolves/dog men:

Back in 2012 when I still lived in N. Virginia after spending the entire day with me my boyfriend leaves around 2:30 in the morning to go home. Normal procedure for either of us is to call the other when we make it home. My boyfriend lived less than five minutes driving distance away from me so when 30 minutes go by I know something's wrong. So I call him and he sounds distressed and tells me he got into an accident. I ask the normal who's and what's, and he tells me he is okay and that something smashing his window out while stopped at a stop sign. Where we lived was suburban but heavily wooded so I assumed and asked if a male deer had done it because it happens quite often as it was mating season. He says no and then tells me he's really shaken up and wanted to lie down. So the next day comes and he shows up with his car he'd had the accident in and the window is smashed out and under the window there are deep scratches. So I start grilling him harder about what happened and reluctantly he finally told me. When he'd stopped at the stop sign, a creature ran from the woods on the drivers side of the car smashed his window out and tried to bite and swipe at him growling. He described it as having pointed ears, long snout, red eyes, hands tipped with claws and bipedal. Kind of like the wolves in the Howling. He hit the gas and took off through the stop sign, but didn't see where the creature went. I still haven't seen my boyfriend that shaken up and every time I do bring it up he gets a haunted look in his eyes.

We've also seen what we call a 'spirit wolf' one night on a late night excursion to Krispy Kreme, but that's a different subject all together.

posted on Jun, 27 2015 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: amsterdamn87
I did some reading and fond this. I didn't go through it in detail yet but was a start.

opps heres the link

if it doesn't work try pasting in address bar

Yes, i saw that article. Shame that doesn't explore some reports.

I have a creepy story that pertains to werewolves/dog men:

Back in 2012 when I still lived in N. Virginia after spending the entire day with me my boyfriend leaves around 2:30 in the morning to go home. Normal procedure for either of us is to call the other when we make it home. My boyfriend lived less than five minutes driving distance away from me so when 30 minutes go by I know something's wrong. So I call him and he sounds distressed and tells me he got into an accident. I ask the normal who's and what's, and he tells me he is okay and that something smashing his window out while stopped at a stop sign. Where we lived was suburban but heavily wooded so I assumed and asked if a male deer had done it because it happens quite often as it was mating season. He says no and then tells me he's really shaken up and wanted to lie down. So the next day comes and he shows up with his car he'd had the accident in and the window is smashed out and under the window there are deep scratches. So I start grilling him harder about what happened and reluctantly he finally told me. When he'd stopped at the stop sign, a creature ran from the woods on the drivers side of the car smashed his window out and tried to bite and swipe at him growling. He described it as having pointed ears, long snout, red eyes, hands tipped with claws and bipedal. Kind of like the wolves in the Howling. He hit the gas and took off through the stop sign, but didn't see where the creature went. I still haven't seen my boyfriend that shaken up and every time I do bring it up he gets a haunted look in his eyes.

We've also seen what we call a 'spirit wolf' one night on a late night excursion to Krispy Kreme, but that's a different subject all together.

Very creepy story! thanks for sharing!

posted on Jun, 27 2015 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: frocharocha

Fascinating reports! Thank you for sharing.

Just wondering if you got any source? I don't believe much in werewolves, I am sure there is a simpler explanation for these strange events, but then I also don't think we know everything yet.


edit on 27-6-2015 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2015 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: swanne
a reply to: frocharocha

Fascinating reports! Thank you for sharing.

Just wondering if you got any source? I don't believe much in werewolves, I am sure there is a simpler explanation for these strange events, but then I also don't think we know everything yet.


Not really. Some of these i saw on interviews and on famous blog around here from a couple who collects all kinds of reports.

Some whomever, i contact people who claimed to had werewolf reports via email, and they told me the details.

posted on Jun, 27 2015 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: frocharocha

Fair enough. It's just that I find werewolves story hard to believe (albeit fascinating). So many problems of fundamental logic. A man cannot physically turn into a wolf, or any other animals for that matter, period. And so far I have no evidences for the contrary, except stories.

I could be wrong, of course, but then I have not been proven wrong yet.

edit on 27-6-2015 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2015 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: swanne
a reply to: frocharocha

Fair enough. It's just that I find werewolves story hard to believe (albeit fascinating). So many problems of fundamental logic. A man cannot physically turn into a wolf, or any other animals for that matter, period. And so far I have no evidences for the contrary, except stories.

I could be wrong, of course, but then I have not been proven wrong yet.

Alongside the last one, i have other three dogman reports where people would report strange looking people that acted strangely not much before or after dogman reports. What most attracts me about these reports are the physical and strenght feats from these creatures.

The first i tought is that these people could have saw Black Panthers. In Brazil we do have panthers and black-panthers, which could explain some reports, after all, these animals became rare due to overhunting and nathural habithat destruction, whomever these people would tell that the creature jumped walls over 17 feet high and would pursue them for hours.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: frocharocha

Yes, alot of stories, but no pictures, or video, or physical proof.

What if these stories are just that - stories? You know, like bored people do when they are around a campfire, and had two or three beers?

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: swanne
a reply to: frocharocha

Yes, alot of stories, but no pictures, or video, or physical proof.

What if these stories are just that - stories? You know, like bored people do when they are around a campfire, and had two or three beers?

There's always this chance.

posted on Jul, 28 2015 @ 09:58 AM
I'm sorry for having to derail the discussion, but I feel that I need to say this. WHAT THE # IS A DOGMAN? Myself, being somewhat lycanthropic in nature, I take great offence to this term. Werewolf, lycanthrope, lycan, or wolf man are all fine. But dogman? Call me a dog one more time and see what happens in real life.

posted on Jul, 28 2015 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: SupernaturalScientist
I'm sorry for having to derail the discussion, but I feel that I need to say this. WHAT THE # IS A DOGMAN? Myself, being somewhat lycanthropic in nature, I take great offence to this term. Werewolf, lycanthrope, lycan, or wolf man are all fine. But dogman? Call me a dog one more time and see what happens in real life.

I don't know how to call them, really

I like to call these creatures Dogman because it sounds mysterious and scary, for some reason whatsoever.

What do you consider to be a good name in this case?

edit on 28-7-2015 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 02:42 AM
a reply to: Frocharocha Dogman works for me- Rougarou is another name the Cajuns around here (Louisiana) use to refer to the creatures. Thank you for sharing so many accounts from other parts of the globe. I never really thought much about this strange legend until two years ago on a full moon much like tonight when I witnessed the most unbelievable being in our front yard. You are right, many folks don't share their stories because after you have encountered something so "scary" and "mysterious" the last thing you want to do is defend your sighting against people who will call you crazy and won't believe the account at all. I don't have time right now, but I do plan on sharing my story and the others I have collected since finding out just how real and frightening the dogman is.

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: MrsMartha
a reply to: Frocharocha Dogman works for me- Rougarou is another name the Cajuns around here (Louisiana) use to refer to the creatures. Thank you for sharing so many accounts from other parts of the globe. I never really thought much about this strange legend until two years ago on a full moon much like tonight when I witnessed the most unbelievable being in our front yard. You are right, many folks don't share their stories because after you have encountered something so "scary" and "mysterious" the last thing you want to do is defend your sighting against people who will call you crazy and won't believe the account at all. I don't have time right now, but I do plan on sharing my story and the others I have collected since finding out just how real and frightening the dogman is.

God, i can't wait to share this story. I'm pretty sure many people saw something like the loupgarou/dogman/werewolf but would never tell because of the far of being humilhated and called crazy. These are the true people who saw something we cannot explain.

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