No, I'm not a vampire. I'm someone who follows my natural bodyclock and lives a life as close to what it tells me.
I've been called lazy, but in reality I sleep no longer than most people. I am alive when the world is quiet and the buzz of the surroundings is
winding down and going through their regimented norms.
I live in France, middle of nowhere and in the heart of the Cognac vines. Me and my three beautiful cats. It has it's drawbacks, but that's another
I often step outside to answer nature's call (very french), look up at the stars, take a big breath of fresh air and gaze at the moon while
considering the ultimate peace and quiet I seem to have earned a privaledge to. It seems quite ultimate sometimes with nothing more to crave. While
others sleep and wind down, I AM ALIVE. The nightjars singing in the vines, a falcon occasionally crying in the distance, the bugs and beetles
clicking and cricking, things that are the treasures of one who waits out the sunlight to witness.
I love to work at night too, whether on the computer or on quietly renovating the house. I do have neighbours but despite their distance, noise
travels further in the thin, cool air. It just feels right, and natural.
Anyone else feel like this, or is this the troglodyte buried within me that I have allowed to live with the dark?
I cannot fight nature. The only thing I ever fight seems to be humanity with all it's regimented obsurdities and conforming securities. Well, being
the introverted free thinking individual is my nature. Put me in a box and I will chew my way out....out into the night.
Sleep well my dear ATSers, dream of the night, dream of the poigiant moments heightened by their place in a special world without the fracture of
human madness.
She is a beautiful red tonight, stepping out to say hello.
Mad Man Moon.
edit on 25/6/2015 by nerbot because: spellig