The gun debate is often approached from a very narrow viewpoint. I wanted to create this thread to remind everyone WHY we were granted the right to
bear arms in the first place.
One reason to protect gun rights is for the citizens to protect themselves from each other. This is the only example that reaches the media. The
entire gun debate seems to focus soley on citizen crime.
It is easy to forget that our founding fathers had more reasons than this when giving us the right to bear arms. If the only concern is citizen on
citizen crime then it makes since to consider giving up our guns.
But citizen crime is a poor argument against guns. The following reasons are why a population should never give up their right to arm themselves.
Citizens have the right to bear arms to protect themselves from unjust government control. People who give up their rights to bear arms will serve
those who took them. We are a government of the people with the right to protect ourselves against political and military traitors to the US
The last reason, and possibly the most important is to protect against external threats, such as a military invasion, or a fascist coup d'état
It is my opinion that nations who do not allow thier citizens to remain armed run an exponential risk of outside attacks and internal military and
political coup d'état. I also believe that such attacks would be significantly more debilitating to an unarmed nation.
I am a constitutionalist but I think our technology has surpassed the wording found in the constitution.
The constitution puts no limit on what type of arms someone can possess. So in theory we should be able to own surface to air missiles if we can
afford them. However, I don't think we want surface to air missiles in the hands of the citizens.
We need to properly classify our weapons and ensure proper training for each level. The training required for a handgun for personal safety should be
a little different than the requirement to own an Assult Riffle.
If citizens want military grade weapons they should be expected to go through military grade training. I am not suggesting anyone needs to join the
military to own military grade arms, but military training should be a requirement.
I think it is imperative that we maintain a well armed civilian militia to protect us from both external and internal injustice. But I want a well
armed and well trained civilian militia.
Where should we draw the line in personal safety? At what point do we say, this is the most lethal weapon a citizen can possess?
These are things we need to agree on. We need to have the courage to tear up the old law and replace it with a constitution that protects the bill of
rights and defines them for a new generation, the technological age.
We have entered into an entire new age of humanity. We need to rewrite our constitution to reflect the things that have changed in the last 200
This needs to be done collectively, by the people and for the people.
edit on 25-6-2015 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)