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General Lee From “Dukes of Hazzard” Losing Its Confederate Flag

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posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: awareness10

how would i know?
lets see.

if it was only a swastika on a shirt and nothing else, i would guess to be racist.

if i saw an indian person with some henna all over them and carrying the bagvhad gita under their arms while they rock the shirt, i would lean towards that person being into the ritual.

oooh, i got one.

what about the dude with the bald head and swastika shirt. he also has on purple doc martens with red laces and red suspenders to match.
i think he just like hindu rituals

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: awareness10
a reply to: Mugly

Ok whatever you say warden.

no problem.
glad you finally came around

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 06:57 PM
I tried not to have an opinion on any of this controversy until now.... Now it has gone too far.

Did this car bring slaves from Africa?

Did this car oppress society?

What the hell?

I'm so pissed. Lets just get together to fix a non-freaking-issue as the world crumbles. Skin color isn't nearly as noticeable as skin thickness. I'm sick of whiners. Sick of the easily offended, who bring the offense upon themselves most times.

Let us just erase everything. Let us just kid ourselves into believing this is progress. Let us buy into a delusion of equality.

Christ.... Texas needs to break off from this sinking ship before it is too late.

This car never hurt anybody.. It never shot up a church... I hate people right now, and I'm sorry if it offends.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 07:46 PM
This is a never-ending story. I do have to question something I find difficult to understand. Too much sun maybe.

This flag was flying over the state house of S. Carolina from 1961 until 2000, when it was moved to a memorial on the state grounds. People want to remove it from anywhere on state grounds. The S. Carolina legislature have decided to bring this issue up quickly, most likely in a special session.

The executions of 9 innocents in Charleston is the spark behind the current rush to make this flag disappear. From history, and memory. The murderer of the 9 people had pictures of himself holding the flag. A national debate has begun that has put an immense amount of pressure on corporations, retailers, and many other companies to get rid of any connection to this flag.

Numerous states, counties, cities, and towns are frantically looking at ways to avoid being pulled into the backlash and fray ahead. That's all for another day.

S. Carolina is the 1st test though. The state house and grounds are government property. But who really owns these properties? The people of S. Carolina. Not people all across America, just the residents of this single state. Should this battle be fought in the national news, or on the web? People everywhere may have an opinion about it, but the people of S. Carolina really are the most affected at this point. Leave them to take care of this business as they see fit.

As this issue grows or diminishes, it may or may not affect us all. Why are we letting this divide us so much now? We are letting this tear us apart rather than bringing us together. Everyone wants a "conversation" about racial issues, but it always ends up as an argument, with one side claiming the other is this, and the other side accusing the other of being that.

Nobody alive now was a slave or slave master. What we have are people and groups taking a symbol and perverting it to fit their cause or feelings. We also have children and young adults claiming this symbol is hurtful and makes them feel the angst of their ancestors.

Where does this leave us? Can we ever have this "conversation" so many call for? Will we come to a time when we are referring to each other as Americans, rather than hyphenated Americans? When will we all laugh together about how we are fighting about this current issue?

I'll be sitting in the racist, ignorant corner if you need me.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: retiredTxn
This is a never-ending story. I do have to question something I find difficult to understand. Too much sun maybe.

This flag was flying over the state house of S. Carolina from 1961 until 2000, when it was moved to a memorial on the state grounds. People want to remove it from anywhere on state grounds. The S. Carolina legislature have decided to bring this issue up quickly, most likely in a special session.

The executions of 9 innocents in Charleston is the spark behind the current rush to make this flag disappear. From history, and memory. The murderer of the 9 people had pictures of himself holding the flag. A national debate has begun that has put an immense amount of pressure on corporations, retailers, and many other companies to get rid of any connection to this flag.

Numerous states, counties, cities, and towns are frantically looking at ways to avoid being pulled into the backlash and fray ahead. That's all for another day.

S. Carolina is the 1st test though. The state house and grounds are government property. But who really owns these properties? The people of S. Carolina. Not people all across America, just the residents of this single state. Should this battle be fought in the national news, or on the web? People everywhere may have an opinion about it, but the people of S. Carolina really are the most affected at this point. Leave them to take care of this business as they see fit.

As this issue grows or diminishes, it may or may not affect us all. Why are we letting this divide us so much now? We are letting this tear us apart rather than bringing us together. Everyone wants a "conversation" about racial issues, but it always ends up as an argument, with one side claiming the other is this, and the other side accusing the other of being that.

Nobody alive now was a slave or slave master. What we have are people and groups taking a symbol and perverting it to fit their cause or feelings. We also have children and young adults claiming this symbol is hurtful and makes them feel the angst of their ancestors.

Where does this leave us? Can we ever have this "conversation" so many call for? Will we come to a time when we are referring to each other as Americans, rather than hyphenated Americans? When will we all laugh together about how we are fighting about this current issue?

I'll be sitting in the racist, ignorant corner if you need me.

Money to be made in hyphenated amaricans. So don't expect it anytime soon. Sadly race issues make money and they elect politicians I have no solution on how to correct it either. But I do know currently we go to alot of trouble to separate ourselves. Human nature we feEl better associating with one group or another I guess.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 04:46 AM
Only in the U.S.A! The pen from a legislators fingertips is what ruins America. We have too many stupid rules and they're making more every day.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: awareness10

What about the people whose heritage comes from that flag representing their people being forcefully brought over from their home lands and being forced to work day in and day out without due compensation?

I am pretty sure that would be either the british flag or the early precursor to the US flag as that had been going on pretty much since the first ship landed here.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: awareness10
a reply to: Krazysh0t

You assume too much, because reverse psychology works, now i want to go buy a tshirt with a swastika on it, but facing the opposite way 'round the way it was meant to be.

Go do it. I don't care. Heck I wouldn't even care if I saw you wearing it. If you can make it into a fashion statement though I'd bet you'd run into the same controversy as with the Confederate flag, so watch out. But again, -I- don't give a damn what you wear. Freedom of speech protects clothing.

I don't know how it is in America but everything seems to be a touchy subject there, way too much drama for me, but my observations are quite swift, like watching fish interact through a large tank. Sometimes it's easier to view from the other side.

Your observations are indicative of the opinions on the internet and the way the media presents us. Come to this country and talk to people and you'd find they act MUCH differently in person. Not to say we don't have our share of people with overly sensitive feelings, its just that the media always shows the worst in a people.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: Bobaganoosh
I tried not to have an opinion on any of this controversy until now.... Now it has gone too far.

Did this car bring slaves from Africa?

Did this car oppress society?

What the hell?

I'm so pissed. Lets just get together to fix a non-freaking-issue as the world crumbles. Skin color isn't nearly as noticeable as skin thickness. I'm sick of whiners. Sick of the easily offended, who bring the offense upon themselves most times.

Let us just erase everything. Let us just kid ourselves into believing this is progress. Let us buy into a delusion of equality.

Christ.... Texas needs to break off from this sinking ship before it is too late.

This car never hurt anybody.. It never shot up a church... I hate people right now, and I'm sorry if it offends.

Thank you for the nice, refreshing dose of common sense!

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: Bobaganoosh
I tried not to have an opinion on any of this controversy until now.... Now it has gone too far.

I hate people right now, and I'm sorry if it offends.

I think what you meant to say here was..... I hate 'STUPID' people right now, and I'm sorry if it offends you IDIOTS.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: tnhiker

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: awareness10

What about the people whose heritage comes from that flag representing their people being forcefully brought over from their home lands and being forced to work day in and day out without due compensation?

I am pretty sure that would be either the british flag or the early precursor to the US flag as that had been going on pretty much since the first ship landed here.

If you check your history you may find that slavery continued in The U.S. for a further 99 years after The Declaration Of Independence.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: Kromlech

The general has been on tv recently in ads. Unless they are going to dissolve the first amendment there wont be anything keeping people from placing a confederate flag image on their car.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: tmeister182
a reply to: Kromlech

The general has been on tv recently in ads. Unless they are going to dissolve the first amendment there wont be anything keeping people from placing a confederate flag image on their car.

People can put a big Swastika on thier cars too, add some KKK characters on the side saying white power, it wont play out too well in the long run in my opinion. Sure people can do it but it sure wouldnt be the smartest thing to do. . . .

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 09:19 AM
The country is totaly insane in the head right now.Letting people do whatever the hell they want in politics.THne letting laws pass to bann it and not understandging anything about it.
NWO agenda will cause ww3 and they are pushing all over the place to kill off conservative history .

The entire country states will all be red in future elections once sane democrats start waking up to the insanity.
edit on 25-6-2015 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: Jobeycool
The country is totaly insane in the head right now.Letting people do whatever the hell they want in politics.THne letting laws pass to bann it and not understandging anything about it.
NWO agenda will cause ww3 and they are pushing all over the place to kill off conservative history .

The entire country states will all be red in future elections once sane democrats start waking up to the insanity.

Wrong no one wants that, no one wants any of it. I think racism in the near future will be considered hate speech and people will start doing serious jail time for it, I say its about time.
edit on 25-6-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 10:21 AM
To those that have stated that a 2/3rd majority want it gone, need I remind them of World War 2, when a vocal majority of Germans wanted Hitler in power? And how did that turn out?

You have to remember, people, that sometimes the majority are just a bunch of loud mouthed sheep, that go along with the crowd, because they THINK something is the right thing to do, without actually thinking through the consequences.

And if someone is willing to get offended over a piece of cloth, then I guess there should be quite a big banwave on other pieces of cloth, like, well, priests outfits, considering how many priests have molested children, or maybe Islamic garb, considering how many acts of violence have been perpetrated in the name of Islam.

I'm reminded of a quote Stephen Fry once uttered, that is quite relevant when it comes to this subject - "It's now rather common to hear people say 'I'm offended by that,' as if it gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I'm OFFENDED by that.' Well so f*cking what?"

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 10:36 AM
I'm sure many of us thought about this moment every time the South Carolina subject came up. I'm not sure how these two situations are related, but I was pretty sure someone would make the connection and react inappropriately. LOL

BTW, I'm all for removing the taunting flag in SC.

EDIT: Well, the General Lee toys are now way out of my price range. LOL
edit on 25-6-2015 by gentledissident because: hot item

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic
Yes, this was a voluntary decision made by a private company. But it was made because of pressure from small, tirelessly active, segments of society who seek to destroy people and businesses they deem 'not progressive enough.'

Exercising their own right to choose which business to patronize is not enough for these people. Joining like-minded others in boycott is not enough, either. They relentlessly smear, harass, and interfere with businesses and employees, and flood civil courts with frivolous litigation. It is very expensive for a company to defend against, and of course leads to bad press which equals bad business.

So I don't blame the company for caving to the pressure early, but had they showed backbone and stood up to this PC hate...well I might feel compelled to go buy me a miniature General Lee just to show support. Well, at least a t-shirt.

You won't hear me calling for legal action against these PC activists, though. It's within their right to be controlling assholes. Hopefully the Duck Dynasty effect will show companies there is more money in standing up for free speech than there is in caving to pressure from a small portion of America.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: alldaylong

originally posted by: tnhiker

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: awareness10

What about the people whose heritage comes from that flag representing their people being forcefully brought over from their home lands and being forced to work day in and day out without due compensation?

I am pretty sure that would be either the british flag or the early precursor to the US flag as that had been going on pretty much since the first ship landed here.

If you check your history you may find that slavery continued in The U.S. for a further 99 years after The Declaration Of Independence.

Yes...I am well aware of that. I was pointing out the fact that the flag that was flying when slaves were brought here initially was british or the early versions of the US flag. Not the confederate. My point being slaves were brought here under those flags as well, and in fact those flags were the ones that started slavery here. So, lets ban them as well?

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: irishhaf
a reply to: Kromlech

Oh ffs..I really hate the PC crowd... Yet another piece of my childhood memories gone.

geez...if we could only get all the African-Americans to move back to Africa, then your childhood memories would be restored.

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