I have been thinking about the TPP and I wanted to offer a solution rather than simply complain.
I'm not interested if you believe it's possible, I'm wanting to know what you would do with a clean slate.
If ATS could write it what would it look like?
Below is my suggestion. Please share your thoughts, and what you would do differently.
Steps to a new age of trade.
1. Universal Fiat Currency
Currency in circulation will be citizens times X-dollars. Each nation's monetary supply will be based on total number of citizens, not GDP. This will
ensure a more even distribution of currency to third world nations. This will also eliminate the volatile exchange rates and put us into a true global
suply and demand system.
I believe this is the only route to a non inflationary/deflationary system based solely on global supply and demand. The Gold standard is a trap that
keeps the power in the hands of a few.
2. Wealth Cap
Establish a maximum amount of monetary wealth that can be maintained by each person. Eliminating hoarding will naturally stimulate the economy. All
monies in excess of the maximum allowed will be taken in a one time wealth tax, as we switch to the global currency.
3. Eliminate Debt and Usury
Eliminate the Federal Reserve. Eliminate all debt created from Private fractional reserve banking. All future banking will be handled by a true
national bank. Eliminate usury and maintain a Maximum term of 10 years for all loans.
If a nation does not have the ability to repay a loan within 10 years, it will be forgiven, and will be covered by the global monetary fund.
If an individual cannot repay, it will be forgiven after 10 years and be covered by the national budgets.
This limits a mans slavery to debt to 10 years. Debt should only be incurred for the most expensive purchases and investments. The final goal is to
become a debt free surplus society.
4. Create Global Monetary Fund
Established to fund 0 interest loans for natural disasters or other emergencies. Cover all government loans in default after 10 years. Fund national
and any potential international elections.
5. Establish a Universal Min Wage.
The current model has lead to both slave like conditions in some nations, and a huge waste of resources when we are shipping pickles from India to US
Dollar stores. We can grow our own pickles and stop exploiting cheap foreign labor.
6. Establish a Universal Max Wage
The universal maximum wage set at minimum wage times X. We need to limit but not control income disparity.
7. Establish a Universal Tax rate.
Eliminate IRS. All deposits taxed at the same rate globally. The only fair tax is a flat tax. With a maximum wage set this will prove to be fair and
7. 100% free trade.
With a universal min wage and universal currency, the exploitation of foreign labor will end and we will see jobs return to the US. Not everything
needs to be produced everywhere but we need to be smart with what products we are shipping internationally.
8. Universal working standards.
Similar to the current US standards found in most states. Example; number of hours, OT, OSHA.
9. Eliminate Wall Street and all other stock exchanges.
All shares will be returned to active employees. Current shareholders will be reimbursed up to the maximum allowed monetary wealth.
10. Establish Investment Platform
We need to start over and ensure we create an investment platform that brings entrepreneurs together. The current investment model has proven to
benefit only a few of the wealthiest individuals.
11. Democratic Elections
Nations leaders must be democratically elected, serving terms not to exceed 10 years. Current non democratic systems have 10 years to comply.
Elections to be funded by the Global Monetary Fund to ensure equal distribution to all potential candidates. In nations where the number of candidates
is too numerous, regional debates will proceed national debates to reduce the number of candidates at the national level.
12. The USA will refuse to trade with any with any nation that does not agree with all the aforementioned policies.
The reason for change.
1. We will no longer support the exploitation of foreign workers.
2. We will no longer support massive income disparity.
3. We will no longer allow usury or private banking to create massive wealth disparity.
4. We will no longer allow the wealthy to exploit the hard workers that punch into a time clock each day. A man will not be able to generate
additional wealth simply because he is wealthy. The wealthy will have to take risks like everyone else.
5. We will no longer allow the wealthy to dictate who has the means to run for office.
6. We deem all governments not established by democratically elected officials to be barbaric.
7. The government of the people, by the people, and for the people will be restored to the people. And we the people will ensure the spread of such
government to all nations.
Is there anything you would add or do differently, and why?
edit on 23-6-2015 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)