I feel it necessary to vent, since I am most vexed, and in need of release. The issue I have is without a doubt, one of those first world problems
which has no importance in the wider scheme of things, but gets right in under my skin, and agitates my lymph nodes.
Punk and Metal share linked roots, because metal is basically punk with blues infusion and both its gonads left in place. I respect that. I respect
the history of those musical genres as well, and the rich generational history of the fandom also. Of course, we know that some metal bands, like
Metallica, sold out and forgot their roots, because they hate Napster even though bootlegging is what got them their fame. Plus, if you make music
because it earns more money than you could ever spend, you probably aren't worth listening to anyway. It is love of a thing, that makes a person
create art, not desire and avarice.
However, what I was not entirely aware of until today, is just how deep the rot has gone, when it comes to alternative music listeners and lifestyle,
and how far they have sold out for profit.
As some of you may recall, I posted a thread about my new "battle jacket" (this being the jacket a metalhead wears, which bares the names of his or
her favourite bands by way of sew on patches). I have affixed my patches from my old jacket, and although I do need some more patches, I also wanted
to put some basic spikes or cone studs on there. Now, during the seventies, before the advent of my arrival on Earth, punks were already modifying
their gear with spikes and studs and razor blades, barbed wire and probably Ebola swabs as well for all I know.
What I do know for certain, is that none of them had to take out a bloody mortgage on one of their organs, in order to pay for materials with which
to achieve a spiked, violent looking end result on their jackets and other sundry modified items. The same goes for the metalheads of yesteryear. No
self respecting old school thrash fan would have spent masses of cash on modifying his or her battle jacket, when they could have spent the money on
beer and decibels.
So imagine my utter, complete, and volcanic rage when I discovered that to put the required number of spikes on my new battle jacket, in this era of
metal fandom, it would cost more than one hundred pounds from a site which is literally called ! I am only talking about just
under five hundred little studs here, not a custom made, pre-studded designer shoe! And that's only to get the studding process STARTED mind you, to
cover an area of 490x80mm across the shoulders of my jacket. I was thinking I would start small, get the shoulders coated in metal, then go to my
yearly pilgrimage to Bloodstock Open Air, get more patches, put them on, and see how much free space was left to cover completely in metal. Well...
Even at half that price... Screw that!
The whole appeal of self modified clothing, was that it was a cheap way to badass up some clothing, and the habit became popular in an age where
getting hold of hardcore gear was like trying to pull blood from the crust of the Earth beneath your feet. Have we really fallen so far, that even the
punks have decided that it is cool to charge a fellow anti-establishment, pro freedom, anti-capitalist through the nose for BLOODY STUDS OF ALL
I love heavy metal, and I respect its origins in punk and elsewhere. But I cannot respect what certain aspects of the fandom have become, using our
traditions as a way to make money, stacks of it, and boatloads more than the wares they are flogging are worth. Now, I am sure I could get these studs
cheaper elsewhere, if I wanted to order in from China, and yes, they would more than likely be much crappier studs, I know that.
But the point stands. I am pig sick of everything that used to be done on the cheap, because it could be done on the cheap, now being impossible to
do without sitting down and doing a crap load of paperwork and banking before actually getting on with.
And while I am having a rant in general... What the hell is going on with the availability of studs these days anyway? Not one of the local
haberdashers carries them, none of the music shops, none of the clothing stores. It's like the only people selling this stuff are on the net, and I
hate, I hate, I HATE shopping on the God damned internet. I just want to walk into a place with say, forty or fifty quid, shop around for different
styles of stud, and then walk out again with a bag full of metal, and a smile on my face. Am I allowed to do this simple bloody thing? NO I AM NOT!
No, I have to go onto the net, and involve myself in a bloody card purchase if I am ever going to get a hold of anything to put on this jacket other
than patches.
This period in history, and the sheer hypocrisy which is rife within it, is seriously making me want to spit nails. And you know what, it is also
making me think that I might as well just stick to patches with my jacket, much as it will irk me, because I refuse, point blank, to pay designer
prices, for stuff that I want to put on my clothing my own damned self.
Screw the whole industry, but most of all, screw punks selling things at inflated prices. That is the most gigantic hypocrisy I have ever heard of in
the entirety of the alternative music scene. A big middle finger to that whole scenario.
Right... That's better... I'm done. Your turn!
edit on 23-6-2015 by TrueBrit because: Grammatical error removal