posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 04:32 PM
Today was incredibly rainy and dull. That being the mood of the day, I decided to watch a movie on the couch with all of the animals. I decided on
Jodi Wille's 'The Source Family', which documents the rise and fall of Jim Baker's commune, some say cult, The Source Family, which sprang out of
his health food restaurant in the early 70's.
I was so intrigued by the story. As a generally anti social person who actually loves people, parties, etc. I could very much see my 16-17-18 year old
self getting pulled into an emerging commune such as Jim Baker's. After watching the movie, I totally get the motivations of the members. Even though
some ended up broken, many went on to enjoy very fruitful lives.
I hate to spoil the documentary for anyone who hasn't seen it and would like to, but I would like to ask the question of other ATS members: What
about you? Would your young self delight in living a simple, commune life, with a rich 'Father' who kept you housed and fed and served as a
spiritual leader? Would your older self? Do you have experience as part of a commune or 'family'?
If your opinion is ..what a bunch of hippy idiots, I get that too; but, to each their own.