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Yards are manly places. They are a land of barbecues, lawnmowers and tool sheds - the domain of macho men and the home of comfortable, suburban, non-threatening family life.
You certainly wouldn't want anything gay-ing it up. So after Julie Baker of Baltimore hung a row of multicoloured solar lights in her yard, she claimed that she received a letter of complaint from a concerned neighbour.
Fair enough, perhaps - any responsible parent would obviously be worried about the power of the offending lights to recruit youngsters to the Relentlessly Gay cause.
But the letter went further, threatening to involve law enforcement agencies in the fight against the rainbow jars.
originally posted by: snowspirit
Skittles tells us to taste the rainbow.....
Your yard has become Relentlessly Gay.
originally posted by: Aleister
My neighbors and I are in the process of chasing all the butterflies, lightning bugs, and tiny dogs out of our neighborhood. Just doing my part.
originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: cuckooold
Maybe I'm just being cynical, but this isn't passing the sniff test for me. I smell bs. The letter seems off to me.
Funny this turned into a fundraiser and has net 26k so quickly.