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It's Suggested I might be a Time Traveler

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posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: PurpleDog UK

Oh how i would like this to be true(that would mean time travel is possible and that would be sooooo awesome) but.....
-The tattoo look drawn with a pen....
-How did she see the tattoo with a "dress up shirt"
-Why would he go to the restaurant and then when she tells him about him being a time travel"start pacing back and forth talking to himself" if he knew that will happen
-All the time he came there,she never thought once to sneak and take a pic?

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 07:19 AM
You've also posted this 'story' in another ATS thread Link

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 08:45 AM
Yea..sorry OP but that tattoo does not even look real. Or done at all if it is.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 08:53 AM
Could just be another version of you from a different timeline, no big deal. . . .

But how on earth did he get to this universes frequency?

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: lightedhype

The tattoo is done in multiple ink colours, it will look like that, especially after the toll of time.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 10:41 AM
Standard trope, read Journey to Arcturus.
a reply to: LAkadian

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 10:53 AM
Please give me ALL the numbers for Fridays lottery as it's a triple roll over. Then I'll believe your a time traveller. I'll give you a cut.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

Why would someone commit decades of winning lottery number combinations to memory?

I never understand that line of thought when dealing with potential time travellers.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 11:05 AM
I'd go to the restaurant where this "Charles" visits and wait for him if I were you.

When he's seated, I'd make sure I sit a ways off within sight of him. I'd then roll up my sleeve and make my tattoo very visible so that he could see.

If he approaches and wants to talk, I'd record it on my phone. Either way, I'd have a friend nearby to document the mans reactions regardless.

If time travel is possible in our lifetimes, I wonder why the future me hasn't tried to meet me. What a bummer, I'd like to meet future me, even if he couldn't tell me about the future. We'd probably get along great at any rate.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
Please give me ALL the numbers for Fridays lottery as it's a triple roll over. Then I'll believe your a time traveller. I'll give you a cut.

If he had them why would he give them to you to get a "cut"? He would just play the numbers...

Anyways, OP you will need more "proof" if you want anyone on here to believe even a portion of this crazy story! So far there is nothing but "if's".....I don't see how you could even connect this together really based on your story...

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom

If time travel is possible in our lifetimes, I wonder why the future me hasn't tried to meet me. What a bummer, I'd like to meet future me, even if he couldn't tell me about the future. We'd probably get along great at any rate.

Yeah, I know why future me hasn't met me if it's possible, that guys's a jerk. Tries to make dumb jokes all the time and is only really moderately funny. I really don't like him at all...

OP: Interesting story, can't say I believe you, maybe your friends are playing a joke on you? I think more likely you are writing a story, and want us to help you find loopholes in your story.
edit on 6/17/2015 by PsychoEmperor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: lightedhype

Hahaha sorry, but this made me laugh at you. I assure you it is a real tattoo. I paid for it.
I've looked down at it during many drunk nights and told myself to "ride the spiral".
It's a guide to life. That's why it's on my forearm.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: PsychoEmperor

I will promise all of you (even the jerks) I am not intentionally misleading anyone. I trust my friend that he is not either.
We have been friends for 7 years, and through lots of misfortune with one another.
If anyone is messing with people, it would be this waitress girl.
I'm not writing a story, I just want people's thoughts on how crazy it is...
Mostly, to help figure out if I should believe it myself.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: LAkadian

Well definitely keep us posted. Somehow this might all be coincidental, or the waitress is a liar, but I believe your version of events at the very least. Don't go disappearing on us.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 03:37 PM
are you serious? time travel, cannot be achieved by physical means if it were to be possible, at best it would be a dimension that a human cannot see with their restricted eyesight, so charlie could not physically take part in our dimension even if he stumpled into it. I am not trying to destroy your belief but really it sounds more like someting from the twilight zone than real life. I can't buy into it, so I'm gonna dismiss it as over reaction, we are all looking for magic on this planet, apart from the kind delivered by nature. sometimes we will use a bit of make believe just to satisfy the want and need in us. there is no connection between you and that guy, move on, or if you can't go and meet him face to face, follow him discreetly when he leaves but don't frighten him. Find out where he goes how hard can that be. thousands of people have the same tatoo as your's and his. nothing odd about that. thousands of people have moles below their right ear, nothing odd about that either. none of them are time travellers nothing odd about that also.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 05:25 PM
i read somewhere (possibly ATS) that the lottery is a way to catch illegal time travelers. i think the possibility of time travel is cool, but not possible. even if it isn't possible now wouldn't someone come back and get caught. someone time travels to 1980 and drops his iphone 60S kind of thing. but i can get lost in sci-fi time stories.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: LAkadian

Any plans of meeting your future self?

Sounds like you might end up in a real life version of Looper.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

What if the guy didn't time travel at all? What if it's his superpower a la Cable?

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: vonspurter

HAHAHAHA All these alleged "inconsistencies" in the story and all the naiiers wanna do is fuss about my very real tattoo.
It hurt when I got it, you weirdos. Why would I fake having a tattoo? What are we, 12 years old?
Next, are we gonna say I stole one of my dad's beers?
Poke holes in the story and the details. Otherwise, just find something else to read on here.
It's not that hard. My tattoo isn't "drawn on", and neither is my beard. I'm 25 years old, gentlemen.

posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: mikeone718

That's what my friend said. I ain't wanna die. He's "71" so he can die first. That's manners.

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