+18 more
posted on Jun, 16 2015 @ 06:07 PM
Caitlyn Jenner is a woman, so he says. His DNA, his chromosomes, his man parts in tact, all are biologically male. Yet all agree he is a woman and
champion him as a trailblazer.
Now Rachel Dolezal who was born a blue eyed blonde female. Her DNA, her genetics are those of a fair skinned, blue, eyed blond, everything society
says is "white". Yet she says she is really black. No one is really challenging her, as a matter of fact, it seems that society is going to accept
her assertion as a trans-racial person.
My daughters 1/2 Cherokee fighter pilot friend he has decided he is no longer cherokee he is now a narnian, he has self identified as a narnian and
feels like he always belonged in Narnia.
I think I have decided I am 16, I really feel 16, and asked my son in law if I should change my birth certificate and go back to high school.
He said, sure, why not, it would probably work.
What about you?
What have you decided to be regardless of your genetics or birth certificate, telomeres, or DNA?