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Reality is a Simulation

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posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 06:12 PM
I listened to the audiobook version of this yesterday and thought it would fit in nicely here. I found a reading of it on Youtube. It's about 9 minutes long, but it's worth watching/listening to.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom
"You are every human that ever lived. You are Jesus, you are Hitler; you hurt another you are hurting yourself. As a part or (particle) of God you are growing still". Nice contribution MM; for me this message totally resonates.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: akushla99

originally posted by: Trachel

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
a reply to: Trachel

Well, one of the revelations you have when you merge back with the "is-ness" that is everything is that you chose your life.

I believe this completely. Have you ever read Journe y of Souls? A hypnotherapist reveals his case files about the world we visit between lives, and many of his clients report back that exact same thing.

They were offered a choice between several different lives, and all personally chose the one they're currently living.

Pretty interesting stuff!

Free will, at all 'levels'...

And you thought you were just taking a nap; experiencing in nano-seconds the compete conquering of Rome as part of the Visigoth invasion.

Not quite sleep/not quite wake

Visigoth Mickey, somewhere in between the 2...the waking dream-fear of falling off a tightrope to maceration (and then what?)...or, dreaming reassembled Kricfalusi and 'waking' in a sweat to a waking dream on a tightrope - napping is being the expert tightrope walker in-between...we don't 'sleep' much...and 'simulate' both, otherwise we would be part of the in-crowd, thinking the comedy routine a real-time, Omen pentology...which some do...


posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 07:49 PM
originally posted by: akushla99
originally posted by: veteranhumanbeing

someone: Well, one of the revelations you have when you merge back with the "is-ness" that is everything is that you chose your life.

someone else: I believe this completely. Have you ever read Journe y of Souls? A hypnotherapist reveals his case files about the world we visit between lives, and many of his clients report back that exact same thing.
They were offered a choice between several different lives, and all personally chose the one they're currently living.
Pretty interesting stuff!

akushla99: Free will, at all 'levels'...

vethumanbeing: And you thought you were just taking a nap; experiencing in nano-seconds the compete conquering of Rome as part of the Visigoth invasion.


Not quite sleep/not quite wake
Visigoth Mickey, somewhere in between the 2...the waking dream-fear of falling off a tightrope to maceration (and then what?)...or, dreaming reassembled Kricfalusi and 'waking' in a sweat to a waking dream on a tightrope - nappinIg is being the expert tightrope walker in-between...we don't 'sleep' much...and 'simulate' both, otherwise we would be part of the in-crowd, thinking the comedy routine a real-time, Omen pentology...which some do...

Mickey was not a Disneyesk cartoon at this point (this was serious conquering). Who's dream do you think, Mankind's alternative to war and strife or a really good reproduction of "The Ten Commandments" meets "Spinal Tap" and everyone is a rock and roll hero or king of the world (MOSES). Honestly I don't think I sleep; I am always traveling in the astral. SO TIIRED in the morning WAKE UP!! Its time to be normal in the 3D existence; fake it throughout the day and wait for what comes at night WHEN REAL HAPPENS. This place is pure comedy; we simulate both the physical and astral and are not told the mechanism of the WHYS? I am trying to figure out who the script writers are (I would FIRE THEM). There also needs to be a new production team because their message seems blurred audience wise (GOD EXISTS HOLLYWOOD STYLE); as turned out to be the B MOVIES (Snakes on a Plane/Sharknado) variety. Who is playing the joke; us with god or god with us.
edit on 9-7-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 09:22 PM
A very good thread, my attention is drawn to the lesson that the universe is a kind of simulation. Which means there are builders as well as maintainers.

I suggest you have a look at the book Autobiography Of A Yogi, it talks about this in one of its chapters dealing with the ressurection of a spiritual guru here:
"You have read in the scriptures," Master went on, "that God encased the human soul successively in three bodies-the idea, or causal, body; the subtle astral body, seat of man's mental and emotional natures; and the gross physical body. On earth a man is equipped with his physical senses. An astral being works with his consciousness and feelings and a body made of lifetrons.2 A causal-bodied being remains in the blissful realm of ideas. My work is with those astral beings who are preparing to enter the causal world."

"Adorable Master, please tell me more about the astral cosmos." Though I had slightly relaxed my embrace at Sri Yukteswar's request, my arms were still around him. Treasure beyond all treasures, my guru who had laughed at death to reach me!

"There are many astral planets, teeming with astral beings," Master began. "The inhabitants use astral planes, or masses of light, to travel from one planet to another, faster than electricity and radioactive energies.

"The astral universe, made of various subtle vibrations of light and color, is hundreds of times larger than the material cosmos. The entire physical creation hangs like a little solid basket under the huge luminous balloon of the astral sphere. Just as many physical suns and stars roam in space, so there are also countless astral solar and stellar systems. Their planets have astral suns and moons, more beautiful than the physical ones. The astral luminaries resemble the aurora borealis-the sunny astral aurora being more dazzling than the mild-rayed moon-aurora. The astral day and night are longer than those of earth.

"The astral world is infinitely beautiful, clean, pure, and orderly. There are no dead planets or barren lands. The terrestrial blemishes-weeds, bacteria, insects, snakes-are absent. Unlike the variable climates and seasons of the earth, the astral planets maintain the even temperature of an eternal spring, with occasional luminous white snow and rain of many-colored lights. Astral planets abound in opal lakes and bright seas and rainbow rivers.

"The ordinary astral universe-not the subtler astral heaven of Hiranyaloka-is peopled with millions of astral beings who have come, more or less recently, from the earth, and also with myriads of fairies, mermaids, fishes, animals, goblins, gnomes, demigods and spirits, all residing on different astral planets in accordance with karmic qualifications. Various spheric mansions or vibratory regions are provided for good and evil spirits. Good ones can travel freely, but the evil spirits are confined to limited zones. In the same way that human beings live on the surface of the earth, worms inside the soil, fish in water, and birds in air, so astral beings of different grades are assigned to suitable vibratory quarters.

Theres alot more he goes on talking about the other worlds and the cosmic setup we are in, which I happen to think is all true. It explains the simulation in detail and how it all works just click the link if you want to know more about this very interesting topic.
edit on 26-9-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord
Uninformed at birth by a higher self/being (every human) has the unique ability to define and also own (defend) this individual truth. Yours is particularly striking/memorable. You might like this book "The Third Eye"; the autobiography of a Tibetan Lama by T. Lobsang Rampa.
edit on 28-9-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 07:09 PM
sounds like divinorum but would have expected more lucid out of body realizations while out of simul

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
a reply to: FormOfTheLord
Uninformed at birth by a higher self/being (every human) has the unique ability to define and also own (defend) this individual truth. Yours is particularly striking/memorable. You might like this book "The Third Eye"; the autobiography of a Tibetan Lama by T. Lobsang Rampa.

Thanks for your good words, I will have a look, we are all unique in our own ways.

It got me thinking if reality is a simulation perhaps the source isnt physical/material it could be astral.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord
ASTRAL (the all caps do no justice to this form).

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: Milah
sounds like divinorum but would have expected more lucid out of body realizations while out of simul

I am interested; say again?

posted on Dec, 27 2021 @ 04:42 PM
edit on Mon Dec 27 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

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