posted on Jun, 16 2015 @ 05:47 PM
Obviously an opportunist and perhaps slightly delusional. I read that she tried suing a black college she attended for discrimination against her for
being white. The irony!
There are some girls in the UK that call themselves ''wiggers'', their term, not mine, that are white girls dating black guys, they fake tan
themselves orange, paint on black eyebrows, colour their hair black and speak 'gangsta lingo'. Odious but at least they are a bit more honest.
It is bizarre that people can't just be themselves, racially. There are women bleaching their skin in other lands. I know of a person that did
something similar in the 80's, naturally darkish skinned white person that afro'd their hair, coloured it black and suntanned themselves teak brown,
they did the whole playing the victim thing due to being 'black', even though they weren't.
Such behaviour is also a reflection of society and the trend for being ''victims''.
edit on 16-6-2015 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason